I greet all of you this fine day upon Earth, one of her last days before all changes in the wink of an eye.
Two years ago today, I passed from the physical to etherical. I wanted to explain about that passing, which people of Earth call “Death”. Furthermore, they cart the physical body around, mourn over it and in the process create fear of ”dying”. They think there is only one life on Earth, and refuse to believe in reincarnation and throw that philosophy out with the trash.
They bury the body In the ground in a casket that is costly, erect a gravestone for remembrance of the one that has died. Many of their relatives cry and mourn over the one that has died in the physical. They have not let go of that one, and in so doing keep that soul from going on to gain soul growth and graduate to the Higher Realms.
So many souls upon Earth have no concept about the fact that their soul has just taken on a physical “fleshy envelope” for lessons in soul growth. In fact, each of the souls on Earth have had thousands of “fleshy envelopes” over millennia of time, for soul growth. The experiences they have had in the past include lessons being all sorts of people from the good, the bad, and the ugly. REMEMBER!!! YOUR SOUL IS ETERNAL!!!!
EVERYTHING is about progression of the soul, not Regression.
I left my Earthy envelope, and graduated to the Higher Realms to be ,who I REALLY am! I am ALIVE! I am just in a different dimension! I left my twin flame on Earth for a bit, for she had more lessons to learn and to be independent and strong. We both are still married and have been for eons of time. When Anne is with me again, we shall never be parted again. She shall have work to do and I shall assist her in that endeavor. There shall be others of her physical family that have passed, and, have asked to be on our team. It shall be a most wonderful time together again!
You all must realize that the Lighted Realms are REALITY! Being in a physical format on Earth is an ILLUSION! You take on a 3D body for LESSONS! Everything is LESSONS! SOUL GROWTH!!
YOU JUDGE YOURSELF! If you have not passed learning the Laws of God and Creation, you end up on the Astral Plane to learn those lessons to graduate home.
That is what millions upon millions of souls are doing at this time on the Astral Plane. They are avidly reading the Journals. If you have NOT read them, it is most important that you start NOW! Read Journals 2, 3, 5, 7, 27 and 47, the most basic ones. It shall greatly help your soul growth!
My loving greetings to all souls and to especially Sananda’s Flock.
My message today is called “Patience”. This is a virtue that is hard to keep, as many of you are anxious and impatient.. I address all souls and especially the Lightworkers, as they long to be home to the Lighted Realms.
I tell you this because being impatient makes you off-centered and unfocused. You are thinking only of being home where you are safe from all the tribulations and trials you must face each and every day.
I know of which I speak, because I was the same way. I was in great pain and agony that never stopped. I longed to be home must like you. When you are hounded by your partner and treated with abusive words it is very easy to long to be home.
I do not say that it is wrong, but only that fretting or in agony over such does not help your frequencies to stay at the proper level.
The Petitions you have made need a little more time to become in effect, for things across the entire Cosmos have to have such to really work. I know how perilous things are on Earth at this time. The approaching of Nibiru has many worried. Also, the evil U.S. Satanic / Communist country has devious plans for depopulation, and are constantly carryout those plans to the enth degree. If one plan does not work, they have many back-up plans to go.
They do not want to lose their home, and are DETERMINED to stop Earth from graduating to a higher dimension. THEY CANNOT WIN!
How do you combat this? Stay calm, focused balanced and centered. Keep clearing self, even if it is several times a day.
The time is shortened for if it wasn’t, it would be very difficult for the Lightworkers. Buckle up! Stay strong for you can make it through ONE day at a time.
You are never given more than you can handle. The Lighted Realms are doing all they can to be with you to help you and to keep you safe from harm.
We are with you always, all the time. Do not forget that.
It is very soon that you shall be home. Be patient. Mother Earth is ready to graduate. She is hanging in there a wee bit longer to make sure the petitions are working at their capacity.
It won’t be long before you are home.
SALU with all my love…..
I AM….
My loving greetings to all. I am very humbled that Sananda asked me to give a message to you at this very ending time for Mother Earth in 3D. The days have now been replaced by hours, for she is at the very end of her housing 3D people.
At this time, she is very weak and tired, for she feels the gravitational pull of Nibiru. Oh yes, that planet is fast approaching his passing into the Apsu solar System. The Lightworkers have been given those clues, and must answer properly to that call. Mother Earth waits a bit longer for the final things that need attention before she turns.
Have you thought anything about the elements of Earth? According to the Lighted Realms they are: Ethers, earth ,fire, water and air and ALL elements and minerals from in the ground, (especially metal and the radioactive elements), on and within, Mother Earth and the Moon,
These all need our attention and prayers are most important at this time. First of all, you have been told that when Mother Earth was created, she was the former top half of the planet Tiamet, which was split I two by a moon of Nibiru. Tiamet was a water planet, thus when Earth was born, she took the water of Tiamet. Earth is 4/5 water!
At this time man of Earth has polluted all waters on Earth. The Fukushima disaster created a lot of this refuse and pollution. There are five “dump grounds in the oceans that are the accumulation of debris. Remember, THERE IS NO AWAY! Everything that you throw a way ends up the ocean.
Remember, too, that our military dumped much of their unused war vehicles and equipment in the ocean. The car companies dump their cars that have not been purchased, in the ocean. They have to make new cars to sell, sell, sell. When there are cars left not sold, they get “rid” of them by dumping them in he ocean. Our oceans have become the dumping grounds for all garbage.
The Military has dumped unwanted equipment in the ocean, as well. Need I say more?
The Aethers were filled to capcityby all that youhave transmuted away bySt.Germains Tranmutation Ray. Sananda said the Aethers were dmjped of this, and are were cleaned ready for all evil to be transmuted again.
Our air has been polluted by nocuous chemicals that harm the bodies of human and ALL plant life.
Our earth has been destroyed by growing crops with poisonous chemicals.
As to fire, our forests are suffering because of the untold number of fires that have burned them down. Take a look at this map just of the U.S.!
Take a look at what our air looks like with chemtrails!
Also, untold to you is that there are 5,000 active volcanoes under the ocean at this time. They are picking up in the number of them that are very active.
Here is a photo that a airplane pilot took. The glow is the volcano.
Let’s talk about Nibiru. He is a strong male planet bigger than Jupiter and his place among the Apsu Solar System is the wide gap between Pluto and Neptune. He is coming!!
Here is apetition for the cleansing of the elements on Earth. Say it several times a day.
THE ELEMENT CLEANSE~~~Updated August 3, 2022
We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within, for a great, great Love of our Creator, for all of the Lighted Masters and for ALL of Creation.
By our Mighty I Am Presence, we petition and humbly ask for all of the elements (ether, earth, air (Mr. and Mrs. wind), fire and water), and ALL elements and minerals from in the ground, (especially metal and the radioactive elements), on and within, Mother Earth and the Moon, to be completely purified and cleansed of ALL debris, pollution and pollutants, sewage, chemicals, nuclear and all radioactivity from misuse and improper knowledge and handling.
This includes everything that has EVER been done to ALL the elements and minerals from ALL evil and ALL unbalance, from all civilizations from the beginning of their existence to present on Mother Earth and the Moon.
We petition for all stated above, and a COMPLETE release of all the pain and shackles of ALL the elements and minerals on Mother Earth and the Moon to be immediately transmuted away by St. Germain’s violet flame from this low octave to the higher octaves and ethers to be uncreated for all eternity!!!!
We petition for Liquid Love to continuously be infused and surround all the elements and minerals. We petition for them to now be able to cleanse and purify Mother Earth and the Moon when they transition.
We thank our Creator, Creation, and ALL the Lighted Realms for helping us and being here for us!!! Please surround us all and all the Cosmos, with the Golden Light of Sananda, the White Light of God, Aton, and the Blue Light of St. Michael! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!!! Amen
Let ALL of you prepare Mother Earth for her great birthing. By saying this Petition, you are helping cleanse Mother Earth, and you assure her that she will not revert back to be plagued again with what you have done to her.
My great LOVE to all
Greetings to all souls. I have been asked by Hatonn and other Lighted Ones of this Angelic and Lighted Realms to give all souls a message today, and so I have summoned Anne to be the one to hear and give my message to all souls across this vast Cosmos.
Anne is getting better, and we of the Lighted Realms are keeping a close eye and giving her help, as that has been asked by her and other members of Sananda’s Flock. Your prayers and concerns for her total health are much appreciated. Thank you all.
Now, on with the message for all souls. Why me? It is because Hatonn has asked that I be the one to give the message from all here in the Lighted Realms to all souls across this vast Cosmos. I include all ones on all Universes and Astral Planes as well. In great humbleness, I shall begin.
All there is in Creation is coming back to center of Creation for the great sleep or null time that has never been before. I speak not only of Mother Earth graduating but the approaching of this even for all of the great Comos. Yes, all of the entire Cosmos shall be at rest in Creation and there shal be nothing. No time, no space. All shall be sleeping within CREATION.
QUOTE Journal 59
“……during all of the 7 periods of experience. In the twilight state of the CREATION all life and the whole universe ceases in consciousness. Just after its awakening it begins to create all things anew. During the twilight sleeping neither time nor space exist. There is only the "nothing" or voidance, as all lies sleeping inside the infinite of the CREATION and null-time. While no creating thought exists there is no force, no time, and no space. There is only duration in a nameless nothing.”
Creation wishes every single soul would come to the Light before this happens. This includes ALL of the Cosmos which Creation created …..every planet, every moon, and ALL which resides upon that planet, i.e. every blade of grass, insect, bird life, water life, and of course all human life of every form.
The great wave of the Petitions that has been sent out by the thrust of thought includes all that above. By having countless other planets and peoples adding their energy in saying these great petitions has made that wave of goodness great beyond all expectations.
We of the Lighted Realms here in this Nebadon Universe are delighted and amazed at the vastness of goodness flowing out to all there is. I shall tell you again, that all is moving the center. By that I mean coming back to CREATION, who is above ALL there is. Many souls are waking up to the Light, not only on other planets, but in the Astral Planes, as well! All is coming to rest within CREATION.
This does not mean that other Universes and Star Systems are not being created! Sanat Kumara, the former Creator Source of the Nebadon Universe is creating another Universe at this time! Other universe are still being created. By thought Creation is still in process. It is difficult for the human mind of comprehend all this, but when your memory returns, which is imminent, you shall know!
We of the Lighted Realms have no time nor space either, for that only exists on a 3D planet. I do not have the answer of when this shall happen, but I do know that the preparation of such is happening. A million years in the Lighted Realms is like ah hour or a day when operating a time-space environment. Remember! Your soul is eternal!
What do you do in the meantime? Every soul is on a journey of enlightenment. You keep on with soul growth, and that is why ALL of you souled ones are on Earth….to gain soul growth by passing lesson after lesson after lesson. Upon graduation to the Higher Octave or Higher Realms, lessons continue until you are ONE with CREATION.
You are not to sit around worrying about the great sleep! Keep on learning your lessons. Say those Petatons. Clear yourself often of all negative thoughts, deeds and actions. Stay balanced centered focused and calm.
The Niburians and Satanic evil technologies on Earth and other planets and moons have been addressed, and much of their technology has been beamed aboard by Sananda to be used for good. The evil minions of these ones even on Mother Earth have been stripped of their power over the peoples living on that planet.
Sananda’s Lightworkers have asked that all Apsu Planets shall not be harmed when Nibiru returns to Apsu on his 3600-year orbit around the sun. He shall be visible in the Northwestern sky shorty. That Petition has been answered.
The Lighted Realms are working diligently with Sananda’s Flock to complete all that is necessary before Earth can graduate. She has been free of any fear of graduating, especially have safety for the Astral Plane and a separation of such, so no one is harmed on that Plane.
I do not have nor do all of us here know exactly when Mother Earth shall turn on her axis, but we do know she is very, very close to graduate. However, you are not to sit by the window and wait. Keep on with your soul growth with all the help that Heaven allows.
PHB aka PATRICK H. BELLRINGER aka –e—a---t-
Moy warmest greetings to all of you souled ones upon Earth and in the entire Cosmos. It is with great joy that I give a message to all of you. Why? It is because of the wonderful and joyous atmosphere of the Lighted Realms and, also, some great momentous happenings have and are to occur that have never been since Creation created the entire Cosmos!
I speak first of Sananda’s Flock, a miniscule few souls that have come to the Light, and have asked for help to clean up Earth. Of course, the first important event was the uncreating of the Satanian Empire. Sananda agreed to help, so with their permission he prepared them to face this evil. The Satanian headquarters were far below the Earth in a deep dark canyon.
Let me tell you that this place where Lucifer resided with his thousands of evil angels was very similar to the movie, Lord of the Rings when Gandolph led his band of Elves in a dark canyon across a bridge high over violent lava flow. Remember? The Dark Side always tells you what is going to happen in those movies if you just think about it!
Other evil technologies were, also, dealt with on the clean up of Earth. It was a ongoing process because much had to be done.
One of the most important jobs was to uncreate the Niburian Empire, which worked in conjunction with Satan. If you have read Journal 50 you would learn a lot about these ones, who came to Earth 450,000 years ago. Their technology was unbelievable, especially on the Moon. Their plant, Nibiru, DOES exist and has a 3,600 retrograde orbit around the sun. In their orbit 4.5 billion years ago. they again passed through the Apsu System. Nibiru is a planet much larger than Jupiter, so his passing through the Apsu System has caused damage because of his gravitational pull. You were told that is why Uranus is tipped on her side.
One of their moons of Nibiru, called Kingu, crashed into Tiamet, a planet in the Apsu System. Tiamet split apart. The top part became Earth with a deep hole on its side. Tiamet was a water planet and so her oceans were part of Earth. The great hole is where the Pacific Ocean lies, with the deepest part 7 miles deep. If the Pacific Ocean floor had not been built up, the deepest part would be 12 miles.
The bottom half of Tiamet became the Astral Belt a “bracelet of rock” between Jupiter and Mars. Also, to note, the placement of Nibiru in the Apsu System is between Pluto and Neptune.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and then Nibiru (Pluto is not shown)
The evil ones of Nibiru are gone, and only the good people are now on his surface. Nibiru is now approaching Earth again. You will see it as a large star in the Northeast very soon. Sananda’s Flock have asked that no harm will come to the Apsu Solar System when Nibiru comes closer. You were told that the Apsu System has moved into the Pleiades System away from the sun which is to explode.
What you see as familiar constellations are starships taking their place so as not to cause fear. Your controllers know it all, but you goyim are kept uninformed. According to them, you are just useless eaters and must be annihilated.
