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UPDATE -- AUGUST 8, 2001

By Patrick H. Bellringer

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1. Darkside Attacks

On this day, Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda’s birthday (8-8-8 BC) I write again. It has been nearly a year since my last update, and some are asking if "Bellringer and family have fallen prey to the Satanic forces of Shan." Most certainly not! We have been under constant attack by the darkside, and they have used every technology and energy means at their disposal to stop our presentation of Truth and ‘take us out," but to no avail. Believe me when I say that we are totally and permanently protected by the Lighted Realms, the Golden Light of Sananda, the White Light of God Aton, and all the colored lights of the Rainbow Masters. We are constantly surrounded by a circular (ball-shaped) plasma shield that no force on Earth Shan can penetrate. Remember that Hatonn said that there would be no more martyrs among his Truthbringers. You, too, can have this same protection. Just ask from your heart, and then believe that you have it! Then you can walk as Daniel through the lion’s den, if necessary, and not be hurt. We still have our daily harassments by dark energies and our lessons to learn, but the Lie can not win because the Light of Truth can never be stopped.

This update will be a major threat to two groups of people---those who fear the Truth, and those who know the Truth but fear that it will reveal their lies and trickery.

2. The Middle East Crisis

The Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks (KZB) have planned for centuries to take total control of Earth Shan and her people. They were the Pharisees of Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda’s day, the power people of the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations, the Bolsheviks of the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Nazi’s of Germany, and today are the controllers of most countries on Shan, including the key countries of Israel, Britain and the United States of America. The KZB master-minded the twisted construction of Truth interspersed with lie of the "Holy Bible". They created a tale of a chosen people and a promised land, a land in the middle of their arch enemies, the Arabs, promised to them by their God Jehovah.

The KZB created World War I and World War II, and the United Nations to bring this prophecy to pass. In 1946 they stole the Arab land of the Palestinians for their own, and with their United Nation’s blessings. The old Satanic trick is to create a problem and create the solution, so that you gain exactly what you want. The KZB have created the State of Israel using their tale of lies that they had placed in the "Holy Bible", and have quite successfully convinced most of the goyim that they are right. Is it any small wonder that the Middle East has been in turmoil since Israel stole the Arab land? The KZB have no plans to ever give this land back to the Arabs. The location was chosen purposely to control the world’s wealth, transportation, communication, military, religion, government and ultimately its people through control of Britain and its United Kingdom and the powerful United States of America. This they have nearly accomplished. The final step is to control the world via the One World Order (OWO), through the metamorphosis of the UN.

Palestine and its impoverished people are of no concern to Israel. Israel has a powerful nuclear arsenal. The KZB control the "Crown of England" and the "White House and Congress" of the United States. Hidden in the government record archives in every capital of all 50 states of the U.S. of A. are documents showing that many years ago Israel was secretly made the 51st State of the U.S. of A. That probably comes as a shock to you sleepy heads! Why do you think the U.S. Congress gives Israel state aid of four billion dollars annually with no strings attached, along with many other perks? Why is it that the U.S. media consistently refer to Israel as the State of Israel? Do they refer to the State of Britain, the State of Canada, or the State of Iraq? Of course not!

Israel has no intention of reaching a fair peace settlement in the Middle East, no recompense for stolen lands, no aid to homeless and helpless people; only creating violence and blaming the Arabs so Israel is justified in the eyes of the UN-world to bomb and kill more Arabs, to take more land and to build more Israeli homes on it. The KZB have established their beachhead in the State of Israel, backed by Britain’s U.K. and its colony—the good old U.S. of A., the mother-land of Israel. Peace in the Middle East is never to be, short of the complete annihilation of Israel and its Satanic KZB. To properly understand the Truth of Israel and its biblical history, one must understand first that their God of the Bible and the God they follow today is none other than God Jehovah Satan! They shall proclaim peace, peace, but there shall be no peace—until we wake up to Truth and set things straight! Bottom line—the KZB want to start World War III.

3. The Fake Hatonn

After tediously reading the last 112 issues of the Contact newspaper since its rebirth from the Spectrum schism, we have now reached issue number 113 (volume 33, Number 2, August 1, 2001) the biggest GAIA sell-job yet, with no change in sight. Readers are asking, "Who is the real Hatonn?" The Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn of Phoenix Journal number three entitled, Space-Gate: The Veil Removed is so different from the Ekker/Hatonn presented in the last 113 issues of the Contact newspaper. The Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn of the earlier issues (1993-1998) of the Contact newspaper is not the same energy as that presented in the "new and improved" Contact newspaper.

