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Malaysia says there’s sealed evidence on MH370 that cannot be made public

The Unhived Mind

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  • Mar 29, 2014
  • theunhivedmind
  • Malaysia says there’s sealed evidence on MH370 that cannot be made public

    Published on Mar 26, 2014

    By The Straits Times China Bureau

    BEIJING – A Malaysian team have told relatives of Chinese passengers on board the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 that there was sealed evidence that cannot be made public, as they came under fire from the angry relatives at a briefing on Wednesday.

    The sealed evidence included air traffic control radio transcript, radar data and airport security recordings.

    The briefing at the Metropark Lido Hotel in Beijing focused on UK satellite analysis which led Malaysia to conclude that flight MH370 ended in south Indian Ocean, off Perth.

    The Chinese relatives were told that a five-member high-level team from Malaysia plans to brief them once every five days. The team include MAS pilot Lim Jit Koon and senior civil aviation official Ahmad Nizar Zolfakar.

    During the question-and-answer session, a relative said: “Thanks for demonstrating your ability to read every word out of the powerpoint slides.”

    Another asked: “If the info is from UK satellite firm Inmarsat, does it mean the Malaysia team cannot answer our questions on the MH370 analysis?”

    Faced with the barrage of questions from the angry relatives, the MAS team replied: “We can answer but we might not be correct as we’re not the investigators”:

    They said Malaysia had requested for the British experts to join them for the briefing in Beijing but the latter declined.

    They assured the relatives that the search and rescue operations for the plane have been stepped up but the hunt has been challenging as the search area is huge.

    The Malaysian government and MAS have been criticised for their handling of the disappearance of MH370 on March 8. They have been accused of being slow in disseminating information and not revealing everything about the incident.

    Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Monday night that based on latest UK data analysis, the plane had gone down in a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean.

    “We demand you retract announcement that MH370 ended in south Indian Ocean and continue search-and-rescue operations,” one relative said at the briefing.

    Some family representatives targeted Malaysian envoy Iskandar Sarudin, asking him: “You expect us to accept a report you cannot defend?”

    “No comment,” said Mr Iskandar.

    He again declined to comment when asked “how do you expect us to feel friendly towards Malaysia?”

    Upset by the response from the Malaysia team, a relative said: “You have once again left us speechless!”

    Wednesday’s briefing was the first time the media were allowed to attend.

    The relatives also accused MAS of not providing enough assistance to them.

    “Two-thirds of MH370 passengers are Chinese but only 50 caregivers?” asked a relative.

    An airline official explained that they have had problem finding volunteers to help out.

    When asked why the MAS office at the hotel was closed on Tuesday, the MAS officials said they were advised by the Chinese government not to be there given the tense mood among the relatives.

    theunhivedmind says:

    March 29, 2014 at 11:16 pm




    Identical flight 370 in Tel Aviv?

    Actual photo of Flight 370 clone at Tel Aviv airport:


    This was found on This Hebrew forum. It was promptly removed and cannot be found there anymore;(but that does not work with the web, heh.) When translated, other people ridicule the poster for taking a picture in a forbidden area.

    The Malaysia airlines logo has been removed from the tail, but the general paint scheme remains.

    Let’s hope we don’t see this one make a cameo appearance somewhere with “Allahu Akbar” painted on the tail. I have confirmed that it arrived at Tel Aviv with a blank white tail, which was repainted before it left America.

    Plane history: It was first leased by Malaysia airlines. Then purchased by GA Telesis. Then, FIVE FULL YEARS before the absolute MINIMUM life span, was scheduled to be scrapped for parts (makes no sense at all, it could have flown for at least 10 more years), and then for some mysterious reason it showed up in France, only to end up in Tel Aviv. This is where it all gets odd – WHY would it be slated for scrapping in America while still far too new, only to end up in Israel just sitting there? Most probably this plane was indeed purchased for the reason most people suspect and the repainted tail was an inconvenience. WHY pull it from the forum it posted on if this picture was meaningless?


