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Sandy Hook: Ten more proofs that vitiate the official account

Jim Fetzer

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Sept. 3, 2014

We are confronted with two hypotheses about Sandy Hook: (h1) that it was real; and (h2) that it was not.

(h1) is true if a young man named Adam Lanza entered the Sandy Hook Elementary School after murder his mother with a .22 rifle and then slaughtered 20 children and six adults before taking his own life.

(h2) is true if this was instead a drill presented as a real event, in which no children or adults actually died, where it was done by faking the setting, staging photographs and fabricating a false record.

The difference involved here is between verification (technically, confirmation) and falsification, where the official account is only true if it is true in every material respect. Given the legal principle, “Fraud vitiates everything”, if it is provably false in even one material respect, the official account has been vitiated thereby. That is untrue of attempted falsifications, however, since any number of them could turn out to be mistaken as long as those that remain are valid, as I shall demonstrate in the following.

Fraud Vitiates Everything

In the past, I have emphasized the “Top Ten Reasons” that this appears to have been an elaborate hoax, including that proof of death has been suppressed, that emergency protocols were not followed, that drill protocols were followed and that there was foreknowledge of the event and more. The following ten are in addition to them.

Trivial variations are not enough to demonstrate that the official account is false, but would require proving that the school was closed, that no children were evacuated, that photos were staged, that the “final report” does not establish the official account, and other serious indications of fraud and fakery about Sandy Hook.

The evidence we have adduced in a dozen articles appears to be more than sufficient to establish that the official account, (h1), cannot be sustained and is constructed on the basis of fraud, deceit and deception. The legal principle, “Fraud vitiates everything”, thus applies in this instance. The alleged event was staged.

The public has been massively deceived at the local, state and federal level, which is only explicable on the basis of complicity by officials at the local, state and federal level. The evidence suggests that this was (what is technically known as) a FEMA “Capstone” event, which involved the entire community and was years in the planning.

(1) Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed

Sandy Hook Elementary School had been closed at least since 2008 and was used as a stage in 2012. I have published about this several times, including in “Sandy Hook Elementary School: Closed in 2008, a stage in 2012″ and “Sandy Hook, Stephen Sedensky, William Shanley and the elaborate hoax”. The proofs include the use of the Wayback Machine and multiple videos of the inside and the outside of the school, which was not fit for students, adults or other living things. As I asked the Newtown School Board, “When were the parents notified that their children were attending school in a toxic waste dump?”

Here is a photograph of the school taken on the day of the shooting.  Notice that the handicapped parking areas are not properly demarcated with white paint and blue markings. There are no “above grade signs with white lettering against a blue background” that bear the words, “handicapped parking permit required” and “violators will be fined”, which means that Sandy Hook Elementary School was non-ADA compliant.  That day, CNN was mixing images from other schools with those from Sandy Hook:

Photo of Sandy Hook parking area

Among the most active web sites discussing Sandy Hook has been maintained by James Tracy, who was among the first to notice anomalies in the press conference held by Connecticut State Medical Examiner Wayne Carver. Here are some comments about the parking lot specifically:

Patrick says: February 22, 2014 at 7:07 am

I still remain stuck on the parking lot, lophatt. Bureaucrats are very reliable. They go by the book with the most annoying fastidiousness, and the book at issue here is the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, which mandated that handicapped parking spots in public parking lots be painted blue.

It is inconceivable that a public grammar school would ignore that requirement for more than two decades. I am not the one around here who first noticed the anomalous parking lot, but ever since this was pointed out it has struck me as definitive evidence that the building, if it was used for anything, had not been used as a school since the 1980s at the latest. I’d call it proof.