I could go on much more, but I explained again briefly how Earth was formed. Right now I am inundated with work and counseling those that are graduating from the Astral Plane. It is unbelievable. Also, you must know that each of you have other selves across the entire Cosmos. That is why I can be with Anne all the time.
Here is a picture of what Anne and I look like in the Lighted Realms. It is not exact, but a pretty good image.
There is more to tell you, but that shall come a bit later. There is VERY LITTLE time left before Earth turns over.
To be continued………
Greetings to all souls. Today’s title may sound strange to you., but strange as it may seem, it is an important subject, and one which is very interesting.
Both Anne and I are very old souls. Many of you, who have returned to Earth were great Masters and very old souls, as well. Even if you do not wake up to the Truth now your soul continues on with soul growth, for that is the whole purpose of life. Your soul is eternal and always it is progression not regression of the soul. You continue on that until you are ONE with Creation.
There are ones that have reached that level and have never had to reincarnated to gain soul growth. They are ONE with Creation. That is the main goal of all.
Anne and I have been together many lifestreams and have worked in many different lifestreams on Earth, as well as you. Our work was mainly on Earth, for eons of time the Satanian Empire ruled her with evil. Both of us have been the bad, the good and the ugly, for that is how soul growth is obtained.
Almost all of my past lifestreams I have been with my Twin Flame, Anne. There were only a few lifestreams when we agreed to reincarnate separately in order to obtain the lessons we were to learn at that time.
I still have complete uninterrupted communication with Anne, even though I have left my physical body, and am aboard the Command Ship with Creator God Hatonn and Sananda. Anne is the one to communicate our messages from Earth to the world from a little room in an apartment in the U.S. You think it is amazing that we talk, as if we were side by side? Not so, for we are Twin Flames and our communication with each other cannot be broken. The same unbroken communication by Anne, also, includes Sananda, Aton, and others of the Lighted Realms.
I quote Lady Nada
I also wish to speak a moment on "twin flames". Most important. A term that has been soiled by possession of the term to relate a status of sorts. No, it is but two acting in harmony for enhancing of the power and potential benefit. Wherever there is the action of going forth two by two, one is the bearer of the Alpha flame, and the other of the Omega, forming a circle of Light that cannot be penetrated, like an impregnable fortress.
Both of us were asked to reincarnate on Earth this last lifestream. We agreed that we would find each other ho matter what. I met Anne two times briefly and felt a connection with her. It was at a church camp that sealed that knowing. Strange as it may seem, we had 12 days of courtship before we were married. That courtship was from New York to South Dakota. We spent 58 years together this last life stream, and even though I am now in the Lighted Realms after passing from my physical life, we are still together, for we communicate constantly.
I have never left her side since I passed, for I am here with her now, as she writes what she hears from me. It may seem strange, but we are Twin Flames.
I have a bit of advice to tell many souls that have a husband or wife that is “not on the same page. Many are "deaf" at hearing about the Lighted Realms,because they are steeped in the cult churches, and it may take more reincarnations or lessons to come to the Truth. Do NOT judge these dear ones. What are you to do? You are to not scream and holler at these ones. Be kind, loving and helpful as you can. Let them go, for they are on their own pathway. It may be, in some cases, that the soul has departed and the only thing left is the fleshy envelope.
The Path of Light has been taken by a very few, for most ones on Earth are tied to the Lie. All I can say is that each is on his/her own soul growth, whether they realize it or not.
My great love to all.
~~~ADDENDUM II~~~JULY 23, 2022
My great love to all souls upon Earth and in the entire Cosmos. It is difficult to express the great LOVE in the Lighted Realms. Everything here expresses that Love, even as I walk among the trees and the gorgeous flowers blooming with love and Light.
I hear the flowers singing and the trees talking to me with Love and Light.
The birds and animals come up to me to be petted or talked to, for they, too, express gratitude for being aboard ship with the freedom to grow without being damaged by drought or insects they preyed upon them during their life on Earth. All is in peace joy, and gratitude to Creation for all there is. Not only that, but each tiny flower or insect, tree, bird or aquatic life has an eternal soul!
It is not often that I take walks among the beauty aboard ship, for I am quite busy with more lessons and work that needs to be accomplished.
The Astral Plane is a wonder. Why? It is because we do not hear the moaning and groaning of souls that are in remorse for what they have done in their physical life. Instead, it is quiet and peaceful. We do not hear any conversation of condemnation, but only questions that need answers, as nearly all of these souls on the Astral Plane are reading the Journals and the recent articles from the Lighted Realms. I speak of Fourwinds, not with pride, but with joy.
I am joyful that souls on the Astral Plane are reading and are graduating to the Higher Realms because of the great petitions made by Sananda’s Flock and the fantastic results thereof.
There have been thousands upon thousands that have graduated. and I am just one of the Lighted Realms to help counsel them as they graduate.
I cannot believe that two Earth years have almost passed since I passed away in physical format. It seems like only a few hours, but then in the Lighted Realms there is no time nor space. They only thing I know is that both Anne and I are eons old souls.
I have been through thousands of lifestreams on Earth, and have many memories of who I was when I reincarnated. I have experienced being the victim and the victimizer, the good and the bad, and have learned my lessons thus far. However lessons continue on in the Lighted Realms, as well.
Many of you upon Earth are old souls that have graduated long ago. but volunteered for this last mission on Earth. It was time for her to graduate, and you agreed to help. Many of you are not awake to your mission for you are without memory, and have been lured to sleep by the Dark Ones from knowing the TRUTH.
However, as you MAY lose your graduation and are still in slumber, you are still on your path of soul growth. Let’s say you may be taking a detour, but everything, and I mean everything, is about soul growth or progression. REMEMBER, your soul is ETERNAL!
Hatonn talked to me about what he was going to tell Anne to write. I know it sounds frightening, but all souls are offered a beam to be evacuated to safety. The only one that would keep you from being evacuated is YOU, for you have your freewill to be evacuated or not. With your memory returned, it is hoped that ALL shall step into the beam of safety.
I have one more thing to say. Creation is delighted that Sananda’s flock have helped clean up the entire Cosmos. This has never been done before. They, also filled the ethers to capacity! Now all of Creation is coming to center and the great Sleep is soon to come.
After this great NULL time, Creation will start over, with the help of some souls to be Creators of planets, star systems and even galaxies.
What and amazing time to come. A NEW Cosmos!
Greetings to all souls! I have called Anne to pen a message from me to all of you.
Business goes on as usual on Earth with most still slumbering on thinking and planning for the future. Some, very few, are slowly realizing how fast the day passes. Earth time has speeded up to 99% and soon rising to 100% where time does not exist. This means that Mother Earth is to graduate to a higher dimension where time does not exist. I speak of 5th dimension.
It is sad to see so many people blinded by the religion and the fake teaching of being “raptured off to a pink cloud somewhere. The word ”rapture” does not exist in Satan’s war book. You would not believe how many souls on the Astral Plane were in agony concerning the Truth that had been given to them but they rejected it as Satan’s lies.
You should see the sight of the Astral plane now! Billions of souls are reading the Journals. They are in every language available, and those that have come from many past civilizations ago read them on parchment paper, or in sand script or any means suitable to their culture, so they get the Truth. Others have I-Pads or computers available.
The thousands of libraries are packed full, so many are sitting on benches or on the ground, reading, There is not much talking, for all are reading. They are, also, reading all the current messages that the Lighted Realms have given Anne to pen.
Thousands have graduated to the Higher Realms., which makes Creator God Aton very pleased.