I quote from the "Forward" from Space-Gate. "I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command, Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me ‘Hatonn’. Let there be no misunderstanding of WHO I AM! I come in this portion as a fourth dimensional Project Commander in charge of Earth transition… We of the lighted brotherhood of the Cosmic and Galactic participants are ready to make our presence upon your place. We travel and act in the direct service and under the command of Esu-Jesus Immanuel Sananda. Sananda is aboard my Command Craft from whence He will direct all evacuation and transition activities as regards to the period you ones call the End Prophecies of Armageddon… Now, I shall tell you who I am in my Higher Command. I AM ATON."

Those of us, who have read the Phoenix Journals and the earlier writings by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn in The Phoenix Express, The Phoenix Liberator, and the earlier issues of Contact newspaper, know with certainty that the real Hatonn is a wise, kind, caring, loving, authoritative energy of the Lighted Realms. The Ekker/Hatonn is quite the opposite energy with his criticism, sarcasm, insinuations, judgmental remarks, and nonsense about having only one receiver on Planet Earth, the infamous Doris J. Ekker, formerly of Tehachapi, California. This last statement alone speaks of darkside interference. Quoting again from the Space-Gate "forward", "This document contains Truth which can be validated. It comes forth in dictated format from myself (B: Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn) to one of my transreceivers (recorder)." Yet, the Ekker/Hatonn energy has stated over and over in these past issues of Contact that "he" has only one receiver—namely Doris Ekker. Quoting from Contact July 18, 2001 front page, "I do not write through Spectrum or any other receiver…"

The real Hatonn has many receivers on Planet Earth and will communicate with anyone who is enlightened and seeks Truth. Why? Because the real Hatonn is Aton, God of Light and our Creator! For the past 113 weeks the Ekker/Hatonn in the Contact newspaper has kept up a steady barrage of criticism and condemnation against The Spectrum newspaper and staff. Why? Because the fake Hatonn energy of the darkside is working overtime to try and destroy the Truth from the real Hatonn (Aton) being published by the brave and daring Spectrum staff. One wonders which God and which Commander it is that is being served by the Ekkers?

If you do not think that I am right in my assessment of this Ekker/Hatonn energy, watch the garbage that will again soon be dumped upon my head from this unenlightened Ekker/Hatonn darkside energy, for writing this Truth! So be it! Do not get lost in the smoke screen of words/oral diarrhea pouring forth from the fake Hatonn’s of our day to cover up their lies, but learn to go within and through your own God Spirit connection to Hatonn/Aton-Creator Source, discern Truth for yourself. When you know Truth, you shall be set free from the darkside’s control over your mind.

4. The Chandra Levy Affair

For three months the controlled media has gotten great "mileage" in negativity from the episode of this missing intern. Does Gary Condit know of her demise? Does the sun still rise in the East? How many others like Chandra have disappeared just in Washington, D.C. in the past eight years? Chandra is just another Vincent Foster or William Casey who knew too much and decided to go public with the Truth. Truth telling is a very dangerous occupation.

Chandra Levy was an intern for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Timothy McVey was one of the decoys used to cover the destruction of federal records held in the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. These records were soon to reveal the real Bill Clinton, and his and Hillary’s evil deeds. To prevent this, Clinton ordered the building destroyed. The truck bomb was only a decoy-a joke on the public, no less. Prior to McVey’s death (murder), 3600 FBI files were strangely discovered. They had been hidden prior to McVey’s trial because they would have revealed the Truth about the Oklahoma City bombing. Chandra Levy had access to Gary Condit, who had access to our federal government’s top security information. Was Chandra involved in "finding" the lost files? Did she know too much? Is she, indeed, buried under the new parking lot at Fort Lee, Virginia? In any case Timothy McVey has been silenced as a source of Truth, and Chandra Levy is quite "missing."

5. Human Cloning/Stem-Cell Research

The lies about human cloning are again part of the controlled media lies. The question is being raised today of whether or not to clone humans. Such a question becomes ludicrous when it is human clones that are asking the question. Humans have been doing human genetic alterations since the time of Noah, and human cloning has been done for centuries. Human cloning took a most evil turn in the late 1970’s when humans began to clone other humans en-masse. It is amazing to me how the controlled media is used to portray story after story, from Clinton’s concubine to Condit’s adultery, from Elian Gonzolas to the U.S. election fraud, to missile defense and stem-cell research, all to keep the U.S. public mesmerized and focused on negativity; while the real tricks and life-shaping events on Earth Shan go totally unnoticed. My friends, George Herbert Walker Bush was in his clone number thirty-four when he left the office of the U.S. presidency. Bill and Hillary Clinton among thousands of our other politicians are human clones walking around and laughing at you, the public, today.

