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Agents of deception They dominate the government and have usurped the opposition

John Kaminski

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Feb. 21, 2014






By John Kaminski

The strange purchase date and price of Sandy Hook homes:


Dulled and dimwitted by an onslaught of brain damaging anesthesia — fluoride, TV, fast food, chemtrails, meaningless distractions — most Americans can no longer remember the past in any meaningful way. 


For them, history begins in 2001, on September 11, when the U.S. government says Muslim terrorists hijacked four jetliners and wreaked havoc on two big cities, providing the justification to conduct one-sided wars against various South Asian countries and implement preposterously invasive anti-terror measures at home.


Although American history, as the older generations know it, is also based on a series of lies throughout the 20th century that twisted reality into a never-ending series of monstrous wars, today's Americans are ensnared in a bloody web of lies that began on 9/11. Everything that has happened since — ravaging defenseless patsy countries abroad and staging mass murder atrocities at home — has been based on those lies.


Today, government lies have reached a new level of deception. The atrocities themselves are no longer actually committed, but only reported as being committed by an paid-off media apparatus which is controlled by the people running the government, the media and the Wall Street banks. All of them are employees of the same treasonous and pathologically immoral agency of doom and destruction working feverishly to transform the United States into a depopulated wasteland suitable for sale to those left to purchase a skeleton crew of emaciated and brain damaged slaves.


Among the dozens of recent violent assaults on the American populace, three stand out for the egregious falsehoods they have implanted in the minds of the brain damaged American population. They also stand out for what they taught the American people to expect in the future should repetitions of these events appear again.


Superstorm Sandy was one such event. It was not a natural hurricane at all. Atmospheric expert Dane Wigington explains how the storm was guided to deliberately ravage the New Jersey coastline. 


Since yesterday Hurricane Sandy has gained speed. Yesterday it had maximum sustained winds of 75 mph and as of 11:00 am it now has maximum sustained wind speeds of 90 mph gusting to 115 mph. As it heads north it should have naturally reduced its speed as it enters the much colder waters and colder air of the North Atlantic. Instead the hurricane is intensifying – it is being steered into the US coast.

Yesterday the hurricane was following a path away from the US coast but overnight it unnaturally made a 45 degree turn in the cold October North Atlantic water and air. Impossible as hurricanes only form naturally when air warmed over the ocean rises to meet the cool upper atmosphere. The heat turns to kinetic energy, producing a spiral of wind and rain. The greater the temperature differences between top and bottom, and the narrower the eye of the hurricane, the faster it blows. The hurricane eye is being narrowed and steered by the X-Band microwave heating of the air above and ahead of Hurricane Sandy.

Coincidence or collateral damage? Is it just a coincidence that there has been a spike in earthquakes exactly at the same time as Hurricane Sandy is being steered to a major US city? You tell me. The HAARP SBX beams a huge amount of microwave energy into the atmosphere above and ahead of the Hurricane Sandy. To steer the hurricane the SBX has to heat the atmosphere in front of where the US government wants the hurricane to make landfall and cause extensive damage. When you beam any signal into the atmosphere a lot of that energy is deflected back to Earth by the ionosphere atmosphere.

If enough of that energy is deflected back to Earth it can and has caused collateral damage – in the form of earthquakes. The BC 7.7 magnitude earthquake and all of the quakes since are in direct line of fire with the SBX beaming that is steering Hurricane Sandy. The earthquakes all coincide with the steering (man made course corrections) of Hurricane Sandy.


Of course, what all this taught the victims of Superstorm Sandy was that the government will not help them after their homes are destroyed by government tinkering with the atmosphere.


The so-called Boston Marathon massacre imposed martial law on a major American city after mercenaries (fully visible on video) staged a bombing with faux victims and fake blood. A few days later a mammoth dragnet captured two men accused (but not tried nor convicted) of the crime, after first placing the entire city of Watertown, Mass. on lockdown and barging into people's homes to search for the suspect.


These police state tactics were met with widespread approval from Bostonians, even though parade organizers announced that a drill was taking place before the bombs went off, one suspect was murdered in cold blood by police, and the other, his brother, when arraigned months later, was said not to be Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at all by college classmates who knew him well.


But the real false flag operation — one to rival the grand deception of 9/11 — was the so-called Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, a complex hoax which in the past few months has been blown wide open, first by Sofia Smallstorm's sensational video, 


Unraveling Sandy Hook


and more recently by the words of a nationally recognized school safety expert


Wolfgang W. Halbig


Cops Harass School Safety Expert Wolfgang Halbig Twice During Radio Interview Questioning The Sandy Hook Massacre:


If you have any interest in the hoax that has been perpetrated by federal and state officials, you should listen to every minute of the two above links, which will assist you in concluding that one of the great deceptions in American history has been perpetrated on us all.


