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Jim Stone

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Oct. 25, 2014

The first one by me, the second one by others.

#1. Eric Duncan photographed as Director of Libera Peace Corps

Ebola scam blown away.


Thomas Eric Duncan IN LIBERIA, where GREEN IS THE OFFICIAL COLOR OF EBOLA working for the Peace Corps at a social gathering for "Ebola" workers. This is the official bust on the Eric Duncan scam, the story about him in the media never once covered the fact he was directly involved in the "Ebola" effort while working for the Peace Corps and this photo cinches it like a hang mans noose.

Thomas Eric Duncan was a bank vice president for Bank Of America for 15 consecutive years prior to going to work for the federal government in the Peace Corps. Shills had me doubting this by sending me pictures of a white guy as Thomas Eric Duncan. There is a serious problem with this now however, because this picture shows Thomas Eric Duncan at a high level gathering in Liberia, where all colors are sychronized - the drink, the napkin, the shirt - with the official color of Ebola.


Interesting it is that the Peace Corps got called home three days before Ebola Eric hit the news, PERFECT TIMING for him to be assigned to play the part as the first "Ebola victim" in America.


 Take a look at the official color of the Sandy Hook fraud and compare it to the colors in this Eric Duncan photo. IT IS A MATCH. I discovered this after someone posted a thread mentioning the color coding on the forum, and I had a look into the green color of Ebola. Sure enough, because Thomas Eric Duncan worked as the regional coordinator of the Peace Corps according to his Linkdin, he did have a prominent photo of him working in relation to Ebola in a high level position IN GREEN! PERFECT.

Why was this not ever mentioned in the press? Because the story line was that a poor Liberian wanted to come to America, NOT 15 year top executive for BANK OF AMERICA who was the TOP OF THE TOP of the Peace Corps in Liberia returns home with Ebola, because if he did not die while being identified with that position people could confirm this later with ease.


Linkdin HERE forum thread HERE also see THIS

Strongly worded E-mail about Eric above

Theme colored wedding!

I guess you'll call me a "shill" for pointing out the obvious, but just because Thomas Eric Duncan attended a wedding party in Ghana doesn't mean he was a vice president of a Bank of America for fifteen years. Apparently, anyone who shows you evidence of the real (white) Eric Duncan, which can be found by anyone by a simple Google search on images, wherein he is shown and identified as the real Peace Corps worker -- anyone who points this out to you, is a "shill." Why don't you get some simple humility and admit you're wrong about this one?


My response:

If you do a dated image search of all those white guy Eric Duncan photos, you will quickly discover that they were ALL FAKED IN WITHIN THE LAST MONTH to provide cover. Set your search for results prior to three months ago, they will give you NADA.

If you KNOW that was a wedding, then TELL ME THE NAME OF THE BRIDE. Yep, anyone could color coordinate a wedding, HEY ERIC, IF YOU COME TO MY WEDDING YOU GOTTA WEAR GREEN. Cheery chap he is sitting there, sort of looks like he just got told something he did not want to go along with, perhaps an EBOLA SCAM IN THE U.S.? Why did the girl in the background NOT get kicked out of the wedding for not wearing green? Perhaps she did not work for the Peace Corps so it was NOT REQUIRED. And how does your brain work anyway? IS THERE NOT ANYTHING FISHY ABOUT TWO ERIC DUNCANS ARRIVING FROM LIBERIA WITHIN THE SAME THREE DAYS? Your "white Eric Duncan" would have HAD TO have been practically on the same plane as Ebola Eric, the call back by the Peace Corps put the timing PERFECT. I bet a deep dig would reveal only ONE Eric Duncan on ANY flight from Liberia, WHERE WOULD YOUR WHITE GUY FIT IN? Wake up!


What about Doctor Spencer?

I guess this "wedding" completely undoes the fact that: When the media went to the place where the Ebola doctor Spencer lived to talk to neighbors, the FIRST ONE THEY FOUND knew the real Doctor Spencer very well, SAW HIM DAILY, and said, it is NOT HIM IN THE NEWS, your picture is WRONG and it went out on a live broadcast. In other words, a fake is in the news. How does that bode for the Eric Duncan coverage?

Where is the real Doctor Spencer? Why, he will die of "Ebola" in the back of a 1973 Cadillac when it is set on fire somewhere just West of the Grand Rafael Swell. Wake up and stop making excuses for tyranny!


#2 - Teenage girl says it is NOT the real Doctor Spencer on TV

John Carter wrote:

First I exposed the 10-19 Giants Cowboys game as the signaling of the Ebola spread PSYOP to leave Texas & spread to New York!

Then I exposed the connection between Ebola, a Dallas Texas oil company, the West African Transform Margin & why the USA borders are being kept open!

Now a 16-year-old who lives right next door to Dr. Craig Spencer says that is NOT him!!!


Now if that is not Dr. Craig Spencer on TV... but is an actual crisis actor... then what happened to the REAL Dr. Craig Spencer?


See original related forum post HERE

Admin comment - The real doctor would have to either be in on this or murdered, and considering the last name, I would say he is in on it. This is the sequence for fronting these scams: The original was a real doctor. The impostor then takes the real doctor's name publicly, and continues on his regular life with his original name. Then the impostor "dies". Name change and document change for the identity that died. Now you have two people alive - one who died in the name of the other and will never be noticed, and the original with a new name and face that never showed up in public. Eric duncan was a screw up, that left an evidence trail. This time around it will take someone like this girl to destroy the scam.