    UPDATE: The following is absolutely documented in irrefutable terms. I do my homework. Attempts to re-write sources and change records or censor photos won’t work, I do my homework and you cannot get away with that with me, I’ll just re-post originals that are obviously and verifiably NOT FAKE.

    I looked into this and it actually took some thinking to confirm this was NOT a hoax, and it is not a hoax. I confirmed that it was not a hoax by putting the plane’s exact designation into Google with a dated search that forced all results to be prior to March of 2014. It is indeed a Malaysia flight 370 clone, with Malaysia airlines paint identical to flight 370, and it is indeed parked at Tel Aviv, and has been there since 21-10-2013.

    To get the history of this plane and prove this story is not a hoax, drop the search term N105GT GA Telesis Boeing 777-2H6(ER) – cn 28416 / ln 155 into Google. Do a dated search to only return results from before March, and hit images. This will yield the four photos below:

    UPDATE: These appear to be censored again, and I will fix that permanently.

    The plane is owned by GA telesis and has been sitting there, in Tel Aviv, in storage, as stated. Now, to the non-conspiracy crowd, GA Telesis is an aircraft leasing firm. SO, I guess you could say that explains why this plane is in storage. But I’d like to pop a question then, WHY IN TEL AVIV WHEN THE HOST COMPANY IS HEADQUARTERED IN FLORIDA, THE SAME STATE THE PLANE THE DUTCH INTERCEPTED FLEW OUT OF? . . . . . Good question.

    The blog which originally posted this plane was in Tel Aviv has been censored from Google. If I manage to find it again (I had to leave the cyber cafe in the middle of this because they closed for lunch and it was extremely difficult to re-find this data) I will post the original blog that had this as an update. It ended up being bang on.

    UPDATE: HERE IS THE BLOG you have to scroll down a ways.

    UPDATE: Malaysia airlines previously leased this plane, that would explain the paint job. But WHY TEL AVIV? WHY HAVE SUCH A VALUABLE ASSET SIT IN STORAGE FOR SO LONG?

    R. wrote


    Check out the other links on Bollyn web site. Plane was slated for disassembly in Fla , then appears in France and somehow ends up in Israel.

    Parked out of US but suddenly gets a US “N” registration . As you know all countries have their own designator , Mexico starts with “X” , etc .

    Great job by you guys !! Hopefully lives will be spared . Be safe and Thanks for being a warrior for truth !!


    My response

    I did not read Bollyn’s site in detail, I just knew he was onto something and then did my own looking into things. If additional info is there, GREAT!

    I usually will get a tip, then ignore the source and do my own work. That is why what I have is almost completely absent any bullshit. I can make mistakes and I am sure a few have not been caught, and that is why I say “almost”.

    The key thing is to be reasonably good at what you do, while being completely honest even if it does not fit what you want to report.

    thanks for writing,


    John wrote:

    “The Malaysian B777 twin appearing in Tel Aviv is an interesting development. Maybe it wasn’t in storage as officially stated. For what its worth, if we think Israeli agents (masquerading as Iranian terrorists) boarded and commandeered MH370 then these guys would have needed some flight time on B777′s. Far easier and safer to fly the plane yourself to the planned destination than to request the original pilot fly there under ‘supervision’. Anything can go wrong in that scenario, including transponders being ‘accidentally’ switched back on.

    My guess is the hijackers were experienced large commercial/military pilots to begin with but may have lacked experience and actual flight time on this particular model and variant. The twin has been at Tel Aviv since October 2013 so that time frame of a several months before the actual hijacking makes sense. The pilots will have had plenty of time to gain hours on the type over those months and any mods could have been designed and built over that time as well. What if its the availability of the twin that came up on the market last year that then drove the decision to pick MH370 as the plane to hijack, rather than the other way round?”

    My comment:

    Absent an electronic hijack via remote you probably nailed it John. They could have waited for the escort plane to approach and then took over. And now they can crash the older plane instead of the real flight 370, and keep the new one. The real flight 370, if I remember right, was a 2013 model. Nice trade for a 1998 model.

