Patrick H. Bellringer
The "money people" have tricked the masses into a buying frenzy to lead them deeper into poverty, and to trick them into the replacing of the giving of themselves with things. The churches have totally fooled the people into following God/Satan under the guise of Jehovah, Yahweh and Satan Claus.
The world news tonight is equally depressing.
1) Riots and bloodshed in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, between the government and the people over cancelled election results due to wide-spread election corruption.
2) Unfair agreements in the Israeli/Palestinian peace talks over the 80%(Arab) - 20%(Israel) division of Hebron of the West Bank Gaza strip. Why any division of Hebron when the city and the entire region was stolen from the Arabs in the first place?
3) 106 hostages being held by "gorillas" in Lima, Peru, demanding the government release 400 of their number from jail.
4) Oakland, California, public school district teaching Black English (Ebonics) as the primary language to continue the enslavement of the Black masses.
5) Christmas Mass being celebrated in St. Petersburg Square, Vatican City, with millions of people world-wide being "tranced" by the Pope.
6) The highest paid professional sports people for 1996 are Mike Tyson at $75 million and Michael Jordan at $52 million.
7) James Earl Ray, who assassinated Martin Luther King, is dying in jail due to liver failure.
8) The New England Journal of Medicine claims selenium might be helpful to fight cancer.
9) Tonight we have a full moon on Christmas Eve, the first time since 1950 and the next to occur in the year 2102.
10) The DOW closed up at 6522.
11) And Bethlehem is under an unstable peace due to its West Bank location and the second (Christmas Eve) to be under Palestinian rule.
And yet, we know within that in spite of all the tricks and lies and darkness there is hope. We have the Light of God/Aton within to guide our journey and that gives us peace. The joy of Christmas tonight is not found in Christmas trees and Santa Clauses or bright colored packages tied up with string or wisemen and shepherds in a Bethlehem scene, or sleigh bells and snowmen in a winter wonderland. The joy of Christmas lies in the knowing of Truth, that our brother Esu Sananda chose to be born on this very dark planet as a Truthbringer to bring Love and Light. The Christmas joy lies in the knowing that Esu Sananda has returned once again to our very dark planet in its darkest hour to again bring Love and Light.
We have joy in knowing that we, too, have chosen to help in the final "Christmas wrapping" of planet Earth/Shan and to "deliver" her as a "babe in a manger" into her Cosmic 4th dimension of the Heavenly Realms.
We have joy in knowing that Sananda is our brother and that together we walk the Red Road of Truth for one last time on Shan. Our time here is not long now, not long. Our excitement grows daily as we read the signs along our pathway, as the "Sun's" energy grows more intense, and as other Truthbringers join us in their journey. The joy of Christmas lies in giving and re-giving, and we have peace in the knowing that in such we have been most faithful.
Darkness may appear to be all about tonight but that is only the illusion. Our "Christmas Star" has come again in the night sky and the thousands of little human points of Light around our Mother Earth are uniting into one glorious Light. And all darkness shall be swept from this planet forever. With the help of the Heavenly Realms and Sananda, we have won. God/Aton has won. This is the real meaning of Christmas! God/Aton has won!
Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given;
And the government will be upon his shoulder,
And his name will be called, "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Your Dad, Husband, and Friend
(Patrick H. Bellringer)