A cloned human has no God-Spirit and, thus no God connection, but does that really matter? Does this fact help to explain why we have such evil in our world today? These cloned human controllers are but puppets, who dance to their snake-head shape-shifting puppet masters, who in turn answer to the most evil energy at the top—God Jehovah Satan himself. Yes, these fourth dimension energies are real, and they have done a very good job of manipulating evil on our planet.

Why all the frenzy over stem-cell research? Do you really think that this has not already been done, and that the controllers really care about human life? To kill a human embryo for scientific research is "no big deal" to them. They care nothing of the Laws of God and of the Creation. You shall not kill any human being created by Creator God Aton of Light, means nothing to these dark energies. Life, which begins at conception, is sacred, and to destroy that life is to commit murder. Cosmic law states that those who commit murder will become the murdered in another 3-dimensional lifestream. To graduate from our 3-dimentional school room, we shall learn our lessons.

Stem-cell research is just another game to make the goyim believe that the medical professionals are the gods of life, and will find answers to all our medical questions. I say that stem-cell research is a game because on Earth Shan at this very moment exist all the "cures" for every disease ever known on this planet, even Janet Reno’s and Michael J. Fox’s Parkinson’s Disease. These "cures" are kept secret to be used only by the darkside controllers for themselves and their families. The "cures" which have eluded such secrecy, such as for cancer, AIDS, and all bacterial and viral diseases have been successfully discredited to the point of total disbelief by the masses. So, the game of greed goes on for power and control of Shan.

6. The Bush Missile Defense Shield

President George W. Bush’s missile defense plan is a clone of Reagan’s "Star Wars" plan, and nothing more than an evil plan to take the people’s money and give nothing in return. The U.S. government refuses to tell the people the Truth about their fake space program. As I have said before, the White Russians, using Nicola Tesla’s knowledge, developed their cosmosphere/levitation platforms based upon Shan’s magnetic field, and have also perfected scalar technology which renders nuclear technology obsolete. Thus, for many years now the White Russians have totally controlled Shan’s atmosphere. They discretely remove anything from Shan’s atmosphere that the KZB may launch as a threat to them. The White Russians have an agreement with Pleiadian Star Fleet Commander, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, to assist in preventing the use of any further nuclear warfare technology on Earth Shan. Therefore, the ABM treaty of the 1970’s must be maintained, the treaty which our evil military under the command of our equally evil president, G.W. Bush, has just recently broken.

The only international space station that exists is in NASA’s Hollywood studio, where they "create" the fake U.S. space programming for the controlled U.S. television media. Any time you see a TV news picture of astronauts floating in some space capsule, know that you are looking at a lie. They are floating in an assimilator with man-made vacuum for special effects to fool the people. By Cosmic Law there is gravity in outer space and on all celestial creations of Creator, God Aton of Light.

Any space launch by our KZB government is designed to attack the White Russian Cosmospheres and their communication system, all covered by lies to the people. Cosmic Law also states that no space travel beyond 150 miles above the surface of a planet is allowed, if such is being conducted by evil beings or for evil intent. Why do you think the Pleiadian star ships surround our planet? We have no Mars space probe. Believe it! We were allowed to land on the moon---once! The missile defense plan is only another game to try and attack the White Russians who are assisting the Pleiadian star fleet in preventing the KZB from destroying Earth Shan with a nuclear holocaust, as they did to Mars and Venus! Why do you suppose Russian and China just signed a treaty to stand with NATO and oppose the U.S. Missile-defense system? Do you think that I write nonsense? Read Phoenix Journal, Space Gate, the Veil Removed and wake up to Truth. I pity those who think that I write science fiction.

7. A Gold-based World Economy

The countries of the world have been slowly but steadily moving back to a hard currency system. They are demanding economic security and a recovery of their wealth and natural resources stolen from them by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the paper system of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Islamic nations have never been disloyal to the Koran’s teachings of a monetary system based upon gold with no usury. The European Union nations established the Euro dollar with partial gold backing. The Euro is the currency to watch because the Euro with its increasing gold backing is planned to go on line and trade internationally against the Fed dollar on January 2, 2002. This is pushing the Fed to replace the paper Federal Reserve note with gold/silver certificates. Not until recently could one walk into any Federal Reserve bank and find the tellers knowledgeable of a hard currency change in process. They also are quite aware of their bank having or not having a gold charter in place.