    And the Antartctica crash is so far beyond laughable it’s a message: WE TOOK IT AND SCREW YOU.

    George wrote:

    “Jim, the perplexing thing is why did the Dutch stop the 777 from reaching its target. Surely before the flight took of from Miami those in Holland, who are in bed with the NWO would have assumed positions of importance so that flight 777 would have got to its destination.”

    Kindest Regards,


    My response:

    I would not be so sure. All nations have legitimate defense in one form or another and it is my guess that the entire flight 370 chain of events was launched by a single group containing no more than 5,000 people in the know. They would, with that small of a number, hope for the best somewhere and lost the bet. The key was to have an enforceable alibi, so they would get away with it without going to jail if stopped. There is further comment by Valdis regarding this below the main story HERE

    Jardin sent:

    “Some of the recipients on my large email list received the video link that I just sent, but to numerous others, it bounced! This video maker, DAHBOO7 believes that there is a connection between flight MH370 and the closing of all Israeli embassies.

    I never got any bounces at all from my email list before this!!

    “For the First Time in History, Israel Suspiciously Closes All”

    My comment: Here is the link. I see it as a form of confirmation that this happened. This video will get a lot of hits now. Youtube blank screened me with this one with a total B.S. censor screen (every other video works) so it’s probably really good, the comments below sure look like it is. Thanks!

    theunhivedmind says:

    March 29, 2014 at 11:17 pm




    Why the Kuala Lumpur Tribunal’s genocide verdict against Israel sets a key precedent

    Posted on December 9, 2013

    Until now, Israel has been getting away with anything it likes. A series of revolutions and counter-revolutions in the Arabic world has driven it into chaos, and seems to have pushed the Palestinian issue off the international agenda for good.

    And yet Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country, has now called a tribunal for war crimes and produced a genocide ruling – against whom?

    Not against Assad, as one might have expected, but against Israel, the state that considers itself to be beyond the jurisdiction of any court or tribunal.

    In Hamlet, the message that the king killed his brother to marry his widow and seize the throne is delivered by the murdered king’s spirit – which literally means by someone who cannot testify in court. As a result, Prince Hamlet spends a long time tormenting himself about whether he should believe the spirit and avenge his father. After that, he undertakes a smart move – asking a troupe of actors to stage a play reenacting his father’s murder, while he watches the murderer’s reaction. At the end of the play, everyone dies, but Hamlet has gotten his revenge.

    That’s how people’s justice usually works – it takes a long time, it’s messy and ultimately useless from a rational viewpoint. It would have been much more rational for Prince Hamlet to pay due honor to the new king and his new wife, Hamlet’s mother, pray for his deceased father, marry Ophelia and have lots of children, then inherit the throne in due time and just keep on living…

    The spectators watch how the prince’s world and values are shattered to the ground. The father’s spirit has its word. The actors have played out their play, and the murderer has been betrayed by his reaction.

    For the first time, an international war crimes tribunal has charged the State of Israel of genocide, an unprecedented event, as so far no international court or tribunal has ever delivered a verdict against Israel to date.

    The International Tribunal convened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Israel refused to send any representatives. The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal has no official ties to the UN and acknowledges that it has not authority to deliver punishment. Opinions differ on the subject of its jurisdiction, and the only sanction it has in its power is to enter the name and title of the party found guilty in the Tribunal’s registry and announce it publicly to the world. In 2011, the tribunal found George Bush and Tony Blair guilty of crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and genocide as a result of their roles in the Iraq War.

    It seems that one could just as well ignore this tribunal; much like Israel ignores the condemning UN resolutions, protests, severed diplomatic relationships and all other kinds of protests against the military actions and acts of violence applied against the Palestinians on a daily basis. However, a detailed trial like this indicates that the mechanism has been set in motion, which will have consequences for the entire world, not just for Israel or the Middle East.

