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CNN: Inside Liberia's Ebola crisis - Busted: CNN deletes scam Ebola video

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Oc.t 7, 2014

CNN released a video titled "Inside Liberia's Ebola Crisis" which purports to show Ebola victims arriving at a care center. There is no blood of any sort visible anywhere, and the punch line was a kid who walked up to the care center in good spirits, perfectly aware, and then just fell down for no reason at all, perfectly in front of the camera. People noticed the kid was totally fake, and it is no wonder why CNN deleted this obvious hoax video. But I preserved it and will try to get it posted.

VIDEO NOW POSTED. There is no audio because this was recorded with a digital camera at a Starbucks. However, the fake aspect is still clearly visible, especially with the guy who decides to flop out of the ambulance on his own, and the kid who is near the end of the video really blows it for CNN by falling down in the most incredibly fake acting job ever published.

The fact CNN deleted this video screams HOAX even more, I really seriously believe this outbreak is the mother of all hoaxes. AND:

CATCH 22: If we really are screwed with Ebola, it was by design.

With Ebola everywhere in the news, I have only one thing to say - IF it is real (but a mutated form that does not show the classic symptoms) it was intentional, man made, and by design.

A refresher on the most salient points:

First of all, it has been claimed that this strain of Ebola has mutated over 400 times now. Yet Ebola, which is a huge virus that is large enough to show up in fossil records, has not mutated in over 50,000 years. If this new strain really is mutating THAT MUCH, it came from a lab and was an un stable beta version that has yet to settle out and become a consistent strain. In other words, THEY MADE THIS VIRUS and released it on purpose.

Ebola "detection kits" were being tested in the exact same region this outbreak was reported in. So how about the following scenario:

HOW can you test any "Ebola detection" product without active Ebola to test it with? Consider this: Ebola has, historically, showed up so rarely that there would be no way to test an "Ebola detection kit". You cannot run tests of a product if every single result is going to come up negative, simply because the chances of getting a random hit on natural Ebola would be about 50 million to 1. In other words, you cannot run tests on a kit like that without test subjects you created to test the kit with.

SO, how about this for a possibility: They produced what they thought was a non lethal variant of Ebola, that spread through the air easily, and released it on purpose to get test subjects out in the general population who would show up hot in their "Ebola detection kit" tests, yet would not actually develop any serious problems. But they screwed up the genetic code in their tamed down "test Ebola", it began mutating, and then got back most of it's kill potential while remaining airborne. If this is what actually happened, and it was a Jewish company that screwed this up, it would never make the zio press. Additionally, the "Ebola detection kits" could just be a cover story, so they could back up and say OOPS, WE DID NOT MEAN TO TRIGGER A LETHAL OUTBREAK when they did it completely on purpose to fulfill the goals set out on the Georgia Guidestones and Agenda 21.

If the outbreak is real, the latter is true. Because in any real outbreak scenario regarding Ebola, they do not just allow people to go in and out of affected regions unrestricted, there are lock downs and the fact that this did not happen DAY ONE of this "outbreak" proves beyond all doubt that if it is real, it was intentional NO IFS OR BUTS.

I do not know what to think of all of this at this point. I am half way sitting the fence with this one, because there is no substantive evidence any of it is real at all. But if this really is a new bio lab variant, perhaps there would be no outward signs?

Problem: It is claimed people bleed to death via the GI tract, yet even with that statement not a single photo of bloody vomit or stool has surfaced either. And therefore I sit the fence, with a fair amount of doubt any of it is real at all.

Jim Stone

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