by Patrick H. Bellringer
Many people are asking me for Truth concerning these terrorist attacks on the United States military and financial centers because, as one person put it, "It’s hard to believe anything the news tells you."
Yes, I shall respond. Please understand that the Khazarian Zionist Bolshevik (KZB) world controllers are far behind in their plans for world domination and have become desperate. They believe that the only alternative left to them now to obtain their goal of total world control is to start a third world (nuclear) war! What does this have to do with the September 11 terrorist attacks against the U.S.? Everything!
The KZB plans for world control are centuries old and recorded clearly in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (these Protocols are located elsewhere on this website.). Their more recent plans to establish a "homeland" date back 2000 years and are evidenced in the altered text of the holy Bible". The KZB for 2000 years had been thrown out of every country in which they tried to live. Why? Because they became the teachers, doctors, attorneys, politicians and bankers of the country and literally took control for their evil purposes. For example, they took over Germany, and Adolph Hitler threw them out during World War II. They took over Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and the White (Christian) Russians threw them out of Russia in 1979. The KZB then gained control of Britain (UK) and the United States and have held that control ever since.
A major piece of this world control puzzle was the KZB’s plan to establish a homeland—a promised land for God’s "chosen people". Yes, that is correct. The Israel of the Bible are the KZB, and the God of Israel (KZB) is God Jehovah Satan! If you can understand this Truth, then you will understand that these world controllers "created" the wars of our world for their purposes and economic wealth. They "created" the United Nations to gain world acceptance and blessing upon their "promised land" of Israel, a nation established upon land stolen from Arab peoples in 1946 and declared the KZB homeland by the United Nations in 1948. Thousands of Arabs were killed, persecuted, and left homeless initially. For the next fifty years, this Israeli-Palestinian-Lebanese-Jordanese-Egyptian-Syrian conflict in the Middle East continued right down to September 11, 2001! It is now September 18, 2001 (Rosh Hashanah) and the Arab Israeli conflict this past week was as bad as any week since 1946.
So, you ask, what’s the point? The point is that Israel is the KZB’s "promised land", that they promised to the world to take and to keep, and from which they plan to rule the entire planet Earth and all of her brain-dead (goyim/cattle) people. But to reach this goal the KZB believe they need to "create" a nuclear world war! How? –you ask. The answer is simple. Create a major international incident and blame it on the Arabs. Then use the lying media to whip the masses into a frenzy to "kill the bastards"—and the KZB get their war and they reach their goal of total world control. (Please refer to the Update: August 8, 2001, item 2, The Middle East Crisis by PHB, for more of the history behind the present Arab-Israeli conflict.)
"But, you say, the Arabs did it to us! Arab terrorists attacked our nation. The Arabs are the enemy!" It is true that Arabs were involved in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the U.S. but please remember the age-old trick of the darkside. Satan always fools the masses by causing a problem and then offering a solution for that problem that serves his evil plans and hurts everyone of good intent.
Through my "higher communications" I learn both knowledge and wisdom. I believe that the September 11, 2001 attacks against the U.S. were done by the KZB for their desperate and explicit purpose of starting nuclear World War III. I have told you previously that Henry Kissinger and Associates man an army of foreign mercenaries for the sole purpose of starting conflict wherever the controllers feel it is "needed". They did this in Bosnia, in Kosovo, in East Timor (Indonesia), the Philippines, etc., in cooperation with and under the direction of the Israeli Mossad (Secret Intelligence Service), the Israeli Mishpucka (Israeli Mafia), the U.S. CIA, and the British Intelligence Service. I believe that these covert agencies selected key Arabs and trained them for this attack on the U.S. Of course, it was necessary to prepare the masses ahead of time to believe that someone else was behind such a sinister plot, namely Osama Bin Laden. The Israeli Mossad pulled off the Kenya/Tanzania U.S. Embassy bombings and blamed that on Osama Bin Laden. The Israeli Mossad and the U.S. CIA/FBI pulled off the first NYC World Trade Center bombing and blamed that on Arab Bin Laden sympathizers. The Mossad did a big time trick in bombing the USS Cole and again blamed that on Bin Laden people. Who bombed the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building? Is was carried out by U.S. Federal Intelligence Agency people under orders of infamous President Bill Clinton. Why?---to destroy the records of the first World Trade Center bombing and the Truth of the WACO, Texas fiasco and of Ruby Ridge/Dennis Weaver. The Truth of these incidents was about to be made public by the "good" side of our intelligence agencies. Secondly, the Oklahoma City bombing was done to prepare the American people for terrorism—and especially in the heartland
So, we have a planned attack on the U.S. by our "enemies", some one set up to take the blame (Bin Laden), and the masses programmed to believe the lie to the last detail. I believe that many of the top U.S. government and military leaders were involved in the plans for the September 11, 200l terrorist attack against the U.S. All was orchestrated according to plan, but our president was never told. He could not know, if he were to be effective in uniting the people of the U.S. and the countries of the world in a war on terrorism.
Now the game of fooling the people continues by presenting false polls (88 % of U.S. citizens are now demanding revenge), media lies, and the constant barrage of pictures and hype of the hurt and destruction to cause mind control to spark emotions. This is being done to excite the people to a level of a mass consciousness frenzy of angry revenge (by the way, whatever happened to the Chsandra Levy mind controlling media lies?) – all to "create" the spectacular ending of the KZB’s desperate plan, that of nuclear World War III!
How could they do such an evil deed? They do such because they have no God-connection. Please understand that the darkside has many levels of control and many entities to do their work. Clones have no God-connection, and thus, no ethics, values, or morals. Robotoids have given their free-will over to the darkside and have become as clones, and the Serpent People have become as Satan. The Serpent People originally came to Earth Shan with Satan, as evil aliens, and have fourth dimensional shape-shifting capabilities.
The power structure of the darkside can be seen as levels or as concentric circles. Satan is at the center. The inner circle of snake people know all the plans and have great power and authority. Each succeeding larger circle knows less and has less authority and responsibility than the one before. The outer circles are composed of puppet masters and then human robotoids and human clones. Oh, yes, our government is made of many human clones and robotoids, as is our population.
So, you ask, "what will happen?" "Will we have a third world war?" That is up to those of us who still have control of our free-will, who still have a God-connection. We have the power within to stop such evil, if we so choose. How we react to this violent attack against America and what we learn from it is our free-will choice.
Many people are asking, "How could God let this happen?" Why should we not be angry at God? I remind you of the Cosmic Law of Return or of reaping what you sow. Whether good or evil, whatever it is that we sow, be it an individual, a nation or a civilization, we shall reap that which we plant; and the harvest shall be many times the seed that was planted. What happened in NYC and Washington D.C. is not God’s fault. We have free-will to choose between good and evil---and God allows. As a people we have chosen evil and we are now reaping the harvest. We have done this evil to ourselves. We have allowed our leaders to use force and kill our fellow brothers and sisters on Earth Shan. In silence and detachment we have watched others steal, lie, cheat and maim, and make enemies of those who would be our friends.
Our supposed enemy, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, wrote a public statement to America and its people through the Iraqi News Agency following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on America. He said:
The event that took place in America is an extraordinary event. It is not a simple one. According to figures announced by official American sources or by what has been spread by the media, the number of victims is great. Nobody has any doubts, or denies that America and the West have the capabilities to mobilize force and use it, to inflict destruction on others on the basis of simple doubts or even whimsically, and can send their American missiles and the NATO fighters to where ever they want to destroy and harm whoever America decides to harm in a fit of anger, by greed, or by being pushed by Zionism.
Many countries of the world have suffered from America’s technological might, and many peoples do recognize that America had killed thousands or even millions of human being in their countries….
It is the first time that someone crosses to America to unleash the fire of his anger inside it, as indicated by what was said by the media, on the hypothesis that the executors of this act came from abroad….
Isn’t the use by America and some Western governments of their fire against others in the world including, or in the forefront of whom are the Arabs and the Muslims, one of the most important reasons of the lack of stability in the world at the present time?
Isn’t the evil inflicted on America in the act of September 11, 2001, and nothing else, a result of this and other acts?….
On September 12, 2001, we said that no one crossed the Atlantic to America carrying weapons before this event, except the Westerners who established the United States of America. America is the one who crossed the Atlantic carrying arms of destruction and death against the world. Here we want to ask a question: wasn’t the use of American weapons, including the nuclear weapon against Japan, enough before September 11, 2001, for America to prepare to use it in a heavier and a stronger way? Or isn’t using it in an irresponsible way, and without justification as does any oppressive force in the world, what made America the most hated country in the world….
