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By Patrick H. Bellringer

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brings. Some of these White nights are very brave souls, who are determined to restore the united States of America as a Republic, and bring peace to our world. Many of these White Knights are highly spiritual and intellectual people. Many of these enlightened, strong beings are also aided with great feminine backing, great wisdom and powerful motivation to accomplish NESARA. They have returned to this present lifestream to do this work, and they understand fully their mission.

Many years ago it was anticipated that there would be those, who had strong belief systems, who would be placed in NESARA leadership positions because they were brave souls, but who would make wrong choices and “cop out” in the end. Therefore, it was determined that a NESARA Plan B was needed, as an emergency back-up plan to accomplish the NESARA mission. The NESARA Plan B was carefully and wisely constructed, and over the past four years has been kept in readiness for immediate use.

On March 22, 2004 the NESARA announcement window was opened for forty-five days until May 5, 2004 by order of the World Court. The White Knights moved into position for their tasks to assist in the NESARA announcement and implementation process. For nine days they have waited for the NESARA Decision Team of four U. S. Supreme Court judges to give the orders to proceed with the NESARA official announcement to the people of planet Earth. These four judges have made it quite clear that they have no intention of giving such orders until after April 15, 2004. These nine days of waiting were allowed for these four judges to re-consider their decisions to delay NESARA for another two weeks. Even after waiting another two weeks, these judges give no guarantee to the people of Earth that they will act wisely at that time.

Therefore, NESARA Plan B has now been placed on the table by the special group of White Knights, who created it. All is in readiness this night for Plan B to be activated. Yet, there is a bit of hesitancy to activate Plan B due to the hope that the four judges of the NESARA Decision Team will change their minds and order NESARA now. Maybe public pressure and private persuasion will cause them to reconsider their decision.

I tell you this night that that is not to be. They have made their decision, and in so doing, they have sealed their fate. This is a human show, and these humans have failed in their tasks. They are then set aside and others will take their place and accomplish the NESARA mission. It is we who must push the “button” to start the NESARA ball rolling from its perch on the mountain peak. It is we humans, who must first act, and then the Forces of Light will protect and support us all the way to the “finish line”.

I talk to Creator God on a daily basis. At 9:00 p.m. MST this night March 30, 2004 Creator God gave me orders to give immediately to the White Knights of NESARA Plan B. Here are the orders:

My courageous White Knights of NESARA Plan B, I am Creator God. You have been faithful and true. You have acted wisely to allow the judges of the NESARA Decision Team the time they needed to make their decisions. They have now made their choices, and you need wait no longer.

My people have suffered enough. Your time has come to act. You have my orders through my messenger to proceed immediately with NESARA Plan B. My orders are to move swiftly and to activate NESARA Plan B now, with no further hesitation. It is my request that you accomplish the official public announcement of NESARA to the people of Earth immediately. All is ready! Do not wait! Do it now!

Go with my blessing, and all the help and protection of Heaven! Know in your hearts that this is your time, and this is your mission! Go, my brave souls! Accomplish the NESARA mission, and bring relief and peace to my people of planet Earth. I am Creator God, and I love you all with a great Love. These are my marching orders. So be it!

To you White Knights of NESARA Plan B, I give you my encouragement. Know in your heart that you can do this mission. Know that, as you act in faith, you are protected by the Lighted Realms, and that you will be given all the wisdom, the fortitude and the courage you will need to accomplish your tasks in grand style. Go with joy in your heart and the hope and peace that NESARA brings to our world. Yours is a magnificent mission, and this is a grand time for our beloved Earth Shan and her people. Let us all declare the NESARA victory now.

For any who may doubt my words or those of Creator God, I encourage you to simply verify this message with Creator God. He waits for all to talk with Him. Aho!

-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at --

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