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Finally Some Really Good News

Preston James

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Nov. 20, 2014

Bingo, all the Dots connect–Nobody Died at Sandy Hook !

This is truly Great news for all Americans. Yes, Happy Days can be here Again in America !

Shout it out from the Rooftops of America, NO DEAD KIDS !

Lately it seems like everything in the news is gloom and doom.

The economy is as bad as it has ever been, unemployment and underemployment at all time highs. Wars and rumors of wars. A sense of gloom and doom has descended on America.

Sandy hook was the final straw, even our kids aren’t safe at school from guns and nutty gun-owners of any age, at least that is what the American Masses were led to believe by Mainstream Media News Reports about the events at Sandy Hook Public School.

The reports from Sandy Hook alone generated thousands of cases of Post Traumatic Stress type reactions in sensitive, caring Americans, especially mothers and dads with young kids in grade school, with the same approximate ages of those kids the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) announced as murder victims there.

And on top of all that some economic experts have predicted a soon to come major economic collapse inside America or even another major World War, this time perhaps a nuclear WW3 with Russia and China starting in either Iraq, the Ukraine or both.

Finally, there is some light in the darkness. I bring this good news to you with great happiness and joy. This is the kind of Good News we can all rejoice in and celebrate.

But don’t ever expect any really good news to be truthfully reported in the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM). It always has to originate in the Alternative News on the worldwide Internet, on Websites like Veterans Today and then can be driven in the the CMMM through the mass power of numbers of those who have learned the truth if there are enough of them.