The national security of America and the security of the world could be attained if the American leaders and those who beat the drums for them among the rulers of the present time in the West or outside the West become rational, if America disengages itself from its evil alliance with Zionism, which has been scheming to exploit the world and plunge it in blood and darkness, by using America and some Western countries.
What the American peoples need mostly is someone who tells them the truth, courageously and honestly as it is. They don’t need fanfares and cheerleaders, if they want to take a lesson from the event so as to reach a real awakening, in spite of the enormity of the event that hit America. But the world, including the rulers of America, should say all this to the American peoples, so as to have the courage to tell the truth and act according to what is right and not to what is wrong and unjust, to undertake their responsibilities in fairness and justice, and by recourse to reason, passion, according to the spirit of chance and capability.
In addition, we say to the American peoples, what happened on September 11, 2001 should be compared to what their government and their armies are doing in the world, for example, the international agencies have stated that more than one million and a half Iraqis have died because of the blockade imposed by America and some Western countries, in addition to the tens of thousands who died or are injured in the military action perpetrated by America along with those who allied with it against Iraq. Hundreds of bridges, churches, mosques, colleges, schools, factories, palaces, hotels, and thousands of private houses were destroyed or damaged by the American and Western bombardment, which is ongoing even today against Iraq. If you replay the images of the footage taken by the western media itself of this destruction, you will see that they are not different from the images of the two buildings hit by the Boeing airplanes….
When one million and a half Iraqi human beings die, according to Western documents, from a population of twenty-five million, because of the American blockade and aggression, it means that Iraq has lost about one of twenty five of its population. And just as your beautiful skyscrapers were destroyed and caused your grief, beautiful buildings and precious homes crumbled over their owners in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq by American weapons used by the Zionists….
On the same day, the 11th of September, one of their [American] aggressive military airplanes was shot down over Iraq.
As for what is going on in Palestine, if Zionist let you see on your TVs the bodies of children, women and men who are daily killed by American weapons, and with American backing to the Zionist entity, the pain you are feeling would be appeased.
Americans should feel the pain they have inflicted on other peoples of the world, so as when they suffer, they will find the right solution and the right path….
Finally, if you, rulers respect and cherish the blood of your peoples, why do you find it easy to shed the blood of others including the blood of Arabs and Muslims? If you respect your values, why don’t you respect the values of Arabs and Muslims?
America needs wisdom, not power. It has used power, along with the West, to its extreme extent, only to find out later that it doesn’t achieve what they wanted. Will the rulers of America try wisdom just for once so that their people can live in security and stability?
[End quote]
Do these words make you angry? Why? Do they make you bow your head in shame? We have allowed evil to run ramped, and now we are reaping that which has been planted. This is not God’s fault. It is ours. What will be our response to this event? What lessons will we learn?
On Sunday, Sept. 16, CNN aired a two hour special of "Talk Back Live" considering the question: Blame God or the devil? Contrary to the CNN’s fake poll showing that 88% of Americans were demanding retaliation against the terrorists, nearly every speaker and caller on the "Talk Back Live" program were saying the opposite. They said that violence and retaliation were not the answer. "Our response should be to defend ourselves---not to become like our attackers". "We want forgiveness and peace". "Let us love our brothers". "Let us declare peace and not war".
As a nation addicted to violence, we have forgotten how to love our fellowman. We have lost the meaning of humility. It is obscene to watch again and again the television pictures of the New York City and Pentagon destruction and to allow the evil fires of anger and hate to build within us. This is what the world controllers want, a world "religious" war. Then Satan wins!
We must go within to find the answers. Evil must be combated, not with guns, but with your creative power within. We must deal with the cause of violence and terrorism. We must love our brother. We must learn to live together in peace and harmony with each other. Using our God-Spirit within, we must petition God Aton of Light and the Hosts of Heaven and so order that all dark energies and entities be removed from us, from our families, our nation and our world. As Hatonn has said, when we sincerely call for help, the angels are compelled to answer. From this tragic attack on America, may we learn the lessons of humility, forgiveness, love, and our inner power through prayer.
2) Truth Is!