The Smallstorm video recaps the glaring anomalies of the brittle official story and asks the questions the whole country has asked for more than a year that the Connecticut State Police, through threats and intimidation, have prohibited discussing.


For me, the high point of the video came in a bizarre clip of a nearly incoherent speech by chief medical examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver who actually said "I hope the people of Newtown don't have it (meaning this grotesque hoax) crash on their head later."


Well, that crashing is now taking place because of questions that still cannot be answered due to a clumsy and offensive police coverup.


A 150-pound physically inept weakling named Adam Lanza wielding more than 100 pounds of weapons and ammo murders 26 people with pinpoint precision?


Parents are never allowed to see their dead children? No one is allowed to see the crime scene? The school is torn down so the hoax can be maintained? 


Filmmaker Smallstorm concluded Sandy Hook was a new experiment in disaster, "a new kind of 9/11". Her presentation clearly shows the event was preplanned, including the lady who called the school and asked "who cleaned up the blood?" No one ever answers the question "Who cleaned up the blood?" Instead, the school was torn down.


Gripping as Unraveling Sandy Hook was, the recent interview of Halbig by American Free Press seals the deal about the Sandy Hook hoax.


Halbig is a national school safety consultant, former Florida state trooper and U.S. Customs agent, former high school principal and football coach, whose job in his retirement years entails counseling school boards about how to do their jobs. He has helped with numerous investigations of school shootings, including Columbine, where he observed the blood and spattered body parts in that Colorado library where so many students were murdered.


Halbig has been asking a variety of officials in Connecticut for ten months for details about Sandy Hook, with no response. Recently, two local homicide investigators in the north Florida county where he lives visited his home and told him that if he continued his Sandy Hook investigation he would face charges from Connecticut officials. Halbig tossed the investigators out of his house.


He doesn't plan on quitting. And he needs protection from a totalitarian police apparatus that has placed a tight lid on the strange and questionable events at Sandy Hook.


An expert witness at Columbine, Halbig's goal is to depose Sandy Hook officials in court. As a cop, a teacher and an investigator, he has an endless list of questions.


"There were so many anomalies," he told AFP in the interview. "Police parked a quarter of a mile away when shots were being fired. The first unit takes action in an active shooter event. It just didn't happen at Sandy Hook."


"Why no trauma helicopters. The scene was neutralized in 20 minutes. No helicopters were ever requested."


"Why were no EMTs going in?"


"Who declared all of those people dead in the first few minutes?"


"Why would the FBI classify the Sandy Hook report on the shooting?"


"Why did they make America wait 11 months for report?"


"Every crime is a puzzle," said Halbig, "and it's very easy to put together."


But Sandy Hook? "It's a puzzle, but the pieces don't fit."


Hallbig, an expert on school security with experience at Columbine and other disaster scenes, simply said, "I don't believe any children were killed at Sandy Hook."


Between the Smallstorm video and the Halbig interview, the evidence seems clear that Sandy Hook was a crass hoax in which no children were killed to further the objectives of a totalitarian U.S. government hellbent on taking everyone's guns away from them so they can be eliminated with maximum efficiency.


Curiously, a number of prominent members of those who have generally been considered to be members of the Internet opposition are denying the conclusions of Smallstorm and Halbig, and backing the obviously phony story of the Connecticut State Police.


These include Mark Glenn, creator of the pro-Palestinian website, The Ugly Truth; Greg Johnson, driving force behind Revolt of the Plebs; anti-Zionist radio host Deanna Spingola, and most surprisingly, popular author Michael Collins Piper, who recently embarrassed himself in a radio debate with John Friend and professor Jim Fetzer by refusing to examine the Sandy Hook evidence, and use common sense to evaluate the obvious lies. Instead, Piper lost himself in a barrage of irrelevant ad hominem drivel.


Brian Gebauer of Northern Truthseeker has recapped the bizarre behavior of Glenn and his coterie of coverup artists better than I possibly could.


Sandy Hoax: Mark Glenn exposes himself as a fraud


Only naive nerds or paid off shills — like those who insist 9/11 was done by Muslim terrorists who magically learned to fly complicated jet airliners — still believe that 20 children were killed at Sandy Hook elementary school. They had to tear down the school because they couldn't reproduce the bloodstained murder scene. And as Mr. Halbig said, the puzzle pieces don't fit and the stonewalling by police is a dead giveaway of the lies they are telling, just like the lies of 9/11.


Take note of those who support the baldfaced lies of the Connecticut State Police and the master planners of social engineering who seek to enslave the population in a perceptual noose of easily debunkable falsehoods.



John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.