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Photos for Sandy Hook victims created in AP's media photo use site, month before shooting. Video proof.

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March 11, 2014

The guy had access to AP's photo site for media use at  college.  AP has now restricted that photo site, after his videos have come out. .

He was able to do searches of photos uploaded to AP for stories with a pre date of December 13, 2012.

The site, shows when the photos are created and submitted to AP for media use, they all have 'creation' dates.

Remember Emily Parker's fund on Facebook was created the morning of December 14th 2012, which many noticed.  How was a fund created and a page created on FB before anyone knew who the victims were?

Some of the photos that show creation dates long before the event, could be attributed to the camera takng the pictures having the wrong date set internally, in my opinion.  But other pictures as Soto's graduation picture that was taken at her graduation in 2008 and has the correct creation date of that day, yet it was submitted in November of 2012 to AP for a victim of the shooting.

The guy Timothy Hunter who did the video, does a good job and has done the research to bring out the information.

What the video shows overall is the fact the pool of victims photos were created and put into AP's photo site for media use, the month before the shooting.

He shows through screen captures how the victims of Sandy Hook, many of the photos were created November 23 2012 from directly on the AP site and before they shut it down.

This site has some information about what is in the video with the screen shots, but I highly advise watching the video, as you will be able to see him do the searches on AP and how the dates were predated to the shooting.

Even though the whole B.S. interview with Peter Lanza has come out in the New Yorker, trying to convince everyone that people who are fans of Ron Paul, are possible mass murderers and secretly violent people who are fascinated with guns.  I believe many are questioning the whole shooting and they are having to try and counter that.