In the Great Awakening that is occurring at this time on Earth Shan, Truth is being presented to the people in many forms and from many sources. The age-old problem confronts us of determining what is true and what is false. We are reminded of the confrontation of Governor Pilate with Esu "Jesus" Immanuel Sananda many years ago. Esu was accused of being the Son of God and Esu denied it. Pilate in frustration exclaimed, "What is Truth?"
How can we know Truth? The Truth being presented today by Truthbringers all over Earth Shan is being challenged constantly by those seekers who do not understand, by those who are not seekers but fear the Truth will bring change, and by those of the darkside who know the Truth and fear that it will reveal their evil deeds. Therefore, the Truth is attacked and discredited or covered up. If that does not work, the Truthbringer is discredited and demand is made for the Truthbringer to show his credentials, to document his message and to prove that what he is saying is true.
These are all tricks of the darkside. Truth can never be disproved, discounted, or destroyed. Truth shall stand against all attacks of the adversary because Truth is! Truth does not need to be proven by anyone. Proof is demanded by those who are unable to go within and through their God-connection to "know" Truth for themselves.
I quote Esu "Jesus" Sananda in Phoenix Journal number five entitled From Here to Armageddon", p. 112.
"Ye cannot prove faith. . . If it requires spacecraft parked on thy lawn or money poured for no reason from the skies, ye have not faith. There is only personal, inside acceptance---no ‘proof,’ and ye ones will learn to see the signs which are sent unto thee for thy support. Ye, of all ones, must have reached thy decisions in BLINDED acceptance of My presence and reality. Do not ask of any to do foolish nonsense in "proving" a thing. Foolish proving games are of ego and devil prodding---Truth needs no "proof", Truth IS! No more; no less. So be it."
[End quoting]
To know Truth one must go within and ask your God-Spirit for discernment. Again I quote Esu "Jesus" Sananda in the September 11, 2001 issue of The Spectrum newspaper in the article titled "The Voice of Truth Shall Be Heard Throughout the Land", p. 43.
"Examine the message. What does it advocate? How does your heart feel when you read the message? Are you thrown into a state of conflict and turmoil and frustration and confusion? These are the earmarks of the adversary, the Master Deceiver himself.
If, on the other hand, the message is solidifying, calming, and brings answers to your unspoken questions, then call for God’s protection, take it within, and decide for self that which is true and that which is false."
[End quoting]
In our world today, that is filled with liars and their lies, through our God-Spirit within we can "know" Truth. Even scientific proof may only be proof or evidence or documentation to prove a lie. We can "know" the Truth of anything presented to us. The Lighted Masters refer to this Inner Knowing as our third eye or our inner "eyes". I again quote from The Spectrum newspaper, September 11, 2001, the article entitled "Powerful Messages Can Appear in Many Forms" (discussion of recent crop circles) by Hatonn, p. 42.
"As we have explained to you in the messages many times in the past, this Inner Knowing is a direct result of the inner-connectedness of ALL ones through our Common Source---Creator God, the All That Is. As you continue to evolve and grow in your understanding and awareness, you will see that these senses become more and more commonplace, and you will be given to see with the INNER "eyes much more than the outer eyes will ever see."
[End quoting]
We develop this Inner Knowing, this discernment of Truth by following the first and highest commandment of the Law of Creation which is: Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation. To gain knowledge and wisdom you must read, my friends, read and listen and then go within in meditation and let your God-Spirit help you discern that which is true and that which is false. Can you prove that God is the Creator of all things? Can you prove that Esu "Jesus" Sananda ever walked on this planet Earth, or that he is presently here again on Earth Shan aboard the Phoenix command-ship/starship orbiting Earth Shan? Can you document the Ten Commandments? Can you prove reincarnation and that you had past lifestreams? Of course not, but you can "know" that that is True. If people laugh at what you "know" to be True, let them laugh. They have many lessons to learn.
When you "know" the Truth, you shall be set free from the Lie! Truth is an Inner Knowing. You can not prove Truth to anyone but only to yourself through your Inner Knowing.
(Note: The two SPECTRUM articles quoted herein are:
1) Powerful Messages Can Appear In Many Forms
2) "The Voice Of Truth Shall Be Heard Throughout The Land"
A third article from this same source entitled, Clean-Out Those "Closets" To Make Way For The New! are all placed on http://www.fourwinds10.com under Bellringer’s Corner.)
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