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Emperical proof Fergusen is a STATE SPONSORED PSY OP

Jim Stone

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Aug. 16, 2014

Agent provocateurs are an old game, and when I got onto the trail of a busload of agent provacateurs that were bussed in from Chicago, provacateurs who got off the bus near the police and forced an aggressive response by throwing moltov cocktails at them and lighting the place on fire, The computer I was using that was working PERFECT prior for a couple hours straight just suddenly locked up and could not get onto the web AT ALL with ANY browser. I left that mess behind for the cyber cafe to deal with and went to a different one to post this.

Why would a computer lock up just because I got onto a topic and started digging? the answer is obvious, someone in power does not want the word about these provacateurs getting out. Even still, if there was a psy op going on the police were aware of, their assault on the news crew was not justified. If the police had other things to worry about, WHY GAS A NEWS CREW AND TAKE THEIR EQUIPMENT? Very odd, perhaps that news crew got evidence of these provacateurs or nailed some video the police were ashamed of. That certainly backfired.

I am going to try to get to the bottom of this story, but all the details I have right now is that all the violence was staged by a busload of imported provacateurs from Chicago. That ought to give people something to go on, and CAUTION: USE A LINUX LIVE CD OR DISPOSABLE COMPUTER FOR THIS ONE, someone does not want this topic looked into.


Here are some pictures of proven agent provacateurs from other uprisings. You can tell these are actors quite easily.

In the first image, it is easy to see the guy is not Muslim because he is wearing a gold ring. BUSTED, Muslim men do not wear gold AND ADDITIONALLY no jewelry AT ALL except for a plain silver wedding ring on the left hand. This man's ring is worn on the right hand, BUSTED even if it is not gold.

The next one is too silly to even point out what is wrong, what is this, halloween? Anyway, this photo was posted after they were busted for being fake.

Take a look at the boots the police are wearing in the last provocateur photo, it is good for a laugh, they are the same as the boots the agent provacateurs are wearing. They all had a good laugh together later . . . . . and there is no doubt this is going on in Fergusen as we speak. The news crew may have figured it out, thus necessitating the confiscation of their gear.





Crazy: Police gas news crew and take equipment

This one is absolutely nuts.

Scene 1 - they gas news crew

Scene 2 - they pull up with armored vehicle with gas masks and automatic rifles drawn and take equipment.

Cute. So this is what 911 and subsequent legislation was for. To arm the police and crush all dissent. This was not a youtube news crew (not that it matters), it had to have been regular news with the type of equipment they had. And it was predictable, once an organization like the NSA is in place to assist the CIA and FBI with crushing the American people, we are seeing cold war Russia in America now.

If this is the attitude, where news crews are gassed and robbed by the police who pull up in armored vehicles with gas masks and automatic weapons drawn it is GAME OVER. America is finished, it is too late. This event, which happened in Missouri surprised even me.

This is cold war Russia all the way, look what your tax dollars bought - automatic weapons and not so shiny olive drab assault vehicles which now ARE in your town, (not coming soon). For what reason could the police possibly have had for using said equipment in such a way, other than a reason such as IT IS POLICY NOW, YOU HAD BETTER STEP IN LINE? To show such force absent any threat is inexcusable, this is one for the history books, live documentation of the death of America.

I was warning people this type of thing was coming to America 25 years ago, and was only called a conspiracy wacko. Looks to me like THAT line worked well long enough for "them" to get the job done.


View Youtube video of this HERE If you are like me and seldom watch videos because time is limited, this one is worth it. (the train one is also very much worth it).