    The International Tribunal is part of the Kuala Lumpur Commission on War Crimes; however, these two institutions are not part of Malaysia’s judicial system, even though they employ judges and prosecutors of Malaysian background. Israel has no agreements signed with this or any other international court. Yet the Tribunal acts on the basis of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948, which was signed and ratified by Israel. And this very signature, Israel’s membership in the UN and the fact that Israel owes its very existence to the UN and to the condemnation of genocide against Jews in the course of the World War II – all this at the very least gives us the right to challenge and discuss whether Israel’s own actions could fall into the category of genocide.

    Interestingly, the USA has been refusing to sign this document for 37 years, having reasonable fears that many lawyers would want to charge the USA itself with genocide of the Indians and African slaves, as well as the Japanese, the Koreans, the Vietnamese and many others. Israel, it its turn, did not foresee that the very convention it pushed the world to adopt after the war will one day be used against it. The very formation of the State of Israel was made possible by the agreement of the victorious powers to acknowledge that Jews were victims of genocide carried out by Nazi Germany and that only having a nation state of its own can guarantee them proper protection.

    “The victims of genocide became themselves the source of it.” This is how Hedi Epstein sees the essence of the ruling against Israel. A German Jew who survived WWII, she lost her parents to a concentration camp. Epstein was a prosecution witness in the Nuremberg Trials. And in 1982, she learned that the Israeli Army occupied Lebanon and provoked mass executions in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps. From that moment on, Epstein and hundreds of other Jews embarked on an anti-military and anti-Zionist campaign. However, Israel has refused to listen to their voices. They were labeled “self-hating” Jews and banned from the country which, incidentally, announced itself to be the homeland of all Jews in the world. Israel remained deaf to their warning that the Jews who survived genocide do not wish Israel to be committing genocidal crimes against the Palestinian people in their name.

    Israel was convinced that the US would never cease to provide it with military and political assistance, so it had nothing to worry about. The Jewish “weirdos” are free to organize as many useless marches and “freedom flotillas” as they wish; no one will dare to find Israel guilty.

    And now Israel has received its first wake-up call.

    The hearings on the genocide lawsuit started in August 2013. But the news soon faded into the background as the media extensively covered the mass shooting of hundreds of Egyptians who disagreed with President Morsi’s arrest and the growing tensions around Syria due to a possible American missile strike.

    On November 20-25, the final stage of the proceedings took place, initiated by a group of Palestinians, who reported a number of incidents.

    The first one involved Israeli soldiers who killed 29 members of the extended Samouni family in the Zeitoun neighborhood of the Gaza Strip during the 22-day Operation Cast Lead in 2008 and 2009.

    This is the most notorious crime against Palestinians over the last few years. Judge Goldstone incorporated it into his report, which he submitted to the UN after the operation was over.

    The Samounis were a large family of peaceful farmers. None of them had ever participated in armed resistance. They were some of the few Palestinians who got on well with the Israeli settlers and they were frustrated by the removal of the settlements from the Gaza Strip.

    In January 2009, an Israeli helicopter landed on their field. A few gunmen demanded that the Samounis turn in the Hamas militants to them. The next thing they did was bring the whole family under one roof and shoot them down dead, including the infants. Those who survived were found under the bodies of their relatives.

    One of the survivors was the children’s mother. She repeatedly tried to get a criminal case started in various courts of law, but failed to get any compensation or apologies from Israel.

    The second story revolved around the mass shooting of women and children in the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon in 1982.

    Other incidents included:

    - lethal firing of teargas canisters and rubber bullets by Israeli Defense Forces that resulted in the deaths of unarmed civilians during the Intifada campaigns and subsequent protests;

    - intensive, indiscriminate aerial bombing and artillery shelling of civilian quarters in the Gaza Strip in 2008;

    - a university student who was shot without warning at a peaceful protest by an Israeli sniper, firing a fragmentary bullet that caused extensive and permanent damage to his internal organs;

    - a Christian resident of the West Bank who was repeatedly imprisoned and tortured on grounds of subversion;

    - a female resident of Nablus who suffered mental anxiety due to her imprisonment and subsequent social ostracism;

    - a Palestinian physician who conducted studies on the psychological trauma inflicted, particularly on children, as result of constant intimidation, massive violence and state terror during and following the second Intifada; and

    - Expert witness Paola Manduca, an Italian chemist and toxicologist, who found extreme levels of toxic contamination of the soil and water across the Gaza Strip, caused by Israeli weapons made of heavy metals and cancer-causing compounds.