It is the goal and our great hope that all souls would come to the Light before the Great Sleep time which is fast approaching.
Did I mention what is happening on many other planets? They, too are presenting the Journals to their people to read. This includes the 3D planet ones as well as the souls in their Astral Plane. It is unbelievable!
Sananda’s Flock does not realize the effect they have had on the entire Cosmos, and especially what effect the Petitions have had. The great wave of goodness is flowing more effectively so that more are awakening. Creation is very pleased, for it is that Creation does not want anyone to live through the great sleep without being of the Light. The great hope is that all souls shall become enlightened and not have to live each moment of this great null without the LOVE of Creation to make the time seem like an hour rather than endless torment.
That time would be 311,040,000,000,000 years x 7! None of us have ever experienced this great null time when all comes to rest with Creation. If ones are still unenlightened will they rest in Creation’s arms? Think about it!
It will not be long before I will see my Earthly family again. It is with joy and happiness, for it shall be a wonderful reunion. Remember, all you Earth people, that living on Earth is an illusion for soul growth. The Lighted Realms are REALITY!
May all awaken to the Truth.
I AM-----
Greetings to all souls! Todays’ message shall be a different one. for all the messages I have given to Anne to pen have been to stay on track, or do this or that etc. However, what I am to say today makes me extremely joyous and happy!
You have been told that lessons continue on and on and never stop, even with the end of your reincarnations experience on planet Earth Shan. I have continued on with my soul lessons, as well.
I can tell you all one fact concerning lessons. The remaining minions of the Satanian and Niburian Empires know each and every Lightworker, and follow them every second of the day. Do not think for one instant that we of the Lighted Realms allow them to penetrate your plasma bubble around each of you. If they were to be able to penetrate your protection, you would not be here, but gone from Earth.
I am proud to say that no matter what has been thrown at the Lightworkers, you have remained steady and calm. I know that you think your time upon Mother Earth drags on and on and are waiting for that istant when you can come home.
I think back two years after I passed that the Lightworkers thought their work was done. Just remember at what has been accomplished in goodness for Mother Earth since tat time. You have asked for the help of the Lighted Realms to accomplish many missions.
Let me explain further. We of the Lighted Realms cannot do it for you or start the cleansing needed for Earth. It HAD to come from those, who reincarnated upon Earth in physical format to start the process and ask for our help. We worked together, not alone!
The missions have been completed, and of course, you expect to be home. However, the last lessons were to work on yourself. That means keeping focused, balanced, centered, calm, and to clear selves often of all negativity with the Transmutation Ray of St. Germain to be uncreated for all eternity.
I named this article “The Hurricane”, for that is what describes perfectly the situation in which you find yourself. There is a vicious storm of evil swirling all around you. There is a threat of nuclear warm and evil has gotten far worse, especially if they can harm you with any kind of, physical harm, or to damage your living spaces with more ugly storms and on and on.
Why am I very proud? It is because you have remained in the “eye” of the Hurricane, and asked for our help to be able to conquer all that is put against you.
You are keeping steady at the wheel, and keeping on with your petitions and work until the ever end. That, my dear Lightworkers, is very, very soon!
The banquet is being prepared! All the Lighted Realms are anxious to welcome you home. It shall be a most glorious time ever!
Greetings to all Lightworkers and souls upon Earth and in the entire Cosmos! It is with gladness and expectation that I give you this message today, July 11, 2022 Earth-time.
I say such, as there is no time nor space in the Lighted Realms. However, Earth is fast approaching the point of 100%, as the second has speeded up and is fast approaching 100%. What happens then? She graduates to a higher dimension
Yes, she is to be transmuted to a higher dimension very soon. It is hard to imagine such, but all of you souled ones on Earth are experiencing a quickening of “time” to the point of only a few degrees short of being 100%.
Very soon the great chord shall be struck as recorded in the Journals by St. Michael. What does this mean? It means that just before Earth turns over, your memory is restored. At that moment, also, our beam shall appear to evacuate Earth. Whether or not you step into that beam is up to you. We do not force anyone to come to safety. It is your decision. It means that each souled one shall remember, who they are in the Lighted Realms. The slumbering period shall be wiped away.
It shall be at that moment you must decide if you wish to be beamed to safety by stopping into our beam or stay on Earth, as all hell breaks loose/ when Earth turns over. What do you think happens to all the oceans of water? What do you think will happen to all the volcanoes, including the dormant ones?
I know this message has been told to you ad nauseum. However, this is the LAST time such a message shall be given to you.
You have NO idea how much you are loved. You are a free-willed being, and you have the choice to believe or NOT to believe what I am telling you.
You do know that the Lighted Realms, through the Akashic Records have kept track of every thought deed and word you have said and done since you reincarnated on Earth. There is a record of every second of your life on Earth. There is a record of every lifestream you have had through your existence. At the moment Your physical life has passed, you shall judge yourself how well you have lived the Laws of God and Creation.
God does NOT judge you. It is YOU that shall judge YOURSELF. The greatest hope Heaven has is that you shall not be found wanting on the great scales of justice.
I have one last word to the Lightworkers. The Dark Ones are doing ALL they can to upset, distract and harm you just before you are graduated to the Higher Realms. Stay strong, focused and know you can win over all those attacks (lessons) for you have all the help heaven allows.
Greetings to all souls. It is at this time that I have requested to have Anne open a message to all souls. I pin-point my message to all souls especially upon Mother Earth, for the LIE under which all souls upon Earth have lived has destroyed most of the valuable history that the Dark Ones have tried to erase.
Have they succeeded? It seems that they have, for they are I control of the public school system. It did not take them long to completely erase anything about the Truth of this once great nation that was the only one established under the great Las of God land Creation.
Their evil goal was to educate the children that there is no difference between a male and female, and that men can birth a child just like a women, Their evil agenda is to teach it is almost imperative the change one’s sex, and that boys and girls must use the same bathroom and have no privacy. In essence it is a horrible mess.
The 4th of July is no different. If you were to ask anyone on the street, let alone a young person, and ask them “Why do we celebrate the th of July? You would be surprised at the answers.
They would say most likely, that it a time to shoot those fire works and to blow them up days before …probably the biggest and loudest ones they could find. History of the U.S.? Are you kidding? Even the adults have no concept of American History, the Declaration of Independence or the struggle the 13 colonies that were under “the thumb” of England and taxed to death. They had come to America for freedom, but in essence they were the slave-people of the British Empire.
A Declaration of Independence was drawn up an to be signed by the following 56 men.
Name |
State Rep. |
Date of Birth |
Birthplace |
Age in 1776 |
Occupation |
Number of Marriages |
Number of Children |
Date of Death |
Age at Death |
Adams, John |
MA |
10/30/1735 |
Quincy, MA |
40 |
Lawyer |
1 |
5 |
7/4/1826 |
90 |
Adams, Samuel |
MA |
9/27/1722 |
Boston, MA |
53 |
Merchant |
2 |
2 |
10/2/1803 |
81 |
Bartlett, Josiah |
NH |
11/21/1729 |
Amesbury,MA |
46 |
Physician |
1 |
12 |
5/19/1795 |
65 |
Braxton, Carter |
VA |
9/10/1736 |
Newington, VA |
39 |
Plantation Owner |
2 |
18 |
10/10/1797 |
61 |
Carroll, Charles of Carrollton |
MD |
9/19/1737 |
Annapolis, MD |
38 |
Merchant, Plantation Owner |
1 |
7 |
11/14/1832 |
95 |
Chase, Samuel |
MD |
4/17/1741 |
Somerset Co., MD |
35 |
Lawyer |
2 |
4 |
6/19/1811 |
70 |
Clark, Abraham |
NJ |
2/15/1726 |
Elizabethtown, NJ |
50 |
Lawyer, Surveyer |
1 |
10 |
9/15/1794 |
68 |
Clymer, George |
PA |
3/16/1739 |
Philadelphia, PA |
37 |
Merchant |
1 |
8 |
1/24/1813 |
73 |
Ellery, William |
RI |
12/22/1727 |
Newport, RI |
48 |
Lawyer, Merchant |
2 |
16 |
2/15/1820 |
92 |
Floyd, William |
NY |
12/17/1734 |
Brookhaven, NY |
41 |
Land Speculator |
2 |
3 |
8/4/1821 |
86 |
Franklin, Benjamin |
PA |
1/17/1706 |
Boston, MA |
70 |
Scientist, Printer |
1 |
3 |
4/17/1790 |
84 |
Gerry, Elbridge |
MA |
7/17/1744 |
Marblehead, MA |
32 |
Merchant |
1 |
7 |
11/23/1814 |
70 |
Gwinnett, Button |
GA |
c. 1735 |
Gloucester, England |
41 |
Merchant, Plantation Owner |
1 |
3 |
5/15/1777 |
42 |
Hall, Lyman |
GA |
4/12/1724 |
Wallingford, CT |
52 |
Physician, Minister |
2 |
1 |
10/19/1790 |
66 |
Hancock, John |
MA |
1/12/1737 |
Quincy, MA |
40 |
Merchant |
1 |
2 |
10/8/1793 |
56 |
Harrison, Benjamin |
VA |
4/7/1726 |
Charles City Co., VA |
50 |
Plantation Owner, Farmer |
1 |
7 |
4/24/1791 |
65 |
Hart, John |
NJ |
c. 1711 |
Hunterdon Co., NJ |
65 |
Land owner |
1 |
13 |
5/11/1779 |
68 |
Hewes, Joseph |
NC |
1/23/1730 |
Kingston, NJ |
46 |
Merchant |
- |
- |
10/10/1779 |
49 |
Heyward Jr., Thomas |
SC |
7/28/1746 |
St. Helena Parish, SC |
30 |
Lawyer, Plantation Owner |
2 |
8 |
3/6/1809 |
62 |
Hooper, William |
NC |
6/17/1742 |
Boston, MA |
34 |
Lawyer |
1 |
3 |
10/14/1790 |
48 |
Hopkins, Stephen |
RI |
3/7/1707 |
Providence, RI |
69 |
Merchant |
2 |
7 |
4/13/1785 |
78 |
Hopkinson, Francis |
NJ |
10/2/1737 |
Philadelphia, PA |
38 |
Lawyer, Musician |
1 |
5 |
5/9/1791 |
53 |
Huntington, Samuel |
CT |
7/3/1731 |
Windham, CT |
45 |
Lawyer |
1 |
2 |
1/5/1796 |
64 |
Jefferson, Thomas |
VA |
4/13/1743 |
Albemarle Co., VA |
33 |
Lawyer, Plantation Owner, Scientist |
1 |
6 |
7/4/1826 |
83 |
Lee, Francis Lightfoot |
VA |
10/14/1734 |
Mt. Pleasant, VA |
41 |
Plantation Owner |
1 |
0 |
1/11/1797 |
62 |
Lee, Richard Henry |
VA |
1/20/1732 |
Stratford, VA |
44 |
Plantation Owner, Merchant |
2 |
6 |
6/19/1794 |
62 |
Lewis, Francis |
NY |
3/21/1713 |
Llandaff, Wales |
63 |
Merchant |
1 |
7 |
12/30/1802 |
89 |
Livingston, Philip |
NY |
1/15/1716 |
Albany, NY |
60 |
Merchant |
1 |
9 |
6/12/1778 |
62 |
Lynch Jr., Thomas |
SC |
8/5/1749 |
Prince George’s Parrish, SC |
26 |
Lawyer |
1 |
0 |
c. 1779 |
30 |
McKean, Thomas |
DE |
3/19/1735 |
Chester Co., PA |
42 |
Lawyer |
2 |
11 |
6/24/1817 |
83 |
Middleton, Arthur |
SC |
6/26/1742 |
Charleston, SC |
34 |
Plantation Owner |
1 |
9 |
1/1/1787 |
44 |
Morris, Lewis |
NY |
4/8/1726 |
West Chester Co.,NY |
50 |
Plantation Owner |
1 |
10 |
1/22/1798 |
71 |
Morris, Robert |
PA |
1/31/1734 |
Liverpool, England |
42 |
Merchant, Land Speculator |
1 |
7 |
5/8/1806 |
72 |
Morton, John |
PA |
c. 1724 |
Ridley Township, PA |
52 |
Farmer |
1 |
8 |
c. 1777 |
53 |
Nelson Jr., Thomas |
VA |
12/26/1738 |
Yorktown, VA |
37 |
Merchant, Plantation Owner |
1 |
13 |
1/4/1789 |
50 |
Paca, William |
MD |
10/31/1740 |
Abington, MD |
35 |
Lawyer, Plantation Owner |
2 |
5 |
10/13/1799 |
58 |
Paine, Robert Treat |
MA |
3/11/1731 |
Boston, MA |
45 |
Lawyer, Scientist |
1 |
8 |
5/12/1814 |
83 |
Penn, John |
NC |
5/6/1740 |
Carolina Co., VA |
36 |
Lawyer |
1 |
3 |
9/14/1788 |
48 |
Read, George |
DE |
9/18/1733 |
Northeast MD |
42 |
Lawyer |
1 |
5 |
9/21/1798 |
65 |
Rodney, Caesar |
DE |
10/7/1728 |
Dover, DE |
47 |
Plantation Owner, Military Officer |
0 |
0 |
6/29/1784 |
55 |
Ross, George |
PA |
5/10/1730 |
New Castle, DE |
46 |
Lawyer |
1 |
3 |
7/14/1779 |
49 |
Rush, Benjamin Dr. |
PA |
1/4/1746 |
Philadelphia, PA |
30 |
Physician |
1 |
13 |
4/19/1813 |
67 |
Rutledge, Edward |
SC |
11/23/1749 |
Christ Church Parish, SC |
26 |
Lawyer, Plantation Owner |
2 |
3 |
1/23/1800 |
50 |
Sherman, Roger |
CT |
4/19/1721 |
Newton, MA |
55 |
Lawyer |
2 |
15 |
7/23/1793 |
72 |
Smith, James |
PA |
c. 1719 |
Northern Ireland |
57 |
Lawyer |
1 |
5 |
7/11/1806 |
87 |
Stockton, Richard |
NJ |
10/1/1730 |
Princeton, NJ |
45 |
Lawyer |
1 |
6 |
2/28/1781 |
50 |
Stone, Thomas |
MD |
c. 1743 |
Charles Co., MD |
33 |
Lawyer |
1 |
3 |
10/5/1787 |
44 |
Taylor, George |
PA |
c. 1716 |
Ireland |
60 |
Merchant |
1 |
2 |
2/23/1781 |
65 |
Thornton, Matthew |
NH |
c. 1714 |
Ireland |
62 |
Physician |
1 |
5 |
6/24/1803 |
89 |
Walton, George |
GA |
c. 1741 |
Cumberland Co., VA |
35 |
Lawyer |
1 |
2 |
2/2/1804 |
63 |
Whipple, William |
NH |
1/14/1730 |
Kittery, ME |
46 |
Merchant |
1 |
0 |
11/28/1785 |
55 |
Williams, William |
CT |
4/18/1731 |
Lebannon, CT |
45 |
Merchant |
1 |
3 |
8/2/1811 |
80 |
Wilson, James |
PA |
9/14/1742 |
Carskerdo, Scotland |
33 |
Lawyer |
2 |
7 |
8/21/1798 |
55 |
Witherspoon, John |
NJ |
2/5/1723 |
Gifford, Scotland |
53 |
Minister |
2 |
12 |
11/15/1794 |
71 |
Wolcott, Oliver |
CT |
11/20/1726 |
Windsor, CT |
49 |
Lawyer |
1 |
4 |
12/1/1797 |
71 |
Wythe, George |
VA |
c. 1726 |
Elizabeth City Co., VA |
50 |
Lawyer |
2 |
1 |
6/8/1806 |
****** |
Each of these men knew that the British Empire would not approve of such a move.
According to the Phoenix Journals, the men were in argument because of the threat to them by the British Empire. Confusion rang throughout the room and there was a hesitancy on the part of many to sign the document. Suddenly a man appeared on the balcony and shouted at them with these words: “For God’s Sake men, sign the Document!!” His voice rang out with clarity and the earnest plea to sign that Document! The men immediately signed the Document! Who was this stranger?
It was St. Germain!!
The Document was signed and not long after that the Revolutionary War began to complete their Independence from England. Ever heard of Washington crossing the Delaware?
If the Colonieshad NOT won the Revolutionary War, the signers would have been hung.
America has a great history. The Dark Ones of Satan have tried to erase such a grand history, but the whole truth has been recorded and it us in the great Akashic Records. It is hoped that the true history shall be written and available to all.
Truth shall reign!!!!
PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: Today's message from me is on the above subject written in the title of this article entitled " WE ARE ALL ONE!"
By that statement do I mean only the human ones? No, Creation created all by thought. He created everything you see on your planet by thought. This includes all animals, plants, bird and sea life. It, also, includes every tree, blade of grass and every flower that blooms! The humans created are of a higher level of development and it is their duty to care for all of the creation with love. Each of you souled ones must know that the animal life, also has a group spirit.
A dog may die and reincarnate again as another dog, or a cat, etc. Our children have known that one of their former pet, who has died, has been reincarnated in their present pet, as they recognize the temperament and actions of the present pet that is just like their former pet. This is the absolute truth.
Now, I want to give you some information about your pet. If you have a dog, for instance, you realize that as you speak to your pet he or she knows and understands every word you say. They cannot talk back in human language in your 3D world, but they hear and know what you speak to them. Your pet dog becomes absolutely devoted to you, especially when treated with love and care.
It is no different with a cat except that they are very independent and your home becomes THEIR home. They understand every word you speak to then and will give you their devotion when you treat them with love and care.
Anne and I had a wonderful pet cat for several years. His name was Blackberry. He would come and sit on the overstuffed chair and watch TV with us. He was most independent and knew every word spoken. When Anne would walk the fields in the morning Blackberry would want to follow. Anne would have to turn and speak to Blackberry to go home quickly, as there were fox roaming the fields that just loved to eat cats. He obeyed immediately.
Take for instance a flowering plant you have in your home or garden. They, too, have a spirit, and respond to your love and care for each leaf and flower and will bloom excessively as they respond to your love.
Is it any different with the bird life? When Anne and I lived in Rapid City, SD for years, I built a large bird feeder, a squirrel house, and had three other bird feeders. We had hundreds of birds in our back yard.
I remember the Rock Doves, especially. There would be many birds perched on the electric lines in front of our house. There was one bird we called the sentinel that perched near the bird feeder on the electric lines. I would fill the large feeder with whole and cracked corn. The very minute I was done and started to walk back to the house the sentinel gave the word and the birds flew down to the feeder in about 5 seconds.
The squirrels were no different. I could walk out to their feeder and they would be perched six inches from my hand waiting for the feeder to be filled. They loved the squirrel house a made for the in the old Maple Tree, and would come down the tree and gaze in the kitchen window or perch on the lattice by the back door.
One time, as I sat oh\n the bench outside the back door, a Chick-a-Dee flew down and perched on my hand. I gave it my love and he looked at me for a while and then flew off.
All of you are to take care of the life around you, and you must realize you are only a few chromosomes more than they, are a higher development and you are their caretaker. You are to give LOVE to all of the fantastic creation around you ....even across the entire world.
Now I approach something that may sound absolutely unbelievable to you.
When any loved one passes over, including your pets, you can talk to them just as we of the Lighted Realms talk to Anne ,my children.
My daughter’s, dog passed away. She was told by us that he was aboard our ship, The Star of Bethlehem. In the middle of the night, she heard him whining. We talked to her and told her he was having a little difficulty adjusting. "Do you want to talk to him?" She said yes, and had a conversation with him. After that he settled down.
Yes, this is possible! We are all one!
When I did that first walk among the flowers and trees, as I boarded The Phoenix Command Ship, I heard them talking to me and I talked back, just as I am having a conversation with Anne at this time telling her what I would like to say.
As Creation, Creator Source and Creator God Aton and you all have a soul you can talk to anyone of the Lighted Realms. This also, includes Creator God Hatonn. Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Gabriel, Violinio Germain and others, to whom you can speak. You will hear through your own God Spirit within through your own God Split.
Toda,y one of my daughters had a big mosquito land on her hand. t did not bite her, but just stared at her. She tried to put it outside, but it flew back upon her hand. She heard what this insect was saying to her. It was so depressed and sad the way man has tried to kill all mosquitoes. They have tried to eliminate them from existence. The mosquitoes fought back and bit the people who harmed them. They, too, have a life, and if ones would treat them with care, they would not bite anyone. You see, all life is created for man to take utmost care as a a custodian. If man would treat these wonderful creations with love their return response would be love.
I have said though for you are probably thinking I am lying, however, i have told the TRUTH. We of the Lighted Realms do not lie.
Blessings to all, who know in their heart what I have said is so.
Greetings to all souls. Although the message says to all Lightworkers, I do include all souls across the entire Cosmos, for we are all one. Every soul is very precious to Creation, and I include all those poor souls that have strayed from the Light and are slumbering away, those that are caught up in the illusion of a 3D planet, and those that have awakened to the Truth.
I speak now of the souls upon Earth, called Shan. meaning planet of tears. As I look at these ones, called Sananda’s Flock, I am amazed at the work for the Light that has been done, for in comparison to the number of souled ones, Sananda’s Flock is what St. Michael said. They are like a drop of water from all the oceans of Mother Earth.
He, also, said that the search for ones to realize the Power of Spirit began with the first 6civilization on Earth. That means he has waited those 20,000 civilizations to finally, at the last minute of Earth’s last 3D civilization, found ones that have gained that soul growth to accomplish what seems impossible.
Do not get me wrong. I did not say they were any better than those that slumber, for in the Lighted Realms, we have no rank or any one any better than another. We all have a job to do and that is our role. There is no greed nor competition between any of us, for we are a family together and we work and help each other, as needed
As on Earth, those that have awakened to the Truth or gained soul growth are loved. but so are all souls loved with a great love.
