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A great way to separate truth sites from disinfo sites

Jim Stone

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Nov. 11, 2014

There are three great nuclear related topics which can be used as a litmus test to know when a web site is real or run by a member of the opposition. Fortunately many of the big ones, such as Icke, Alex Jones, Natural News, WRH, and many of the smaller ones are true opposition, though a few may argue that Alex Jones is not. But he does pass this particular nuclear litmus test. Anyone who fails this test, which is an easy one, can only be the opposition because the truth is simply too self evident for anyone to miss, especially considering the high profile publications that at least told the truth (albeit often fleetingly).


Undeniable and obvious truth #1 - The Japan earthquake was not as presented.

The 9.0 earthquake never happened. All you need to know this fact is to look at the pictures of the perfectly undamaged cities as the nuclear tsunami rolls in, the Sendai damage reports, which reported zero collapsed structures, and the seismic records, which show the peak magnitude was 6.67 and 100 KM inland. This fact was perfectly corroborated by multiple Youtube videos which show no quake damage as the tsunami rolls in, and the fact that China and Korea had absolutely no damage, when Shanghai and Seoul should have been severely damaged, if not leveled if Japan really did have a 9.0+.


Undeniable and obvious truth #2. - Fukushima could not have happened as stated in the MSM, and was in fact a virus attack timed to the weak man made earthquake and vastly over scale nuclear tsunami

Stuxnet, which was written by the CIA and handed to Israel on a silver platter, caused the disasters at reactors 1 and 2, and mayhem at reactor 3 before the nuclear weapon, peddled off as a security camera by Israel, finished the job at 3. Reactors 3 and 4 had enhanced safety systems which would have prevented any virus from destroying them, so those two got the nukes.

But that is beside the point with regard to Stuxnet. Here's the kicker -