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Woman has epic meltdown in public

Joe Kovacs

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Jan. 20, 2015

A woman in British Columbia begins screaming wildly after missing her ferry.

“Missing the boat” is taking on brand-new meaning now that a video is going viral showing a woman’s temper tantrum when she was late to catch her ferry.

The epic meltdown took place in British Columbia, Canada, on New Year’s Eve, and was just posted online Monday, surging to nearly half a million hits in a single day.

The original poster, “Spotted in Victoria,” explains: “She had a little temper tantrum after finding out that BC ferries were full! If you’re drinking anything, make sure to put your cup down before watching the video.”

Watch video of the incident, which possibly contains an obscenity:


But according to CTV, BC Ferries indicated the woman had actually missed her boarding time by three minutes.

The unidentified woman, seen rolling a small, black suitcase behind her and carrying two shoulder bags, turns from the counter and walks away when she shrieks in a high-pitched, unintelligible voice.

As she approaches the terminal exit, she can be heard screaming, “You have no idea what it means to people! No [bleeping] idea! No feeling!”

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The video has more than 441,000 views on Facebook, with some 1,800 comments and 5,300 shares.

“I think a lot of us can sympathize with the woman for being upset in that scenario since I’m certain we’ve all had similar experiences,” Pavitar Sidhu, who runs Spotted in Victoria, told CTV News. “But it’s 2015, and someone recorded it.”

Some Facebook commenters are expressing sympathy for the woman.

“I don’t find this funny,” wrote Vanessa Dong. “It’s sad how other people’s problems and distress become everyone else’s entertainment. Nobody actually knows what went on or what happened. Maybe she is going through a really tough time and nobody seems to be understanding or being sensitive to her situation. Please don’t join the train and judge people when you don’t know what their situation is.”

Others were a little less empathetic.

“People need to learn to treat others with some decency,” said Evan DeLucry. “You showed up late and missed the boat. Sh– happens, deal with it.”

“I had no idea anyone with mental illness is now just expected to be a tantrum-throwing lunatic!” wrote Andrew Browne. “How insulting to those with mental illness. The amount of mental gymnastics people are going through to defend this lady all the while insulting those with mental illness is stupefying.”

“I have an almost three year old daughter who doesn’t carry on like this,” said Stephanie Major. “There’s a couple of proud parents out there i bet … way to go girlie!! And thanks to technology, you’ll still be able to watch yourself when you’re 60!”

“I wish it came with subtitles,” wrote Kathleen McLeod.

And Scott Matheson noted: “Daaamn girl settle. Another one will be there in an hour.”

Article printed from WND: