March 20, 2003
March 20, 2003
By Patrick H. Bellringer
Truthbringers on Earth Shan are under verbal attack tonight from many quarters because their message does not agree with the "facts" of the lying media. U.S. and Britain declared war on Iraq and war has started, when we had said that there would be no more war, ever on this planet. So, without a consideration of the Truth, not only is the message ridiculed, but also the Truthbringer as well.
Let us consider again what is true. On Tuesday, March 18, for the first time ever the White Knights gained total control of Washington, D.C. and the Pentagon. The "window of opportunity" for announcing NESARA occurred on Wednesday, March 19, but it didn't happen. Why? Twelve of the Faction Two White Knights were loyal to G.W. Bush and held back until G.W. ordered military action against Iraq on Wednesday evening. They then argued that it would be a national security risk to remove the president during a time of war even though it was an unlawful war. Such nonsense! Needless to say these twelve White Knights are no longer with us, as they have been uncreated.
The lying media war blitz has now started and many people totally believe what they see and hear on T.V., read in the newspapers and hear on radio. We are at war with Iraq! Right? Wrong!
Let me clarify. The ten Iraqi artillery sites that were destroyed by U.S. Military in Kuwait, didn't happen. The forty Tomahawk missiles shot into Baghdad, didn't happen. Oh, they were shot from the ships at sea alright, but they were vaporized by Forces of Light technology when they entered Iraqi airspace. All tanks, trucks, planes, bombs, bullets, etc. were vaporized when they entered Iraq's sovereign territory and airspace. All soldiers involved were picked up by Forces of Light Starships and are safe aboard tonight. Guess what happened to the big "shock and awe bombardment" first day of the war? Rumsfeld had to make up the story of a change in war plans of "decapitation of Iraqi military leadership.'
There was no destruction, no injuries or any deaths from military action against Baghdad last night. Today, CNN reporters asked to see the damage from the 40 Tomahawk missiles that reportedly hit Baghdad last night. They took an hour and a half tour around Baghdad today, but found no recent war damage. Saddam Hussein was first reported killed by the lying media, then injured but finally was discovered to be in good health, with none of his soldiers killed or even injured. Please understand that this is a non-war. Creator God decreed that there would be no more war, and it is so!
The Baghdad news reporters heard loud booms and saw flashes of light in the night sky. Was this real? Yes! I have told you earlier that one of the primary goals of G.W. Bush for war with Iraq was to gain control of the Stargate in Baghdad. This Stargate was used for cosmic travel, and Bush wanted to have his evil alien friends come to his rescue. Last fall that Stargate was closed by the Forces of Light after they had removed the evil Draconians using it. A plasma shield of 100th dimension protection was placed around the Baghdad Stargate and the Jerusalem Stargate to prevent any further use by any evil energies or entities. The booms and flashes in Baghdad were the result of the U.S. Military using laser and particle beam technology in an attempt to destroy the Stargate's protective plasma shield. Need I say that this action was met with total failure, but G.W. did accomplish one thing. Any attempt by evil 3D beings to capture a Stargate is against the Cosmic Law of the Solar Tribunal. G.W. Bush has accomplished the feat of "crossing the line in the sand" a second time.
The "Dove" in her March 20 report has finally decided to tell the whole Truth because, "when thousands of people know what is going on, it moves the action forward." It is interesting that for three years she has avoided doing this, even with the prodding of myself and many others. Again it is interesting that the "Dove" has represented and spoken for the Faction Two White Knights for three years, but now she denies any association with them. What is more frustrating for truthseekers is the reporting of the failure of the White Knights to act this week and, that they will probably again be granted an extension by the World Court for the NESARA announcement deadline.
Not so! The White Knights have blown it for the last time. The 12 White Knights of Faction Two that refused to act on Wednesday have been uncreated and are gone forever. There will be no more deadline extensions by the World Court. Admiral Sananda and Saint Germain are now in charge of the NESARA process and announcement. With the assistance of the Faction Three White Knights and the King of Swords (the number one White Knight), Sananda, St. Germain and the Forces of Light shall make the NESARA announcement now.
Please join me, as we are being directed to take back our power by focusing the violet flame of transmuting unconditional Love upon all evil. We are to focus it upon St. Germain as he goes with this 100th dimension Love Light to the U.S. White House, to the Pentagon, to Iraq, to the United Nations, and to the World Court--to bring Love.
Now, there shall be no war!
Now, NESARA shall be announced!
Now, we shall have peace!
Believe it! Know it, and it is so!
-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at --
-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at --