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Exit Stage Left: The Actors


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April 27, 2013

t appears that there are actors involved with the False Flag Event in Boston. And if you don’t believe this old redneck, maybe you’ll believe the Boston Police Commissioner:

How about the cowboy and fake blood?


How about the fake bombing victim?


You can always check this video at the 9:14 mark, just before the intentional blue screen when they realized how fake it looked from that angle:



close up

Did you see where CNN interviewed the same woman immediately after the bombing, then again, elsewhere, the same woman on a different subject. Amazing how she witnessed both events:

Watch it all, but especially the 2:45 mark.

Something is not right.

And if you still doubt that actors can be used, then you really need to watch this video:

EDITED 6AM, 4/26 (Info provided by Greg at the Goon Squad)

h/t Digger, Marcell and NODISINFO

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