Banking changes back to a gold/silver standard, as required by our U.S. Constitution, are slowly coming, but the movers and shakers are seldom found within the U.S. banking system. The Controllers are totally angry and have fought hard to stop the change to a gold standard system again. With their passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, they thought they had won the gold war and the gold was theirs. Not so! God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000, and the darkside is losing the gold war.

People constantly ask about the various funding programs. The Farm Claims and various roll programs were valid, legal programs established by many good people with good intent to bring back the wealth stolen from the little people over time by the darkside bankers, attorneys, doctors, politicians, etc. The KZB controllers managed to obtain the invested monies and use them to gain enormous wealth for themselves, but not for the little people. George Bush, Sr., while U.S. President was forced by the legal Congress to provide a way for the Farm Claims to be paid. Before leaving office he managed to destroy that payment process and steal the money for the Queen of England. Remember that George Bush, Sr. was knighted by the Queen, along with his crony, Colin Powell and they are working for the "Realm."

Will these funding programs ever pay out? That is certainly possible. Anything is possible with good intent guided by the wisdom of the Lighted Realms. The right people are needed to work in sequence with the coming banking changes to accomplish the awesome task of funding these many programs. Yes, it can be done.

I ask you, are you deserving of such wealth? What would you do with it? Would you blow the money on your ego, your desire for things, to do and to be "somebody"? Would you use the money to help your family, your neighbors, those whose lives have been destroyed by the darkside forces? Only if you are willing to use such wealth for its intended purpose of bringing balance and harmony to Earth Shan and her people prior to Shan’s axis shift, will you be allowed to have it. This wealth is destined for Hatonn’s ground crews for Hatonn’s people. Ponder that!

8. The GAIA Asset Fraud

I have written on this subject before but it is now time to set forth facts once again to clear the smoke screen of words.

GAIA, also known as Global Alliance Investment Association, is claimed by E.J. and Doris Ekker to be their Nevada based corporation and to hold legal right to the Russell Herman/V.K. Durham Certificate of Indebtedness of Peru Bonus 3392-181 of May 1, 1875. The new twist is that now they do not need this "Certificate" (they never had it) and it can be thrown into the garbage because they have "established" direct connections to the gold in the U.S. Treasury. In the August 1, 2001 issue of Contact: The Phoenix Project Journal is published an article by Ekker/Hatonn entitled "Rantings and Ravings Are Truly Enjoyable." In this article is reproduced a four page fax from V. K. Durham, signatory-CEO, The Durham Holding Trust, which states V.K. Durham’s (Grandma Herman) claims of fraud by the Ekkers in basing the GAIA program upon "Bonus" 3392-181.

The present saga originates with George Bush, Sr., Russell Herman, and others, who at that time were involved with the CIA shenanigans in Southeast Asia, some twenty plus years ago. Herman gained legal possession of "Bonus" 3392-181 and agreed to hold it for later "government" use. Realizing that this "government" use was for evil intent, Herman had a change of heart and with the help of his wife, Katherine (V.K. Durham) created a will which designated the gold of "Bonus" 3392-181 for use by their home state of Illinois, all 50 states of the U.S.A., and also to all countries of the world to counter the One World Order. George Bush, Sr. and Company were furious and quickly laid plans to destroy Russell Herman and V.K. Durham and take back "Bonus" 3392-181. As you will recall George Bush, Sr. was head of the CIA and later by treacherous means became U.S. President.

The Contact newspaper became involved because at that time it was an instrument of Truth and was revealing the lies of George Bush and Company, the Truth about Sadam Hussein, the Gulf War, arms running, drug dealing, oil stealing, gold stealing, etc. At that time the Hermans were on friendly terms with the Ekkers and the Contact staff and included 40 million dollars in their "Bonus" will for the Contact newspaper.

Russell Herman died a horrible death at the hands of George Bush, Sr. and Company. During this same time George Bush, Sr. laid plans to destroy the Contact newspaper to stop the Truth being put against him and his "New World Order" by one receiver for Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, namely Doris Ekker, of Tehachapi, California. George Bush, Sr. knew that Contact needed money badly to survive. While Russell Herman was an invalid under the care of his nurse/wife V.K. Durham, Bush had Herman cloned. Arrangements were made for cloned Herman to meet with Rick Martin of Contact and to sign over Russell’s "portion" of the "Bonus" 3392-181 to Martin. This was done and Martin signed such responsibility immediately over to GAIA held by the Ekkers. Ekker’s claim to fame for funding of the GAIA program in the Philippines is based upon this sequence of events, though they do not believe that Herman was cloned. That does not matter because they have purposely ignored other important facts. I shall state some of them as follows.

