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mAY 1, 2013

Boston Hoax: Fake Blood AND Silicon Confirmed

A poster sent the marked images demonstrating, once again, that the entire Boston Marathon bombing , particularly the smoke bomb-like explosion in front of the Marathon sports center, was nothing other than a theatrical production, smoke and mirrors, where no one died or was seriously injured. This means that all those who claim to be dire victims, particularly the amputees and deceased people at this acclaimed site of the bombing, including Jeff Bauman and Krystle Campbell,  are arch-fraudsters to the most extreme degree. See the video of what the fake wounds look like per one of our posters:

Strategic Operations Business Card L from Strategic Operations on Vimeo.

Somehow somewhere in this fake massacre plot fake/artificial blood was used. An effort is being made to accumulate evidence, that is hard evidence of such fakery.

Note: as these pictures are general domain, we at cannot confirm as of yet that any of the marked items are empty or full fake blood containers. There is no way to zero in sufficiently to say one way or the other. Regardless, the behavior and actions are suspect.

One truly invaluable find is this view of the right leg of Krystle Campbell, which shows at least one of the legs to be fully intact. In other words, the claim that (correction) both her legs were blown off and she died immediately is a gross fabrication.

However, clearly, one leg is missing from the frame. In a real amputation, there would be a great pool of blood and without shutting of the flow the person would die in minutes. Let’s look at that close-up:


Where is that massive pool of dark red blood? And why is the limb not cyanotic? Now, the apparent thigh wound enlarged: