UPDATE : April 25, 1999
by Patrick H. Bellringer
2) Columbine High School Massacre (Littleton, Colorado)
On April 20, 1999, Adolph Hitler’s birthday, a KZB plan "came together." The mind-controlled group, known locally as the "Trench-coat Mafia", carried out their well-laid plan of terrorism again in America’s heartland. Do any of you sleepyheads remember that April 19 is Patriot’s Day? The KZB always carry out their evil plans and then laugh. They laugh at you sleepyheads! On April 19, four years ago, the KZB pulled off the Oklahoma City bombing. McVey and his truck bomb is only a part of the joke. On April 19, six years ago, the KZB used their mind-controlled man, David Koresh, to "create" terrorism at Waco. Today, David is alive and well and living in another country as his reward. Then there was the terrorist act of the World Trade Center bombing in New York City-----
Oh, well. That’s too long ago for sleepyheads to remember. The massacre at Columbine High did not occur on Patriot’s Day because the KZB wished to honor the king of Fascism. The Trench Coat Mafia were trained and controlled by the NSA Woodpecker mind control system—even down to the last 15 minutes in which the two killers took their own lives. Years of KZB-created terrorism is mind-controlling the masses to give up their guns and become slaves to their OWO, right on schedule. And this happened in the very state that had demonstrated recently to the world, that a community which required its citizens of legal age to own and carry a gun and use it properly, had no crime!
3) Y-2k
A worldwide shutdown of computers is planned for January 1, 2000! The cause of this problem (Y-2k) (year-2000) is the two digit recording of the years such as 1955 (’55), which for year 2000 becomes ’00 or 1900! All records and data supposedly will flip back 100 years or the systems will crash. Y-2k was planned from the very point in time, mid-century, when computer technology was mistakenly released to the public. Y-2k is the grand master plan of the KZB to take everything on our planet for themselves on January 1, 2000, according to their Plan 2000!
When all electronic records are gone, you have no money, no ownership of property, no claim to anything, and no rights. Welcome, slave, to the New World Order! The claims of "fixing" the Y-2k problem are only lies, designed to put you sleepyheads back to sleep. When the computer switch is thrown to "off" on January 1, 2000, guess what? The lights will go out!
4) Kosovo
The people of the sovereign nation of Yugoslavia have a long, hard history of struggle to survive against invasion and oppression from more powerful nations. More recently, two world wars severely tested their resolve to maintain their independent state. Internal religious and racial frictions have added to their task of maintaining their independence and self-rule.
During the last fifty years the winds of change have again swept across Europe as the Soviet Block countries began to break away from the Soviet Union. Many have again established their national independence and autonomy. This same phenomenon has occurred in the third world areas of our planet. Many small independent nations have been born. The same is true of Yugoslavia. Montenegro, as an example, is an autonomous state under the federation of Yugoslavia. Kosovo was in the process of gaining its autonomy in a peaceful manner under the Yugoslav federation, when extremist elements gained control by using the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
Henry Kissinger, a KZB world controller, for years has maintained an army of mercenaries, which is used to create problems within any country in the world, whenever it is determined that a problem is needed to advance The Plan 2000. This was true in Panama, Palestine, Indonesia, Somalia, Bosnia, and now Kosovo. Kissinger’s Mercenaries (KM) infiltrated the KLA and demanded immediate independence from Yugoslavia. The KM killed Serbian police and military. They infiltrated the Serbian police and military and killed KLA members and civilian Christians and Muslims alike. In short, the KM created a very evil situation that quickly gained world attention, according to plan, through the controlled media. The KZB were hoping to escalate the Kosovo situation into a third world war. The KZB desperately need a world war to gain total world control and to usher in their Plan 2000 on schedule.
Of course, all is blamed on Slobodan Milsoevic, leader of the sovereign country of Yugoslavia, who refuses to submit to the KZB One World Order. So, 19 NATO countries, led by British-Israel and U.S.-Israel, are conducting an air war in order to bomb these OWO protesters into peace (pieces?) Premise: (Lie to the masses) Violence produces peace!
5) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
NATO, an arm of the UN, an arm of the KZB Plan 2000, is operating according to plan. The same age-old tricks are being played. The KZB create a problem in Kosovo so the KZB can fix it their way. The KZB- controlled governments of the 19 nations of NATO are in agreement to win an air war against Milosevic, no matter the cost. Yugoslavia is the land size of the U.S. State of Kentucky and Kosovo the size of greater Los Angeles. The people of Kosovo have fled for fear of death by NATO air strikes. Some have been purposely threatened and some have been killed by the KM, so the lying media can continue to blame Milosevic for the chaos in Kosovo.
As stated by Vladislav Johanobic (Yugoslav Charges D’Affaires United Nations) on "Larry King Live", April 24, 1999, "Yugoslavia is only attempting to defend its identity, its freedom, and its independence against NATO aggression."
NATO is having problems. The air war was to have forced Yugoslavia into submission within a few days, but has gone on for weeks. The majority of the people of all 19 NATO countries, as well as of the world, are protesting the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. The lying media would have you believe otherwise.
The NATO 50th anniversary celebration in Washington, D.C., April 24-25,1999 is a cover for very serious discussions on how to get out of the Yugoslav problem and save face. As German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said April 24, 1999, "NATO must win this air war to save its credibility." Wow! Slip of the tongue? NATO is coming apart and will soon reach its demise. Russia and China, the sleeping giants, will not allow NATO ground troops into Kosovo, and have so stated.
Russian technology via cosmospheres and reconnaissance ships are modifying the weather over Kosovo to upset NATO bombing missions over the area. How many NATO airplanes has the lying media reported lost during this air war? One! –a B117 Stealth, the granddaddy of them all! Wrong! As of April 24, 1999, NATO has lost a total of 57 planes, most taken out by the White Russian Cosmospheres stationed high overhead. (Russia could easily destroy all NATO planes if she so desired.) Any dead NATO military crews are not reported but simply cloned and put back into service without their family’s knowledge. Yes, this is Truth. If you want lies, go read the newspapers (lie-papers), and listen to the television news. And have you read about the anti-NATO war demonstrations occurring in nearly every country on our planet today? No---certainly not in the lying U.S. media!
6) Stock Market
This month has set many new records, as the DOW was pushed well past the $10,000 mark for the first time ever. The deliberate computer manipulation of the stock market is being done to bring in private investors. Corporate investors are quietly getting out in preparation for the big world economy crash planned for October, 1999.
7) World Economy
The world’s economy is teetering on the brink of disaster and is set to crash five months earlier than planned for in the KZB Plan 2000. Doomsday is to be October, 1999, not May! The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have worked hard for many years to control all the world’s assets. The plan is very simple. Step One: Make an IMF loan to a nation in financial need, and back the loan with the nation’s resources (gold, industry, natural resources and people). Step Two: Use the KM to de-stabilize the existing government and cause chaos, so the nation is unable to make its IMF loan payments; and use currency traders to devalue the nation’s money. This makes loan payments more difficult. Step Three: KZB then throws out the government and puts their own people into power, who work with the IMF to "call" the loan. The IMF, an arm of the KZB-OWO, now owns the nation’s assets and resources and people, and controls all.
The Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) is an arm of the IMF/World Bank system, working in similar fashion as a credit banking system to steal the wealth of the masses. In 1913 the FRB was born in the U.S. via the Federal Reserve Act and usurped the U.S. Constitutional gold banking system. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson who had signed the Federal Reserve bill into law, stated before his death that "I am a most unhappy man---unwittingly I have ruined my country." Eighty-six years later the FRB now claims ownership and control over all wealth within the U.S. and in most countries of the world. The Y-2k event is planned to demonstrate this to the sleepyheads.
8) Gold Standard Banking System
The Islamic countries have always maintained a gold monetary system and have generally stood against the FRB, the IMF, and World Bank. Guess why Iraq has taken such a beating? The Asian countries and especially Indonesia, Maylasia, and the Philippines, have been reduced to financial rubble by the IMF. Through brilliant integrity Maylasia has fought back and found a way to stand against the IMF take-over, creating a gold-backed currency system. This gold plan is moving rapidly throughout the Asian community and spreading to third world countries of Africa and South America. The Islamic nations are working to join their gold dinar to the Asian gold system. Needless to say, the IMF and the "Fed" are panicked over the prospects of a world gold banking system.
In the U.S. the "Old Guard" has also been working hard to restore a gold backed monetary system. Gold bank charters and bank mergers have resulted from these efforts. Final events to establish a U.S. gold banking system occurred on April 8, 1999 with the merger of Bank America and Nations Bank, and Wells-Fargo and Norwest banks. Behind the scenes Nations Bank owns and controls all, and is to be the U.S. treasury gold bank. Bank America is to be the name of the U.S. Treasury gold banking system because of its international name recognition. Change is at hand! The fall of the "Fed", the crash of the stock market, the demise of the IMF/World Bank, and the establishment of a world gold banking system are at hand! With this change shall come the return of some of the lost assets to the people through the payment of the farm claims and funding programs to the people. Yes, they shall be paid!
9) The Year of GOD ATON
The number nine is the number of God Aton of Light. Under the Babylonian number value system, all words of good intent equal nine. Commander Gyerogos Ceres Hatonn, Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet presently circling planet Earth-Shan has stated recently in Contact Newspaper that "1999 is the year of God Aton of Light." God Aton has already won! God Jehovah Satan has already been defeated, and balance and harmony are being restored to Earth-Shan before her transition into fourth dimension. We are observing the last act of the play being played out during these last days on Shan. Some of you readers know that the harmonic convergence occurred on August 17, 1987, and we entered our new century at that point in time. We are now in Cosmic Year 11, which ends August 16, 1999. Thus, the evil controllers have been tricked. Their Plan 2000 is dead! The KZB know that they have lost! Their fake money system will implode! Their NATO/UN/OWO will fall, for Truth shall always win over lie.
10) Earth Changes
Earth Shan is shaking "big time", and in proper sequence in restoring balance and harmony, will very soon "dump" the negativity and pollution caused by the evil actions of Earth-Shan dwellers. Because the people of the United States have allowed the U.S. government/military/industrial complex to become the "Great Satan" of the world, the earth changes to the United States shall be great. Only those who have prepared will survive! Preparation includes several things: One) Physical preparation---storing food, water, clothing, medical supplies, proper housing, etc., Two) Spiritual preparation by raising one’s frequencies, asking the Lighted Realms for protection and enlightenment, meditation, reading Truth, and requesting to be picked up by the starships at liftoff, and Three) Living the Laws of God and of Creation during the remainder of one’s third dimensional time on Earth-Shan. This is the last third dimensional civilization and our last third dimensional lifestream on Earth-Shan. Shan is moving into fourth dimension, a higher frequency of Light. As darkness cannot exist where there is Light, so low frequency evil cannot exist where there is high frequency Love and Truth. For the enlightened, these are very happy and exciting times. The ride may well get rough as Mother Earth does her cleansing, but we shall get through it! Aho!