Fact One: Russell Herman was legally married and remained so until his death. His legal wife, V.K. Durham, holds the original marriage certificate in her possession, even though George Bush, Sr. and Company had such records expunged from the Illinois courthouse.

Fact Two: The Russell Herman/V.K. Durham will was created with two signatures and four seals. No part of the will ("Bonus" 3392-181) could be executed by one signatory until the death of one of the two signatories, at which time the entire will transferred to the remaining signatory by power of attorney.

Fact Three: At no time prior to Russell Herman’s death did the Hermans legally execute any part of the will involving "Bonus" 3392-181 with both signatures and the four required seals. Therefore, any dealings that Russell Herman (cloned or otherwise) may have had with Contact and GAIA via Rick Martin is moot. The Ekker’s claim that GAIA has legal access to the wealth of "Bonus" 3392-181 is absolutely groundless. The Ekker/Hatonn energy keeps assuring everyone who will listen that GAIA’s connection to the "Bonus" 3392-181 wealth has been validated by George Bush, Sr. and verified by the "Fed", CIA, IMF, and World Bank. Guess what?, my friends. These are all darkside entities and all working together to trick the Ekkers. Let us send Love and Light to Doris and E.J. that they awaken to Truth and act in wisdom before they and their GAIA program are destroyed by George Bush, Sr. and the One World Order Company.

GAIA is like the train in the following analogy. You can build a train-track and you can build a train to run on it, but unless you also build a bridge across the canyon and make proper connections to the main line, neither your train nor your train-track will do you much good. The Ekkers never made the proper connections to legally fund their GAIA program. Yes, George Bush;, Sr. proved the value of "Bonus" 3391-181 by using it for his "Super-fund", illegally! Do the Ekkers anticipate doing the same thing? George Bush, Sr. accomplished his goal of stopping the publishing of Truth through the Contact newspaper from Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn via the fake GAIA funding. The receiver, Doris Ekker and her husband, E.J. Ekkers were enticed to go to the Philippines in search of unsuspecting goyim, who desperately needed the financial assistance that the GAIA program claims to have available.

Fact Four: V.K. Durham/Grandma Herman as sole signatory, now holds the complete authority for any funds to be legally released from "Bonus" 3392-181. She is not helpless and powerless and living in some nursing home as claimed by Ekker/Hatonn, nor is she a mean and miserly old woman. At one time Ekkers via Rick Martin had asked V.K. Durham for financial help for the Contact newspaper and for their some fifteen survival projects. V.K. responded by making an assignment to them of $10 billion. They sent Rick Martin back to V.K. with a request for five additional assignments of $10 billion each. This V.K. granted with the stipulation to use the money for the intended purposes within one year. Greed and power-playing on the part of Ekkers and Company burned up the year, so that all six assignments of $10 billion each were lost to them when V.K. withdrew them at the end of the stated year. Needless to say, those of us who read the fax exchanges between V.K. Durham and Doris Ekker during that period of time were quite shocked at the ability of these two women to exchange such hostility, vulgarity, and hatred for each other. This was a grand demonstration of how the ego can take control and allow greed to demand power and control over another.

George Bush, Sr. and Company have failed to "take out" V.K. Durham, and have also failed to gain legal authority over "Bonus" 3392-181. So what is all the fuss about "Bonus" 3392-181? Suffice it to say that the U.S. Treasury, under the Marshall plan, agreed to assume Peru’s debts, including "Bonus" 3392-181. The accrued interest back to 1875 on "Bonus" 3392-181 amounts to many trillions of dollars, payable only in gold. To demand such payment would break the Federal Reserve Bank and crash the world’s economy. What connection does all this have to the plan to move the international banking system onto a hard currency by year’s end?

Financial authorities within the U.S. claim that the Ekkers fled to the Philippines to avoid the fraud charges and arrest warrants brought against E.J. and Doris Ekker for their misuse of Phoenix Institute funds. Should some "sucker" or "gold fish" swallow the GAIA gold fish line-- "hook, line, and sinker"--, there could be additional fraud charges brought against the Ekkers. It is fraud to deliberately and illegally use someone else’s money. If the game is stopped, the Ekkers could become people without a country, and as Doris loves to say, with no place to go and no where to hide.

My intent is not to bash the Ekkers or their GAIA program per se, but to give warning to unsuspecting participants and to those waiting at home for their "carrot on a string" to chose wisely. The Ekkers claim that there are more than 1500 GAIA Assignment of Deeds against "Bonus" 3392-181 for various projects by individuals, organizations, and countries around the world. If this be true, there are probably many good people and projects that will be seriously hurt or destroyed should funds fail to arrive. Why do you suppose that after more than two years of offering the miracle GAIA program to the world, not one person has yet stepped forward and taken the prize presented by the Ekker’s GAIA program?

It is truly disturbing to read Truth published in Contact and be interrupted by the Ekker/Hatonn energy comments which skew the Truth to focus upon yet another attack against the Spectrum paper or staff, some past associate, or attorney or judge or Bellringer, etc. Someone asked, "Should you not forgive what is past and move on?" The Ekker/Hatonn energy answered (paraphrased), "No forgiveness, never! We must constantly confront these evil ones." Judge not, lest you become both judge and jury. The way you judge others is the way you will be judged. You shall most certainly reap that which you sow.

A bridge must be built across the canyon to legally connect GAIA and the Ekkers to V.K. Durham’s "Bonus" 3392-181 or to some other source of funding. Without legal connections to adequate funds with good intent, the Ekkers/GAIA gold train is going nowhere. Let us petition the Lighted Realms and God Aton of Light that help arrives in time to bring balance and harmony to the GAIA fiasco. And speaking of rantings and ravings, I am quite sure that the Ekker/Hatonn energy will again dump such on my head for speaking this Truth. So be it. Have you ever noticed that the darkside attack is usually against the Truthbringer rather than the Truth being presented? Truth is, and can never be refuted.

9. Earth Changes

The lying media today is keeping the people focused upon the supposed environmental problem of global warming due to the Green House Effect. The theory is that air pollution from industry and internal combustion engines, etc. causes a layer of gases and pollutants to form high in our earth’s atmosphere. Our earth is warmed by sunlight energy which changes to heat energy when it strikes the surface of an object which does not reflect the light or allow it to pass through. Heat generated in this manner warms our earth and its atmosphere, and gradually dissipates into outer space. Air pollution, supposedly, traps heat from being dissipated (like greenhouse windows, thus the "Greenhouse Effect) causing a warming of our atmosphere and earth climate. This warming supposedly causes greater evaporation of water, increasing the expansion of desert areas and the melting of our polar ice caps, among other effects. The melting ice "creates" more water, which supposedly will cause the ocean level to rise and inundate our coastlines. Scientists claim the end result to be our drowning or being cooked to death by the heat. Other scientists claim just the opposite effect. The layer of pollutants and gases high in our atmosphere will reduce the amount of sunlight passing through and reaching our earth’s surface. Less sunlight results in less heat being generated and again the end result will be a new and massive ice age with everyone freezing to death. What do you believe?

The lies of our scientific world are enormous and done with deliberate purpose. Take a glass, put an ice cube into it, and fill the glass to the brim with water. When the ice cube melts, will the glass overflow? Water contracts when it cools down to four degrees C. From four degrees C down to zero degrees C water expands. Why? The expansion allows for less density so that ice will finally float on water. If this were not so, ice forming on a lake or pond would sink to the bottom and would freeze solid from the bottom up, killing the fish and other living things in it. Because ice is less dense than water, it floats. This layer of ice on a pond insulates the water below and prevents "freeze out." The Truth is that the melting of our polar ice caps would lower the ocean level, not raise it.

Nature has an amazing way of adjusting to man’s foolishness and adapting its own level of balance. Would not an increase in heat and evaporation create greater humidity? With adequate sunlight these conditions are optimum for plant growth. Plants remove carbon dioxide from the air and "create" oxygen, which animals (humans also) need for life. In other words plants reduce air pollution and produce oxygen, and much of the food animals and humans eat. Nature is designed to maintain a balance between all living things on our planet. Are we being distracted by the cries of air pollution to cause higher emission standards to raise the economic stress level on the goyim, when we should be focused on the source of balance in nature, the destruction of the very plants and animals themselves?

