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  • Mar 18, 2014
  • theunhivedmind


    There are numerous alternative theories now, all being pushed by either mainstream media or “mainstream alternative media” and all have major problems. Diego Garcia remains by far the most highly probable location for flight 370. There are three big reasons why flight 370 most likely ended up there, and a few smaller ones

    The first big reason is because the Malaysian military plotted flight 370 on radar as it turned around and flew for a full hour in the direction of Diego Garcia until it disappeared from their military radars far sooner than it should have absent jamming. All the terrain mapping and flying at 5,000 feet stories are bold faced lies, the last radar blip from this plane happened at 29,500 feet and at that altitude it disappeared from military radars after previously vanishing from civilian radars at 36,000 feet. The terrain mapping stories which are being hatched by either think tanks, liars with a motive or total idiots do not hold water. If this plane was vanished while at altitude there is absolutely nothing to support the low altitude radar evasion stories other than zionist fantasies of having Iran be blamed for what was obviously done by the U.S. air force. This plane not only vanished while in clear sight of civilian radars, it vanished a second time while in full sight of military radars, the plane remained within range of military radars for at least a full 300 miles after it vanished from them, simply calculating the curvature of the earth proves it and only a phase cancelling electronic warfare platform could have done that.

    The second big reason for Diego Garcia to be the destination is the simple fact that it is out in the middle of nowhere and therefore taking the risk of spoofing other nation’s radars would not be necessary after vanishing from Malaysia. Diego Garcia is so isolated that it would be the equivalent of running into a 5,000 acre corn field to play hide and seek. If you have ever been into even a small corn field, you know what I mean by this. Diego Garcia is so prime for a plane kidnapping that if this obviously kidnapped plane was flown anywhere else, the people in charge of that mission should be court martialed.

    The third big reason to take this plane to Diego Garcia is because there is a huge U.S. military base there and the Chinese military engineers could be quickly debriefed and re-flown out. Neither they or this 777 are likely to be there now, though some of the other passengers were probably drugged and will be forced to work KP for the rest of their lives in their now permanent new tropical paradise with only concrete visible home. Imagine what they would have to say on liberation day if Russia takes the place without killing them as collateral damage. Then again, they may not be there because any old abandoned mall or grain elevator will make a great CIA prison.

    Smaller reasons to point the finger at Diego Garcia is the fact that as far as the MSM goes, the place is not on the map. Cute. Small world, eh?

    The obviously faked “Iranian hijacker” photos also do not bode well for alternative explanations, And probably more importantly, the fact that the Malaysian military backed down (WHY??) on saying they tracked it West, only to once again later say they did, only to have this get followed up by more B.S. about a Malaysian airline hijacking plot compliments of the Banker whipping post of Islam all the while the obvious is ignored – HOW DID IT VANISH FROM ALL ACTIVE RADARS THAT NEED NO TRANSPONDER TO SEE PLANES WHILE THE MISSING PLANE WAS AT OR NEAR FULL CRUISING ALTITUDE, why is the MSM avoiding the key question like the plague?

    ANSWER: Because only one nation on earth has both the technology to remote hijack and vanish a plane from radar, and only ONE NATION on earth also has the ability to keep the NSA’s mouth shut about where all the passenger’s cell phones popped up.

    When all the cards are on the table, there are only two that tell the story, the fact that the plane completely vanished from the radio spectrum while at altitude, and the fact that the NSA totally shut up about where the passenger cell phones, no doubt at least 200 of them, went.

    So while you peruse all the alternative theories being hatched by think tanks and their counterparts the liars and idiots, and all the other meanderings posted by the ziopress which SO BADLY wants war with Iran, never forget those two cold hard facts that are set in stone, THEY SAY IT ALL.

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    To the people serving these, thanks!

    March 16 2014

    There has been no new information to change my position on flight 370, BUT, I will add these points that people made in the mails that did make it:

    A man from Germany made an obvious point – the transponder is what tells foreign countries that an approaching aircraft is not hostile, and in ALL CASES, even in total third world countries such as Bolivia, fighter jets will scramble to intercept an aircraft that is not identified by a transponder. GOOD POINT, THAT is what a transponder is really for, with regard to radar the transponder does not do anything. So if this plane flew for up to 7 hours absent being cloaked, SOMEONE WOULD HAVE SCRAMBLED. Only an electronic warfare oriented “escort” craft could have gotten flight 370 to wherever it went via a falsified transponder beacon or outright radar jamming.

    Second really good point was that Tucson Arizona is another good place to look for this airplane.

    There were other comments regarding this plane really going to Viet Nam and other places. As far as I see it, that’s the same as arguing whether a plane hit the Pentagon or if thermate was used, or directed energy weapons were used, it’s all at that level irrelevant. The important thing to know is that this plane could not have vanished according to the official story, this all happened as an act of war and those chinese engineers are now in U.S. custody and it does not matter if they are in Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, or heavily drugged and eating at In-N-Out in Bakersfield as they learn just how “great” America is, and how well they will be paid for giving up Chinese secrets.

    The plane will probably be used in a future “terror attack” if the story line goes well enough for them to not be forced to blow it up over the ocean to provide “proof” of what happened to it. And the ziopress is pushing the hijacking line really hard as they laugh about rocket attacks from Gaza that are OBVIOUSLY JUST DUMPED OVER WHEELBARROWS FULL OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE OR A JACK HAMMERED SIDEWALK Seriously – look at them laughing in the photo at the pile of “rocket debris” that was obviously just dumped there and not the result of any blast, we can’t get the truth in ANYTHING from zion, including via British originated now run from Quatar Rothchild psy op Al Jazeera.

    HOLD YOUR BREATH, tomorrow (Monday March 17) could be big, I still maintain that flight 370 was hijacked as a precursor to world war 3, let’s just hope it does not go the way the bankers want if it all gets started and the world finally breaks free of their death grip, they have gambled an awful lot in a nuclear armed world, let’s hope Russia “gets it” and chooses the correct targets. And even if not, let’s hope the bankers one way or another totally lose it. It’s high time for them to lose from war rather than gain.

    March 15 2014

    theunhivedmind says:

    March 18, 2014 at 7:38 am