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Keep that story straight, World War 3 depends on it!

Jim Stone

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July 29, 2014

ainstream media doing backflips over lies because this time it is laughably easy to nail them

"fake alternative news sites are picking up the slack with the thinking people out there, and trying to divert them to B.S. such as this is not even a 777 when all the large engine pieces are in the debris, NO, LOOK THE OTHER WAY THIS IS NOT A 777, YEP, YOU WERE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW THIS WAS NOT MH17 BUT PLEASE GOD DO NOT PEG THIS AS FLIGHT 370."

We may well be on the verge of world war 3 over the disposal of flight 370 being pawned off as MH17 being fronted as a shoot down by Russia. The Russians are not stupid, and their intelligence is at least smart enough to keep an eye on this web site, and from here alone the lies surrounding "MH17" are busted, not that the Russians would need this site to get tips about the truth when it is this obvious, surely they did not.


Media releasing multiple smoking guns proving not only tampering, but that the flag alignment is the same as flight 370.

Here is another smoking gun, Here we have in image 1 the window plate perfectly intact but there is a hole below the flag.

Keep in mind that these images are still coming straight from the sources that published them, they are not at this time cached on this web site. That is the best way to prove media inconsistencies, use their own servers to nail them. I have the images saved of course, but for as long as they still work from their original sources, I will embed from them, so people can back trace and see that I am not making all of this up.


The photos say it all, this is WAY TOO MUCH,

Here we have, in photo 2, straight from another source, the window plate kicked or photoshopped out, a hole in the panel below the flag, and the Malaysian flag cropped out of the image, because it nails this as flight 370.

But in photo 3, Fox News says NOPE, that plate is there, and there was never a hole on this panel AT ALL after the crash.

photo 4 is another beautiful bright clear perspective shot, proving the flag lines up exactly the same as the flag on flight 370. You may be asking WHY am I pushing this so hard? The answer is easy. The fake alternative media is trying to front this as not being a 777, while the mainstream media is trying to say the same thing AND frame Russia up for doing it.

Reality? This is NOT ONLY A 777, it is flight 370 (the large engine blades in the wreckage that are ripped off the engine prove it is a 777), and the many different camera angles on that flag proves that the way the flag is lining up is not an optical illusion, it really is flight 370. And this time the evidence is so overwhelming it cannot be denied, and coming complete with crime scene evidence tampering to boot, ANOTHER smoking gun. I am absolutely certain the mainstream media was not in on this to begin with, and screwed up releasing multiple photos proving tampering and proving flight 370.

But the majority of the people who watch the MSM will never catch on to these screw ups. So fake alternative news sites are picking up the slack with the thinking people out there, and trying to divert them to B.S. such as this is not even a 777 when all the large engine pieces are in the debris, NO, LOOK THE OTHER WAY THIS IS NOT A 777, YEP, YOU WERE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW THIS WAS NOT MH17 BUT PLEASE GOD DO NOT PEG THIS AS FLIGHT 370.

And to that I have ONE THING TO SAY: Check your media sources, it is litmus test time. In case you are new to this site, here is a photo which shows the flag alignment for MH17 and flight 370.