Then there is the crisis of the Ozone Layer. We are told that the ozone layer protects us against the harmful ultra violet rays of sunlight, and that air pollution is creating huge holes in this protective layer; therefore the great increase in skin cancer, eye problems, etc. The Truth is that nature creates its own ozone as needed for balance, and that the controllers are creating these huge holes in the ozone layer for their own purposes. The KZB are desperately trying to hide the fact that there are, indeed, good aliens in outer space, who have come to help our planet and its people stop the evil game plan of the KZB. The KZB need holes in the ozone layer through which they are attempting to project their warfare technology to destroy the starships of our alien friends. Such foolishness and such lies have fooled the people. If some well-meaning scientists discover holes in the ozone layer, than lies must be made by the controllers to cover their secrets for a little longer.

Then there are the earth changes of earthquakes and volcanoes, some real and some deliberately man-caused. The Titans are fighting for control and have and use technology to cause earthquakes to happen. Earth Shan has been very patient, but her time of cleansing is now very close. The Pleiadians have stopped their magnetic stabilization of Earth Shan and she is now on her own to shake, rumble and roll on her axis as needed to remove the pollution and negative energy that mankind has caused to upset her life forces. There are active volcanoes all over our planet on every continent spewing lava and ash in such places as Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Iceland, Sicily (Mt. Etna), Hawaii, and Japan. There are more than 5,000 volcanoes under the oceans of our planet at this time that are erupting and causing a rapid warming of the ocean waters. What effect does this have on the polar ice caps? What effect does the un-weighting caused by melting ice have on internal pressures of Earth Shan? What effect does this ocean warming have on our weather?

Earthquakes are no longer being reported to the public unless they are a magnitude of 5 (Richter Scale) or greater, or are so obvious to the public that they cannot go unnoticed. Parts of California have thousands of quakes a day, and the ground under Palm Springs, California is constantly shaking, but no one notices because people have "gotten used to the shaking". The present intensified geologic activity on Shan is affecting both climate and weather patterns. Added to this is the Titan Weather War. Weather modification is a big game going on presently between the various KZB factions and the White Russians. The game is to destroy food sources, disrupt communication and transportation, cause major housing and disease problems, and in general destroy the lively-hood and economy of those you claim are your enemy. Those who are able to reduce the masses to poverty and ignorance and destroy their leaders, win the game. Weather modification is a lively sport, but, of course, the sleepyheads do not believe such to be possible.

How much time do we have before Mother Earth Shan seriously does her cleansing? Many enlightened ones agree that this could happen at any moment, and that the sequence of earth changes are such that the probability is extremely high of major earth changes occurring within the next two years. Does this probability strike fear within you, or are you enlightened to the point of "knowing" your future? Have you made both physical and spiritual survival preparations? Please remember that the Christian cult rapture nonsense is not going to save you from anything. Why?---because it is Satan’s trick to fool you. You must save yourself by going within and asking your God-Spirit for protection and for the knowledge and wisdom to live the Laws of God and Creation. Earth changes shall only increase as Earth Shan moves through her transition into fifth dimension. Please make your plans accordingly.

10. The Far East Crisis

As any historian knows, the Far East is the land of stolen and stored and unmined gold. Many countries stored gold in the Philippines, Indonesia, Maylasia and other Far Eastern countries for safe keeping during World Wars I and II. Much of the Ferdinand Marcos wealth may still be hidden in the Philippines. Much of the Nationalist Chinese wealth acquired prior to the 1950’s Bolshevik invasion of China lies hidden in that region.

Today most of the world’s wealth, such as gold, oil, silver, precious metals, diamonds and natural resources, is owned and controlled by the KZB. It is a known fact that Sir Knight George Bush, Sr. works for the "Crown" of England and that the "Crown" both owns and controls much of this KZB wealth. By the way, the Bush family has enormous wealth in oil, gold and drugs. It is also known that today George Bush, Sr. and all his little twiglets are working hard in the Far East to acquire any additional gold, oil or other assets for themselves and the Queen Mother.

Their partner in crime, Henry Kissinger, and his mercenary associates took down East Timor and called in U.N. troops via Australia to gain access to the gold of Indonesia. Recently, they were able to destroy the government and replace the president of Indonesia with their "woman" president.

Maylasia is still standing firm against World Band/IMF interference and, the leaders are gradually taking their country back from the KZB beasts.

The Philippines today are in total chaos economically, socially and politically, as the Kissinger mercenaries take hostages for ransom, and create such upset as to cause U.N. troops to be brought in, if possible. Again the main purpose for such violence is to gain access to the gold of the Philippines. U.S. troops are already there under the guise of cooperative military maneuvers, searching with the aid of NASA’s high-tech surveillance assistance, for hidden Filipino gold.