I feel sorrow for those souls that have let the Dark Ones cause them to degrade themselves or have fallen into the drug world. I pray for these ones.
However, each experience that a soul goes through is what each has planned for selves. Each soul is on their own pathway, and neither you on Earth and we of the Lighted Realms are to interfere with their freewill. None of us can force anyone to the Light, for they just see it for selves. Their soul is eternal and remembers all. At some point in their lifestreams ahead the Light will be found.
Remember the old saying, “you can lead a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink,”
Each lesson that you are experiencing you planned such before you reincarnated. There is NOTHING that you cannot accomplish with Desire, Determination and Dedication. We call that the Three D’s.
Call on our help for these last lessons, the lessons for you. You shall accomplish these with flying colors.
The Lighted Realms love you with a great love, and follow your thoughts, deeds and actions every moment of the day.
I send loving greetings to all souls upon Earth and in the entire Cosmos. Today I shall speak to the Lightworkers of Sananda’s Flock, but also to all Lightworkers across the Cosmos.
As I have said before, this is the end of the 3D life upon Earth, who has waited millennias of time to graduate to a higher Realms and be at total peace and harmony. She has housed the most-evil ones long enough. Although the Satanian and Niburian Empires have been uncreated, their minions still carry on, and have done so with gusto and an evil desire that was given them by their masters.
I say, also, that we are rapidly approaching the great sleep time faster than anyone expected. We have been told by Creator God Aton of Light that this great null time is about on us. That is why I shall tell you further of lessons to learn.
As you now the days are shorter than ever with about 50% of what they were the 1950’s. This is due to the great Photon Belt which Earth passes through at the end of every civilization upon her surface. The days on Shan are 12 hours long!
So, what are these lessons? The Lightworkers have done a lot to help Mother Earth and the entire Cosmos. Of course, that is greatly appreciated by the Lighted Realms. However, the remaining lessons are those which are personal to the Lightworkers.
Each of you have lessons to learn, and you shall complete them before you can be coming home and NOT until they are passed.
The first and hardest lesson is to let go of your loved ones, if they have not learned their lessons. This includes your wife, or husband, children, and those dear to you. You cannot force your will upon them. If they so choose to be wrapped up in the Lie and illusion of 3D, or do no reading or meditating with the Lighted Realms it is their choice. It is against the Laws of God #11 which says no imposing of your freewill upon others.
Secondly, remain peaceful and calm, even when a circumstance could make you off-balanced. Transmute such away. Remain in the “eye” of the hurricane that roars about you.
These two are the first ones to conquer. After passing them you shall be given the next lessons which shall be passed before you can come home to the Lighted Realms. These lessons have not been revealed to you until you pass the first two lessons.
You shall be on Earth until you learn those lessons. You have all the help that Heaven allows and are watched every second of every day.
My prayers for you to pass these first two lessons with flying colors.
GOFUNDME: https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-fund-for-emil-c-muhlhausen
Today’s message is of most important, for lessons get harder just before Mother Earth transitions to a higher dimension. It is easy to get discouraged and off-centered when a lesson before one is something they dread or do not want to do. Hatonn has aways said “Lessonsrepeat until you learn them”.
If you know the lessons is hard, keep your armor about you and sword and shield in hand. Stay focused and balanced, and know that all is an illusion. It seems real to you, but you are on a holodeck of learning and there is nothing or lessons that you cannot pass with flying colors.
Stay strong and know that you have all the help that Heaven allows. Do not wallow in self-pity but treat the person or situation kindly but with a strong will and speak for yourself.
The reason I say this is because we are so close to evacuating Mother Earth, It is but a breath away.
I have asked Anne to post the following article. Repeat what is said, for it is for YOU, as well. It helped me so much when I wrote it.
May the blessings and help of the Lighted Realms be with you always.
A Song of Patrick
God-Aton is my Commander. He shall guide my Spirit. Through my God-Spirit I can create all that I need.
My brother, Esu Sananda, shall lead me through the sunlit meadows and dark valleys of my pathway. My God-Spirit shall be at peace and I shall have no fear, for my brother has traveled this Red Road of Truth before me. He shall show me right-living through the Laws of God-Aton and the Creation, and I shall be most joyful.
My Cosmic brothers and sisters have prepared a "welcome home" banquet for me on board the starship, Phoenix. In honor I shall be rewarded for my faithful journey, my lessons I shall return to my home and family on Pleiades and to my brothers and sisters of the Realms of Light. There in joy I shall continue my pathway to perfection back to God-Aton, and to Creator God, the One Source of all.
Cosmic New Year’s Day
August 17, 1996
Year Ten, Day One
GOFUNDME: https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-fund-for-emil-c-muhlhausen
My loving greetings to all souls and especially to the Lightworkers. As we approach the ending of this civilization, I urge all to keep steady at the wheel of enlightenment, for lessons continue to the last moment before Mother Earth turns on her axis. I know it is not easy, for many of you have illnesses, or you are living with a spouse or children that have refused to listen to your words of enlightenment.
The answer to that dilemma is to let them go. Each soul is on their own pathway and to interfere with that is against the Laws of God and Creation. If yoI have told them once, the souls hears that message, and that person has a chance to come to the Light in other lifestreams. The soul remembers ALL. The best thing you can do is to be kind and loving in your actions and do deed of love to that one.
Remember, too, that you agreed to go through the lessons you are experiencing. You told yourself you could and would pass each lesson presented to you, and that they would get increasingly harder for you toward the end of this civilization. We are now at the end and I mean END. Why do I say such? It is because at this very time the great Celestial Song is being sung, and the crescendo is about there! At that moment the beam of Light is presented to all souls for each one to step into and come to safety.
If a soul is not enlightened, but steps into our beam, that one shall gain great soul growth. That means a lot of soul growth that would be, otherwise that one will perish in the great upheaval about to come when Mother Earth graduates. There is no one soul on Earth that could survive a 5 mile high wave of water roaring over all land masses! Remember, Earth is 4/5 water!
If that person refuses to step into the beam, that one could be placed on a planet suitable to his/her soul growth. If there has been no soul growth because of being in slumber (not accepting or realizing the Truth) the planet for that one’s soul growth may not be a pleasant one on which to live and take many lifestreams to gain soul growth, or that one can choose to go to the level of soul growth on the Astral Plane and learn those lessons. Some may end up on the lower levels. Each soul has their own freewill to step or not to step into the beam of safety.
Anne has been the vessel through which the Lighted Realms have presented Truth. These messages have brought the Journals back to life and many more are reading the Journals, as well as the newer messages of the Lighted Realms. For that, the Lighted Realms are very pleased, especially about the Phoenix Journals. Yes, a lot of the material is about what has happened at the time they were written, but is it any better today? NO! It is FAR worse! There are so many gems that the Lighted Realms, have are a delight to read! They are timeless!
My suggestion is to read the basic Phoenix Journals ones over and over. They are Journals 2 3 ,5, 7, 27 and 47. I, also, recommend Journals 50 and 57, They are titled ”Through Darkness Into Light—Endless Cycles of the Divine Plan 0 Vol I -#50 and Vol II- #57.
I can only suggest such, for it is up to each individual to read or not to read. You have your freewill. If you end up on another planet or the lower Astral Plane for soul growth, do not blame God, for all that happens to you is of your own doing.
