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Smithsonian Red-Faced after 'Treblinka Star of David Tiles' Shown to be Not Jewish At All

TNO Staff

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Sept. 23, 2014


The Smithsonian has been a trap door and gatekeeper since day one for out of time, out of place artifacts, or for artifacts that might bring about questions concerning jew fabricated history, including biblical accounts as well. The true history and goings on of planet earth will never come from mainstream academia because their vested purpose, and reason for existence, has always been, and will forever be, to squelch and suppress all conflicting facts of the now currently taught fables.  --- RR


The Smithsonian Institutes’ TV documentary division has been severely embarrassed with the revelation that its recently-released “Treblinka: Hitler’s Killing Machine” documentary—which claimed to have “proved” the existence of “gas chambers” at Treblinka because of the discovery of “tiles with Stars of David,” is an extremely amateurish hoax.

The Smithsonian advertised the documentary on its YouTube Channel by saying that “The watershed discovery of Star of David tiles confirms the existence of Treblinka’s gas chambers and becomes the key to reconstructing the death camp’s sinister workings.”