    The Tribunal found the State of Israel guilty of genocide of the Palestinian people in each of these cases, blaming former general Amos Yaron for the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

    The Tribunal’s verdict reads as follows:

    “The Tribunal is satisfied, beyond reasonable doubt, that the first defendant, [General] Amos Yaron, is guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide, and the second defendant, the State of Israel, is guilty of genocide.”

    Even though the Israeli authorities ignored the summons, several highly experienced lawyers were appointed by the Tribunal to represent Israel.

    So far we can only see separate elements without fully comprehending the full picture. There are several things worth noting here.

    Israel’s case wasn’t brought before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague; in fact, it wasn’t a European court at all. In Europe, the guilt for failing to save the Jews from genocide 70 years ago is still alive and associated with Israel. Hearing this case in the Malaysian tribunal sends a message to the whole world that Israel should be treated like any other state, like Rwanda, Serbia, Libya or Cambodia.

    The fact that the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal condemned Israel is hardly surprising – Malaysia actively supports the Palestinians. In early 2013 the Malaysian prime minister visited the Gaza Strip – there aren’t many political leaders who can afford to make such a provocative step.

    Malaysian Islam is similar to that of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that suffered such a crushing political defeat in Egypt. Malaysia’s ex-leader, Mahathir Mohamad, is a very influential figure in the Muslim world, especially among Muslim Brotherhood supporters, specifically in the part of the Muslim establishment that’s close to Britain.

    Malaysia is even more determined to get revenge for the damage the Muslim Brotherhood sustained than Turkey, so this influential political faction dealt their opponents a glancing, but painful blow. It’s the first time an international tribunal convicted not individual generals, but the State of Israel of genocide. Israel’s main weapon has been turned against it.

    It’s also important to note that a year ago Henry Kissinger, a key figure in US politics and architect of the Middle East peace deal, unexpectedly said that he perused a report by 16 American intelligence agencies which arrived at the conclusion that in 10 years’ time there will be no more Israel. The report itself, as well as Kissinger’s comment, can only be viewed as proof that a certain section of the American political elite intends to finish Project Israel. Otherwise, they would’ve kept the report under wraps and started working on a plan to save Israel. And most importantly, if saving Israel was on their agenda, no tribunal would be hearing this case.

    Moreover, most of the Israel’s supporters wanted to believe that almost three years of revolutions in the Arab world and two years of fighting in Syria have pushed the Palestinian issue to the sidelines. Israel rejoiced that the focus shifted from the Palestinian issue, which united everyone, to the Syrian conflict, which became a bone of contention for the entire world.

    Contrary to Israel’s expectations of two months ago, the Tribunal is not trying Assad for crimes against the Syrian people. Instead, it is trying Israel for genocide of the Palestinians. All of a sudden, Israel has lost its momentum. The Palestinians are back in the political spotlight, and the trap designed to lure Assad has turned into a trap for Israel.

    Last but not least, many pundits rushed to argue that both the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood and their fall is all the doing of the US. The veteran commentators would say that those who are to blame for the toppling of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will not go unpunished by the US and UK. The Israeli agents had put too much effort into cajoling major governments to support the Sisi-led coup to oust Mubarak and ignore the 3,000 deaths caused by the junta and the lies of the world media about the Muslim Brotherhood allegedly burning down the Coptic churches. Encouraged by the UK and Obama, full of arrogance and reluctance to reach any kind of compromise, Israel paved its own way to the genocide verdict.

    Right now, Israel’s supporters are acting as though the Kuala Lumpur verdict can be neglected. But it won’t be long before they realize how dramatic the situation actually is: were the court to be situated in Europe, Israel would have lobbied its way out of the trial. But it did not reach as far as Kuala Lumpur. The precedent has been set.

