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Flight 370 Summary report

Jim Stone

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April 30, 2014

All the important facts in one place.

Preface: There is absolutely no doubt that flight 370 was electronically hijacked and flown through the Maldives and on to Diego Garcia. There is also no doubt that there was a plan to use at least the image of flight 370 to crash the nuclear summit in Belgium and blame it on Iran, and that the Dutch intercepted the crash craft before it arrived. This report is documented accurate. There will be a lot here, briefly discussed that you have not seen before. If you were looking for a concise report that will give a clear picture, this sums it all up.


First and foremost, the pilots DID NOT cooperate with the hijack. Co pilot successfully dialed out via last cell tower in Malaysia

There is absolutely verified proof that the pilots DID NOT cooperate, and that therefore an Awacs platform had to have been used to jam radar and communications. The absolute proof that the plane was electronically hijacked against pilots will, and that all communications were cut against pilot will came when the co-pilot of flight 370 successfully dialed out to reach his mother when the plane was hijacked and en route to Diego Garcia. The call was picked up by the last tower in Penang on the West Coast of Malaysia. It abruptly cut, but the origin of it being flight 370 has been confirmed. The U.S. denies this, (what else would you expect) but police investigators have confirmed through the Mother´s call records that the call did in fact happen. The call location confirms flight 370 did indeed turn around and head towards Diego Garcia.

The confirmed fact that the pilot used a cell phone at this time, when cell phones are well known to not be able to connect from aircraft except in the most ideal of circumstances serves as verification that the pilots were trying to communicate but could not and exhausted every possible means to contact people on the ground. This kills the "pilots switched off the transponder lie, and also shows that ALL OTHER LIES, such as "the pilots were rendered unconcious by smoke and flew dead stick, and "the pilots cut the radio themselves" and all the other myths as what they are - psy ops launched by the CIA to kill the fact that AMERICA TOOK THAT PLANE. Fate definitely favored the pilot. The call was obviously a last resort effort by the pilot to communicate that worked. MORE DETAILS HERE, THIS IS CONFIRMED FOLKS


CONFIRMED: Same company that has flight370 clone in Israel was intercepted before another 777 they owned could reach the nuclear summit with it's transponder off.