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Comments on"Beware theIdes of March"

Rocky Montana

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Comments by Rocky Montana



If you have read the above revealing document regarding this stain on our beloved U.S. Constitution, you may have come to the same conclusion as have I, that PUBLIC LAW No. 102-14 ("The Noahide Laws" bill) is a treasonous, evil, unConstitutional, and unAmerican law, as it sets up one alien religion as "the religious law of the land", over all other religions.  This is a part of the dark ones plan to install a One World Religion and a One World Order.  This fact should shake all Americans and freedom-loving Christians to their core!  Please consider sending this document to your fellow citizens and American patriots to help awaken them to America's plight, just as you have been awakened by these facts.  Then, please unite in one voice and demand from the federal government that PUBLIC LAW No. 102-14 be stricken from U.S. Law by the U.S. Supreme Court as soon as possible.

Also, in the above writing, the author refers to "Emmanuel" (God's messenger of some 2000 Earth years ago) as "The Son of God".  Many orthodox Christian sects and cults (religions) throughout the world have also misinterpreted this statement to mean the "ONLY" Son of God. The Phoenix Journals state, and I paraphrase: Emmanuel's (also spelled Immanuel, from the Sanskrit word, Jmmanuel, meaning: "God with us"), biological father was Archangel Gabriel who was/is a distant relative of Creator God. Immanuel's soul was created by Our spiritual Father, The Father Creator of our universe.  Therefore, Immanuel was "a" son of Creator God, just as each human being with the gift of soul is "a" son or daughter of Creator God.  The great distinction between Immanuel and we humans is that Immanuel was an Archangel of great knowledge, experience and spiritual wisdom surpassing that of mankind, and who has since reached the pinnacle of spiritual achievement, "Oneness with Creator God".  Even the New Testament states, he will return bearing a new name. That name is Sananda (meaning "One With God").  Sananda currently shares co-regency or co-governorship with Archangel Michael over Creator God's planet Earth.

Also, in the 11th paragraph from the bottom of the same article, the author states:

"Didn't Emmanuel the Christ suffer execution ordered by a Jewish court because his accusers said he had "blasphemed God"? Yes, history proves that, and..."   [Emphasis added.]

No, history has never proven Esu Immanuel was executed (killed), as his body was found was not found by the soldiers who rolled away the stone to the entrance of his burial chamber.  Although execution by crucifixion was the intent by the satanic forces arrayed against Immanuel that infamous day, execution (death) did not occur.  Immanuel was in a coma (a state of half-death), only appearing to be dead to the Roman soldiers who released his body to the family and close friends for "burial".

Sometime before the third day after his crucifixion, Immanuel awoke from his coma, his body healed well enough to travel, and fled his burial chamber through a secret rear entrance.  After meeting with and instructing his disciples one last time in Galilee, Immanuel traveled east to Syria and lived in Damascus for about two years, after which time Immanuel's brother Thomas and Judas Iscarioth, his closest friend and only scribe, joined him.  (No, Judas Iscarioth was not Immanuel's betrayer--Immanuel's betrayer was Juda Iharioth, the son of a Pharisee.)  About a month later Immanuel's mother Mary also joined him.  They then all set out for India.  Wherever they came to a settlement, Immanuel preached to the people The Gospel of Jmmanuel (not the gospel of Paul, who was Saul of Tarsus, a Pharisee and Immanuel's greatest enemy). Immanuel traveled with the small caravan of family and friends through India and Tibet; he married and had children, and his body survived to the age of 107 when he was buried in the region currently known as Afghanistan.

These and many other facts about Immanuel's life and ministry are well documented in Phoenix Journal 2, And They Called His Name Immanuel, I Am Sananda, as well as in other Phoenix Journal publications.
