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Jim Stone

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April 9, 2014

I spent a long happy day shopping and looking for inspirations to solve a few parts needed for my house and garden projects…came home and was too pooped to do much so turned on the TV to listen to the news.

What amazed me was the guy (Fort Hood shooting victim) who was demonstrating the super dooper powers of advanced severe trauma recovery and pain control leaving no apparant side effects in mood, energy, motion, attitude, and ability to communicate. Wowsa, I sure would like to buy some of that magic to share with my friends.

The guy I saw was a military man who had been shot four times in the middle of his chest at close range a couple of days ago and had to undergo surgery through muscle tissue to remove the bullets. He was bandaged with simple “patches” and was able to stand, talk, beam out with smiles, appear fully animated in a miraculous recovery. An interview with his father showed an elderly man who calmly discussed the entire epsisode in a completely affable, non-plussed manner. One hell of an advert for super medicine……or……

The rat I smelled or rather saw, was the ability of the military man to open up his arms fully wide and embrace two people on each of his sides by holding his arms against their backs and do so with a big grin of being completely at ease and fully enjoying himself.

Even if high as a kite on morphine, which is admittedly one hell of first class pain killer, I just can’t see how anybody could do that with his upper torso traumatized by bullets and follow up surgery.

We already know for a fact that there were NO victims at Sandyhook and it is a near certainty that the only victims at the Boston Hoax were the two brothers whom the “bombing” has been blamed on.

I AM PRETTY INCLINED TO FOLLOW SIMPLE OBSERVATION AND DEDUCTION HERE ON THE FORT HOOD EVENT and discount all media statements. Unless that military man is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, I just can’t buy the assertion, on the basis of what has been told us or shown to us so far, that he was actually shot by real bullets. That man should barely be able to move and probably should still be flat on his back with drip tubes and med tubes to make sure no infection sets in.

As has been consistently true of all the false flag operations of the past 14 years, the script writers and stage writers of the illusions just are not techncially savy of enough real world details to competently carry out the fraud.

My two cents:

In a world where, as Jim just pointed out, satellites can detect digital watch circuits, I doubt that “they are just not technically savvy” enough to pull off a convincing illusion. If they’d wanted to stage a show that was convincing to those of us who are still capable of critical observation, they would have done the interview with the “victim” on an ER set. There would have been somber, swollen-eyed, angst-ridden “family members” at the side of the “victim” as he desperately clung to life in a hospital ward.

But they did not. They chose to do a knuckle-dragging stupid production on the reality level of the World Wrestling Federation. Let us not kid ourselves, it was done that way intentionally, and as with most things they do, it was done that way for more than one reason. It was done to mock the diminishing majority who are still so dumbed-down that they can’t see through it. It was done to throw those who can into various states of cognitive dissonance. Maybe they also did it that way to give a false appearance of ineptitude.

The joke, though, is on all of us, and I guarantee you, they are laughing it up at the top. Back in the early 70′s that rat-faced reptile Brzezinski was predicting that within three more decades, people would rely on the media to think for them. It’s been part of the agenda all along. It’s just another branch of engineering — call it psycho-engineering — the goal of it being to control people’s baseline estimations of reality at will.

Here’s a thought experiment. Imagine if a cop drama on TV, something overtly fictional, featured a scene like that interview, in which a man recently shot four times in the chest was vertical, flexible, laughing it up with family. Most viewers would probably see how ridiculous it was.  But present that same nonsense to the public via a medium they have been trained to regard as a dispensary of truth, and rather than confront its legitimacy, and deal with all the painful realizations that such a confrontation shakes loose, they will unconsciously alter how they perceive reality.

So in my opinion, all the sloppiness, from Aurora to Sandy Hook to Boston and all the way up to this Fort Hood fiasco — it’s all intentional. It is a weaponization of the public’s trust in its media institutions. Their only mistake might lie in failing to appreciate how quickly that trust is beginning to erode, and to take into account that gradual erosion can reach a tipping point beyond which it collapses altogether.