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Jim Stone

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Sept. 19, 2014

We all know the FEMA camps are real, yet the camps are sitting empty because the NWO/Agenda 21 crowd has concluded the American people are too well armed to take by force. But what if they avoid force by instead using a false flag disease with a huge mortality rate to provide plausible grounds for freedom loving patriots vanishing? Would that work to cull the herd without creating a raging stampede?

Could this "outbreak" really be a ruse to provide plausible cover for the murder of millions if not billions of people the NSA has already profiled as being not desirable in the New World Order? The lack of photographic proof of any outbreak strongly suggests this may be the case.



The NSA provides a profiled list of who lives and who dies to people who will go door to door vaccinating and evacuating people under the ploy of "Ebola". When these people come to your door, they make the decision who lives and dies right then and there. If you refuse a shot, off to the camps you go where you will "die from Ebola," and there will be no witnesses to say otherwise. If you are stupid and agree to the shot, and have been profiled as a patriot, your particular shot will be formulated to kill or destroy you.


I really believe this is likely to be the plan, and quite frankly cannot see it any other way. The reason is simple:

Liberia has 70 percent market penetration of cell phones, and those cell phones were used to show the police crack downs on the people with regard to this outbreak, yet those same cell phones never uploaded a single picture to the web that actually shows people with Ebola. If this "Ebola outbreak" was in any way real, there would be countless photos of the bloody stools, people bleeding from their skin, mouths and eyes, and bodies piling up yet with regard to this particular outbreak there is not a single selfie of an Ebola victim to be had, nor any other pictures of anyone who has anything even remotely close.

And there are all the stories about people who have Ebola hiding in their homes. Lots of people dying of Ebola in their homes. And 70 percent of those people have cell phones, with cameras, AND NOT ONE HOME ANYWHERE EVER SENT OUT A PICTURE. I am only saying this because a shill might say, OH, the hospitals do not allow people in to take pictures. WELL THEN, what about all the homes, where people supposedly died of this? Would they not upload photos to loved ones on Facebook? Would they not at least try to tweet about this? Obviously they would, and the fact not a single one did is obvious proof the "outbreak" is a hoax with an agenda. An Agenda 21 agenda.


What could be better for hiding the murder of millions, if not billions, than an "outbreak", to meet NWO depopulation schedules at an accelerated pace? Even just one agency - the DHS, has enough rounds of ammo to make it all happen, and in the aftermath there will be no evidence because everyone had to be cremated to "get rid of the disease".   IT IS PERFECT, TOO PERFECT, FOLKS, I THINK I NAILED IT.

The shills have used photos of people shot and run over by the police enforcing the ebola scam to PROVE people are "bleeding" from Ebola, do not fall for this!