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Animated Dragonflies and Butterflies

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The dragonfly is an ancient symbol of good news and a promising future. The butterfly represents transformational change in all cultures.

These animated sculptures are brought to life through the action of the simplest electric motor in the world, the homopolar motor. There are only three parts to this motor; a battery, a magnet, and a piece of wire!

Each dragonfly and butterfly is made with one continuous piece of copper wire. The butterfly's wire was clipped once for the antennas.

Each of these sculptures begins with a spiral of wire and ends with a spiral of the same wire.

Working by principle of the Lorentz force, the lower coil of wire both rotates and vibrates the sculpture at the same time, which gives realistic visual and auditory clues to these electromagnetic life-forms.

You can commission mrfixitrick to build a wireformed homopolar dragonfly or butterfly one-piece sculpture!

Price is $50.(canadian) plus shipping, and includes dragonfly or butterfly one-piece wire sculpture, neodymium magnet, and tuning instructions.

Proceeds will go towards present and future experiments, of course!