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2019 Global rEVOLUTION Updates - 2019 Review - 2020 Preview

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Solstice Update Report

Dec 21, 2019 /

With the 'Problem' Well-Defined in 2019,

the 'Solution' is Self-Evident in 2020.


In preparation for Solstice,I've been adding videos and articles to my recent 'gift basket' compendium at: 2019 Fulfilled. Check out the one just added at the bottom about the no-longer 'secret' space program. It's a BIG WOW!  Anti-gravity and free-energy tech is now officially recognized with publically released patents! And the U.S. Space Force has just been authorized as the sixth branch of the military!  Apparently, they couldn't disclose the secret space program without admitting that they have anti-gravity and free-energy technology.


Geeeeeeee whiz! This is HUGE. 

Beam me up Scottie!


Finally we are witness to serious unveiling of a secret space program that went on for half a century right under our compartmentalized noses.


Secret Space Program Unveiling Begins

Dec 16, 2019 / Benjamin Fulford


Every since Internet search became common, the secret space force cover-up has become more transparent. Now it's officially gone!The public record now reveals they've had UFO technology and what they are doing with it... no matter whether Google rigs search results or if mainstream fake news repeats BS ad nauseam. Disclosure is out of the bag.


 Wailing and gnashing of teeth, etc.


Big changes are ahead folks. Global economic reset is being prepared behind the scenes. The Trump impeachment reality show is 'bread and circuses' for the masses while several power elite cabals squabble over their very different views of how the 'New World Order' should emerge.

It’s no secret the global elites hate President Trump. His nationalistic agenda is the exact opposite of the globalists’ hidden agenda of world government, world money and world taxation.

Trump believes in “America first,” not globalism. He believes in immigration control, not open borders.

He said himself… “There is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency or a global flag. This is the United States of America that I’m representing.”

Now that Trump has inaugurated his 'Space Force' as the sixth branch of the military, perhaps he can finally flip-flop to proclaim the new 'US' as 'United Sovereigns' of Earth with some kind of Earth flag.



- the Spirit of ChristMass2019 -

 On Earth as in the Galactic Federation

of Sovereign Planets.

All parody aside, Trump is a major threat to the global elites’ agenda of global economic reset that disrupts the U.S. dollar standard and supposedly levels the economic playing field with blockchain distributed ledgers. But will the same bankster globalists that rig the current system use the economic chaos dialectic to rig cryptocurrencies for their new world order?

How long can the central 'FED' bank print money and rack up massive deficits to fund a global military and social services in the US while other nations of the world must pay for US dollars with real products or services?

So what kind of deal is Trump negotiating with power elite potentates? How can Trump sustain US hegemony as a value-added global empire while saying 'America First' and everyone else last?

Will Donald's 'Trump Card' be a Global Freedom Platformto upgrade core Internet freedoms for enlightened social conscience in our global social networks? Isn't it time for a Space Age update of our horse-and-buggy representation system?

What would it say to people worldwide if Trump's platform for 2020 included free, online, universal holistic health care with Global TeLeCare? That would be a personal and planetary win/win - not 'we win - you lose'.

Properly positioned, packaged and promoted, a VISION of Global TeLeComm and TeLeCare that is whole enough, bold enough and told enough could become a self-evident - and self-elevating - self-fulfilling prophecy.

That's the High State Vision of mass ascension that we can celebrate as Christ Mass awakening for 20/20 TLC vision.

This drama will go HOT in 2020. If there is serious economic disruption, Deep State minions will blame Trump incessantly as they have done with his impeachment.


So be aware and - just in case - prepare for major disruption of the economy in 2020. Stock up on SPX before prices go up. It will keep your immune system strong and help adapt to any added stress.


If the global elite could simply agree that a well-qualified meritocracy is the best win/win from top to bottom and left to right... and if they could simply grasp the TLC criteria for heart coherentqualification via Web 3.0 Heartware... then Christ Masswould become more than just a once-a-year meme in the mind of the masses.


History will look back at 2019-2020 as the time of mass awakening to the choice of Christ Mass ascension. Those who wise up and 'rise up' - ascending to a 5D+ High State - will naturally hold the balance for those who 'don't get it' and 'won't go there'.

"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels." ~ from the decade-long research with millions of tests utilizing behavioral kinesiology, documented in POWER VS. FORCE - The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by Dr. David R. Hawkins , M.D., PhD in Psychology

 The global Great Awakening of 2019 is now

  reaching a spiritual climax with celebration

 of Christmasvirtues at the heart of mass

  devotions of loving kindness as can truly

enlighten and liberate all of 'US' as the

United Sovereigns of Earth.


It looks like the 2019 Global rEVOLUTION

has culminated with a BIG CHOICE for

2020 and beyond: a convergence of

timelinesand a 'turning point' as

revealed by the 'Looking Glass'

technology from 'off-planet':


Project Looking Glass:

 The Deep State's Plan To Control Time

  Dec 10, 2019 / Edge of Wonder

This is some mind-blowing stuff, even for

veterans of this Edge of Wonder show.


According to the astounding Looking Glass,

the future of humanity is now being defined

by converging dynamics of these timelines:


THE CHOICE - Timeline 1 ...

The human race will go through a massive

spiritual awakening, and learn and see

the truth of everything that has been

 kept hidden from us for centuries.


We wise up and get our act together. 

Or by default, Timeline 2...

A great catastrophe will happen and destroy

most of our world and life on the planet...

before 5G radiation corrupts the fabric

 of the DNA blueprint for life on Earth.




Sounds like a 'Jonah at Nineveh' moment to me!