    The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

    by Nadezhda Kevorkova, 4 December 2013 | RT

    Nadezhda Kevorkova is a war correspondent who has covered the events of the Arab Spring, military and religious conflicts around the world, and the anti-globalization movement.

    ·  theunhivedmind says:

    March 28, 2014 at 7:48 am

    Now make the connection to the missing plane, flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines.

    -= The Unhived Mind

    ·  theunhivedmind says:

    March 29, 2014 at 11:18 pm

    Malaysia says there’s sealed evidence on MH370 that cannot be made public






    Israel’s nuclear deterrent method exposed. This information was discovered as part of my fukushima report

    Israel is keeping a dirty little secret . . . . .

    Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, Jan 8 2012

    There is a reason why the U.S. government is waging war all over the world, even obviously against the good of the nation.

    There is a reason why the U.S. government rapidly rolled over and did the banker bailout without question, in an amount which exceeded the value of every mortgage in the country by more than 3x, and every mortgage in default by over 15x; an amount which will destroy America once the ripple effect is finished.

    Many of you are no doubt scratching your heads, wondering why every elected president turns back on his campaign promises the second the inaguration is complete. Believe me, the corruption of American elected officials is not that deep. You cannot elect several presidents in sequence, and have them all perfectly screw the country, ESPECIALLY the way Bush and Obama did; they had their reason, and it is called NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL.

    What if they never wanted to renig (at least not so completely)? What about Obama? And what about the other countries, which also screwed their people the same way? Why is it seemingly a universal truth, that all governments around the world are simultaneously going against the will of their people, in favor of the Jewish bankers and Israel?

    I believe I have figured it out, and I have documented it.

    I am going to tell you the hows and whys of Israel’s dirty little secret – how they got their nuclear offensive capability in place, why they decided on the chosen method, and how they ended up using it.

    Israel had a serious launch dilemma

    Israel is in a unique predicament. It’s small land mass and hostile neighborhood have made developing a space program and ballistic missile defense system all but impossible.

    Geography matters. Most nations are priviledged to have vast tracts of land suitible for space launches, or friendly neighbors who will permit the use of their airspace during a space launch. Israel is not one of them.

    If a rocket is to be put to its most practical use, it must launch toward the rising sun to make use of earth’s rotational velocity and add it to the speed of the rocket. If a rocket is launched towards the setting sun, it must first accelerate to the speed of the earth’s rotation, and then an additional 1,000 mph just to get to where zero would have been with an eastward launch. Though it can be done, it wastes fuel and after launch another problem then presents itself – your payload will be traveling opposite to all the many thousands of other satellites and space debris in orbit and an eventual catastrophic collision is virtually assured. This has made westward launches both taboo and difficult. Westward launches are considered unacceptable, though Israel has done it.


    Israel has been stifled in space of because of these difficulties. The prime Eastward launch direction will violate both Jordani and Saudi airspace, because a rocket has to reach an altitude of 60 miles to be formally above, and not trespassing on a nation. Though a straight up launch which then turns East after an acceptable altitude is reached is possible, it will waste so much fuel and require such a large rocket that it will be too impractical to be considered an option. This has spelled doom for a land based ballistic missile defense system in Israel because only a small east to west launch corridor is available over the mediterannean. So while the Israelis have launched satellites into orbit through this window, a ballistic defense system which needs a full 360 degree launch direction to be fully effective is not possible. Israel was forced to both explore and implement other methods of delivering an effective nuclear deterrent.