The Nationalist Chinese have endured fifty years of attack by the KZB gold snatchers, and have been quite successful at winning the battle. They are a very determined and patient people. Such qualities have earned them the honor of being Hatonn’s keepers of the gold.

George Bush and company (twiglets) are everywhere working hard, cheating, lying, stealing, kniving, using blackmail and trickery of any means to get the gold and any other assets of Southeast Asia, before the world’s financial system moves to a gold-backed currency. He who holds the gold, controls the banks—so they think; and he who controls the banks, supposedly controls the world. The KZB cannot afford to lose this battle. They are already two years behind in their Plan 2000 for world control and are constantly losing ground at an alarming rate. What ever has gone wrong with their plan? Do you know the answer? The answer is Truth! Their lies are being found out. People are waking up to the Truth and the Lies of the darkside, and are using their inner creative God Power to counter Satan and his troops.

You ask, what can I do to help? You can do just that. You can petition the Lighted Realms and Creator God Aton of Light for help. Within your own sphere of influence you can take a stand for goodness and Truth, based upon God Aton’s eighteen Cosmic Laws for living on this planet. The thought power of one enlightened person petitioning from the "heart", can change the world and the entire course of human history on Earth Shan. Believe it! It is true!

Let us make a petition at this very moment to do just that.

"We petition the Lighted Realms and through our God-Spirit so order that this great nation of the United States of America shall be restored to its position of being a Light House of Truth to the world, that the darkside shall be defeated and this evil government shall be replaced with enlightened people of good intent, that balance and harmony shall be brought to all aspects of this nation, and that this shall happen before Earth Shan makes her inevitable polar shift of cleansing. We give the Lighted Realms permission to assist us in any way they can to make this so. So be it! Believe that it is done!

Will the dark forces win in Indonesia? Will they win in the Philippines, in China? Will they win anywhere in Southeast Asia? No! We won’t allow that to happen! Right? THROUGH OUR GOD-SPIRIT THOUGHT-POWER WE SHALL STOP THEM! AHO!

Lastly, I include the eighteen Cosmic Laws of God Aton and of the Creation.


by Patrick H. Bellringer

These Laws were given forth by God Aton, God of Light, and Creation and are also called The Laws of Balance.

A. The highest command of The Law of Creation is:

Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation.

B. The highest command of The Law of God is:

You shall Honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for HE is the "King of Wisdom".

We attain spiritual perfection by learning and wisely following the Laws given forth by God and Creation. We learn through the Spirit of God within us how to live in harmony and balance with all of Creation.

The Laws are as follows:

1. You shall have no other gods than the God Creator before you and abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all. Also known as the "Law of One".

2. You shall not make for yourselves idols and false images to worship as gods for therein you give power into the hands of evil.

3. You shall love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and being (you must love thine self as God and God as self).

4. You shall not use the name of God irreverently, nor use of it to swear to a falsehood.

5. Remember God's "day" and keep it holy. (Every day is God’s day!)

6. You shall honor your mother and father.

7. You shall not murder your fellow man.

8. You must not commit adultery.

9. You must not steal (materially or emotionally).

10. You must not covet or envy that which belongs to your neighbor.

11. You must not impose nor force your free-will upon the free-will of another. Also known as "The Law of Non-interference."

12. You must not judge others, but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of Balance of God and The Creation.

13. As ye sow so shall ye reap. Also called "The Law of Cause and Effect."

14. You must honor all commitments made in service to God, the Father, the One within.

15. You must obey the wisdom of God for the responsible and balanced procreation of your species.

16. You must do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also called "The Golden Rule".

17. Evil (adversaries of God) must always wear a sign of their evilness. (By their fruits ye shall know them).

18. You must not commit the act of slavery upon any human being of God.

With the communion of the Spirit of Life within us, we must first wisely understand and follow the Laws of Balance, and secondly, we must wisely know where our responsibility begins and ends within the Creation upon this wonderful Planet Earth.

The first question to ask is how can I maintain my life in "harmony and balance" with the rest of "creation"? The answer is, you begin with the pure desire to know Truth. We must recognize that we are limited in our perception of Truth, and that God knows the best pathway for us to travel in His service. So we must then surrender our "will" to that which is God's Will.

"In your daily prayer you must ask God for the loving Light of protection, guidance, power, wisdom, knowledge, truth, integrity and courage in order to best serve His Will and not your will."

Then in our quiet corner we must meditate. We must listen. We must wait upon our Father-God who is within us to give us that which we need to sustain us in His service. Our will and His Will must become one again.

Reference: Phoenix Journal number 27, entitled Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual.

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