Keep the Faith - See the Good - and,

Make it Sofor ChristMass2019.



The EVENT of ChristMass2019will be different for everyone. Obviously, the Deep State of willful corruption is being challenged by an emerging High State of social conscience in our global social network communities.


The forked-tongued, two-faced 'reptilians' (control freaks)in the Deep State are getting frantic. Their judgment is nigh - sealed affidavits for their arrest. If Trump is re-elected, they're toast - and know it.


Trump is not a politician. He's an instigator and advocate of much needed change. People who voted for smooth-talking Obama typically hate crude-dude Trump who is more like a wreaking ball to Deep State vested interest in systemic corruption - power for power's sake - to maintain their corrupt economic and political power.


Love him or hate him, Trump has definitely disrupted the dark-side's Deep State bubble of tolerance for abject evil and blatant corruption. Indeed, everyone has been challenged to get along by going along with the deeply entrenched corruption of the corporatocracy - as though it were normal - because a clear path to global rEVOLUTIONas a do or die proposition has not been self-evident until this last year.


Civil unrest went global in 2019. Whole populations are like a powder-keg of explosive anxiety. It's a mess. But that's the 'do-or-die' point.


 Violent Protests Spread World Wide

Dec 5, 2019 /

  As central banks ramp up money printing to

 prevent the global economy from crashing,

  we've been documenting an alarming surge

    of social upheavals erupting globally in 2019.


Keep in mind what wise old Ben Franklin said at the beginning of their revolution, "Either we all hang together or most assuredly we'll all hang separately."


That was the CHOICE we had back then. And this is the CHOICE that we have now. It's a global issue. The Family of Mankind wants to unite as kind men.


Sovereignty is a divine right - to own our own lives. Global sovereignty is now a CHOICE.


"We the People" prefer representation - in good conscience - to tyranny by technocrats and bureaucrats under plutocrat dominion over autocrats of the corporatocracy. That's not democracy. It's more like governance by 'bankster economics' (video,12-18-19), and their controlling ownership of giant corporate cabals and their well-paid political front men.


If that's the 'swamp' that Trump vowed to drain, does that explain why the Deep State hates him? And since the Rothschilds bailed out Trump's bankrupt companies twice, why would he bite the hand of Political Zionism that feeds him?


Trump is getting sqeezed between a rock and a hard spot. Will he make a deal with the Zionist banksters for some level of economic reset 'Jublilee'? And will that debt forgiveness be prelude to reboot of the economy with a 'gold standard' with more than just physical gold or quantum computing or blockchain distributed ledgers for secure transactions?


And what would Trump offer in return? Clemency? Or a fraction of the action for Zionist banksters and their technocrat minions?

The Danger of Technocracy & Central Banks

Dec 19, 2019 /

Bloomberg Financial has declared the Bank for

 International Settlements (BIS) to be a "bastion

   of global technocracy" as central banks prepare

to reset the global economy into 'Sustainable

Development', also known as Technocracy.

 With Bloomberg running for President, it looks

like the globalist technocrats have their man!

How the Deep State Media packages Bloomberg as salvation from Trump will be interesting to witness.

  Realize what’s going on folks.

 It’s known as a paradigm shift,

and it’s all about the intention.    The patriarchal control intent is

  morphing via co-creation intent

  for personal/global sovereignty

   due to all-connected Net reality.


    Birth of Global Sovereignty as One.

 And like any birth, it’s messy.

The Big Shift (2017), led to aGlobal Upgrade (2018), which has sparked the2019 Global rEVOLUTION. Scan the weekly compendiums at those links to recognize a common pattern emerging for a new COMMON SENSE shaping personal and planetary rEVOLUTION. Conceive how a High State is morphing the Deep State matrix.

We can do it the hard way or the easy way.

The Deep State of patriarchal paradigm paralysis is deeply entrenched in all our social, political and economic institutions, and only the EVOLUTION of a High State of conscientious COMMON SENSE will put the brakes on heartless institutions that lack ethical principle.

It’s time to ‘cut the crap’ – transcend the‘BS’

(heartless Belief System)that willfully ignores the opportunity for

freedom from Deep State deception,

dysfunction and destruction.

As the High State naturally integrates a New Common Sense of what is truly best for all global Netizens… the Deep State naturally disintegrates. And to the extent this is accomplished with a compelling vision of TLC upgrades for all global Netizens, social conscience will mature in our ubiquitous social networks.

ThisTeLeComm process of global ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ will adjudicate the disruption of corruption with the holy spirit of mass-interactive -in-action.

ChristMass 2019 thus represents a spiritual 'vision quest' to put wind in our sails for 20/20 vision in 2020. With good vision, the people thrive. Without it, 5G persists with technocrat tyranny and totalitarian surveillance; the people perish.


Ironically, the more that Deep State front men scurry to impeach Trump, the more it becomes obvious - as the whole truth comes out on the Internet - that Big Government and Big Media are seriously corrupt... and WHY Big Tech is blatantly censoring independent truth-telling on the Internet in synch with Big Media.


The Whole Truth is a big threat to the Big Lie,

 and this timely struggle is reaching a climax.

Sometimes I think that the infinite and eternal 'dance' of light and darkness in the universe is playing out here and now on the Earth holodeck. And that the greatest power in the universe - the Source of God-Love connection - is challenging everyone's 'reptilian brain' to see the ultimate meaning of survival as the thrival of ultimate meaning, value and God~Love~Source purpose:



For aHigh State of Christ MassIntegration,



Full Spectrum




 Global TeLeCare,