    Sadly, their only affordable option allowed them to screw the world

    What if Israel came up with a way to smuggle nuclear weapons into the most sensitive areas of all the developed nations – areas where if anything big goes BOOM all is lost? Could there be a clandestine reason for the supposed shortage of Helium 3, which is needed in the type of radiation detectors required to detect a nuclear weapon? You can block protons, but neutrons are difficult to shield entirely, and you can forget about neutrinos – you can’t hide a nuke from the right detector, one which uses helium 3 in it’s detector element. Why did America and all other nations somehow run out of Helium 3 a few years ago, which simultaneously left their borders open to nuclear weapons smuggling? Coincidence? I think not. The picture to the left appears to be a legitimate camera in a body that could also hold a nuke. It does not appear to actually be a nuke. HOWEVER


    This particular one in the above picture appears to be a bona fide nuke camera. Note the differences – At the top of the gun barrel, there is a reinforced area to survive the ignition of the projectile propellant. The “cameras” look superficial and appear to be mounted to the surface of the barrel with very little intruding depth. Think about the webcam in your laptop or the camera in your Iphone – Nowadays that’s all the depth a very good camera needs if price is no object, so it is easy to build convincing and deceptive functionality into the unit to justify it’s enormous size.

    Israel’s main strategy has been to smuggle nuclear weapons into sensitive areas of nations under the disguise of security contracts. These security contracts use “proprietary” equipment that is maintained only by Israelis. In this particular case, the proprietary equipment is stated to be “biscopic” cameras, which are put in place by security companies operating as front companies on behalf of the Israeli Defense Forces. Magna BSP, the company which provided”security” at the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan is one of them. During my investigation of the Fukushima mission, I studied Magna BSP and discovered that in addition to Japan, they also got security contracts in Brazil, Germany, and the United States. All 4 of these countries have provided massive financial “bailouts” to zionist bankers, and though I have not proven that all of these countries were blackmailed with the threat of a nuclear armageddon, the coincidence is very suspicious and given what happened in Japan, even a little more than suspicious. In the fukushima report the reason given was that Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran. But shortly thereafter, Japan damaged it’s economy by surrendering 1.7 trillion USD to Jewish bankers even though no prior debt was owed.


    This particular “camera” is a concept drawing of what the final design will look like. But don’t count on it looking that way after this report or the Fukushima report, many large items which can be excused off as security devices can also house a nuke. Additionally, other types of contracts use equipment that is very suitable for housing an implosion nuke, which is often much smaller than a gun nuke.

    Gun type nukes do not produce very predictable results which is a good explanation for why the other two exploded reactors did not produce a mushroom cloud. Reactor 4, which “exploded” had been de-fueled and did not even have a core in it, this was proven with the classified photos in the Fukushima report. This made the explosion at reactor four flatly impossible. The un predictability of gun nukes is a good reason to move away from them, so I expect the gun nuke camera to be a dying breed. Perhaps the Israelis wanted to get rid of old nuclear inventory, and from the crudeness of the looks of the units delivered thus far, I suspect exactly that. I strongly recommend you take the time and read the Fukushima report in full, it’s all documented from official sources, contains about 7 hours of reading material and took hundreds of hours to research out.

    With the inadequately explained and inexcusable absense of helium 3, most of the world’s borders are now wide open for Israel to get it’s deterrent fully in place and have been for some time. I believe Israel has multiple nuclear weapons in place in key areas of the United States, Germany, Japan and Brazil, and has plans for or has succeeded in smuggling nukes into many other countries. Israel has been able to make hundreds of nuclear weapons from the reactor in Dimona, and has stolen enough nuclear material from America to make additional thousands. I believe Israel is holding the world nuclear hostage. If anyone says anything, opens their mouth, they get killed. If a nation goes against the will of Israel, and does not submit financially, BOOM. And it will all be blamed on the environment, a meteor, or “terrorists” because after all, TERRORISTS smuggle nukes in through the ports, RIGHT?


    The next time that guy you voted for renegs on his campaign promises IMMEDIATELY after inaguration

    The next time your government forks over unbelievable cash to Jewish bankers and destroys your future;

    The next time your government sends your children off to die in a war against a nation that never attacked you;

    The next time a 911 happens;

    The next time another SOPA act passes, or some other legislation no one wants passes and directs hatred at a government that needs our support to survive:

    consider this article — I BET I NAILED IT!