Every soul is so precious! We pray for all souls to come to the Light. Sananda loves all and has told you the very end of this civilization is at hand. He does not lie but tells the TRUTH. What a glorious day awaits!
My great LOVE to all, and to my twin flame, Anne.
PHB aka Patrick H. Bellringer aka –e---l---t-
GOFUNDME: https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-fund-for-emil-c-muhlhause
I speak to you today with great joy, for I see the imminent turning of Mother Earth and to bring home Sananda’s Lightworkers. We of the Lighted Realms are in touch with each of you every second of every day. and never have left your side. We listen and hear any whisper of a call for help, and we shall answer in greatness.
You must remember that every lesson gets harder, but that is what you, and you alone had determined for selves. We of the Lighted Realms do not push lessons upon you, for we do not interfere with your freewill. Everything that you are now experiencing is a lesson you have set for selves long ago.
One major force against learning your lessons is when you get discouraged or have fear of what is to happen. Many of you have a force against you which could and has strayed many from the path of Light. You must remember that a GREAT percentage of those souls upon Earth are NOT enlightened, and are totally caught up with all the medical system. The doctor is held in high esteem, and he has the last word.
I think of one of my Earth sisters, who totally rejected any holistic cure for illness. When Anne and visited her and her husband, she told me outright that she absolutely did not want to hear or discuss any holistic cures. That was a total NO NO! There was nothing more to say to her but talk about the weather, her house, and enjoy a lunch with them. Both Anne and I left feeling rather discouraged, but it was a shining example of how most people are today.
Besides the fact that the medical system in most cases, do try solve your medical problem, the cost of service is astronomical, even when you have insurance.I am not saying that going to the doctor is not advised, for there are situations where their help is needed, such as breaking your arm, or leg. A second thought is this: the medical system does not teach holistic healing ,and are taught that most curs are helped with chemicals, many of which are a detriment to the human electrical body. They deal the symptoms, and not the reason for the illness. Other countries use holistic healing, but that is not the case in the U.S. There have been countless holistic doctors that whose life has been snuffed out, assassinated and killed, as the DarkSide does not want healing! They want to depopulate the planet with"incurable"disease. Got the picture?
My sister and her husband passed on shortly after we visited them. Their souls went to the Astral Plane and they found out that I was right. They mourned and asked forgiveness, which was granted, and both of them, although each on a different level, are reading and growing in soul growth.
The same was true of my older brother. He was such a kind person and helped people when he could. He was a staunch believe in the medical system and endured life-threatening operations. Both Anne and I visited he and his wife shortly before his passing. His wife was absolutely angry if one word was spoken or mention of having a computer or hearing even a whisper of holistic health.
It was not long after that, that my brother passed on. Coupled with that one of their daughters suddenly dropped dead. Anne talked to her that she had and another Earth daughter of mine talked to the daughter that had passed on. That one has grown tremendously and shall soon graduate.
However, when Anne told my sister-in-law she had talked to the daughter that had passed, the result was that Anne was totally insane and had "lost her marbles". What a surprise awaits my sister-in-law.
My mother ended up on the lower Astral Plane and asked forgiveness. I know what shall happen to my brother’s wife. I pray for her soul daily as do my other children still living on Earth Shan.
I do not exclude myself, either! I held a lot of anger inside because my Earth mother called me the son of Satan. She was an absolute literal Bible believer, which so many souled ones are the same on Earth. Because of this harboring of anger, I died of cancer.
Herein is another lesson I suggest. Do NOT harbor any negative feelings or emotions. Clear yourself of any negative feelings or emotions often, and transmute such negative energy to be uncreated by the Violet Flame of Transmutation of St. Germain. Ask to fill your Chalice with Liquid Love, Light, Wisdom and Knowledge.
Another great lesson to learn is this: You CANNOT change anyone nor interfere with their pathway. You can present the Truth and they shall do with it as they please. Everyone is on their OWN pathway, and they shall come to the Light as some point. All you can do is love them, pray for them, send Liquid Love to wash over them, and live your life as an example of Truth. At some point in the future they shall come to the Light, for the soul never forgets.
Lift up your hearts, for all is not lost. Learn your own lessons with our help, and know you are NEVER alone. Blessings to all!
PATRICK H. BELLRINGER: Greetings to all! I have requested Anne to re-post this article today, may 24, 2022. to emphasize the fact that we of the Lighted Realms are reality and you upon Earth at this time are experiencing lessons to learn, not unlike a holodeck portrayed in the Star Trek series. Lesson time is almost finished and you shall know how much you have learned or if you accomplished the mission you set for selves. All of you souled ones upon Earth are greatly loved and cared for, but it is YOU, who would have to awaken to the Truth, in spite of the dark minions now left of the Satanian and Niburian Empires that wish otherwise.
Today's message from me is on the above subject written in the title of this article entitled " WE ARE ALL ONE!"
By that statement do I mean only the human ones? No, Creation created all by thought. He created everything you see on your planet by thought. This includes all animals, plants, bird and sea life. It, also, includes every tree, blade of grass and every flower that blooms! The humans created are of a higher level of development and it is their duty to care for all of the creation with love. Each of you souled ones must know that the animal life, also has a group spirit.
A dog may die and reincarnate again as another dog, or a cat, etc. Our children have known that one of their former pet, who has died, has been reincarnated in their present pet, as they recognize the temperament and actions of the present pet that is just like their former pet. This is the absolute truth.
Now, I want to give you some information about your pet. If you have a dog, for instance, you realize that as you speak to your pet he or she knows and understands every word you say. They cannot talk back in human language in your 3D world, but they hear and know what you speak to them. Your pet dog becomes absolutely devoted to you, especially when treated with love and care.
It is no different with a cat except that they are very independent and your home becomes THEIR home. They understand every word you speak to them, and will give you their devotion when you treat them with love and care.
Anne and I had a wonderful pet cat for several years. His name was Blackberry. He would come and sit on the overstuffed chair and watch TV with us. He was most independent and knew every word spoken. When Anne would walk the fields in the morning Blackberry would want to follow. Anne would have to turn and speak to Blackberry to go home quickly, as there were fox roaming the fields that just loved to eat cats. He obeyed immediately.
Take.. for instance a flowering plant you have in your home or garden. They, too, have a spirit, and respond to your love and care, for each leaf and flower and will bloom excessively, as they respond to your love.
Is it any different with the bird life? When Anne and I lived in Rapid City, SD for years, I built a large bird feeder, a squirrel house, and had three other bird feeders. We had hundreds of birds in our back yard.
I remember the Rock Doves, especially. There would be many birds perched on the electric lines in front of our house. There was one bird we called the sentinel that perched near the bird feeder on the electric lines. I would fill the large feeder with whole and cracked corn. The very minute I was done and started to walk back to the house the sentinel gave the word and the birds flew down to the feeder in about 5 seconds.
The squirrels were no different. I could walk out to their feeder and they would be perched six inches from my hand waiting for the feeder to be filled. They loved the squirrel house a made for the in the old Maple Tree, and would come down the tree and gaze in the kitchen window or perch on the lattice by the back door.
One time, as I sat on the bench outside the back door, a Chick-a-Dee flew down and perched on my hand. I gave it my love and he looked at me for a while, and then flew off.
All of you are to take care of the life around you, and you must realize you are only a few chromosomes more than they, are a higher development and you are their caretaker. You are to give LOVE and care to all of the fantastic creation around you, even across the entire world.
Now I approach something that may sound absolutely unbelievable to you.
When any loved one passes over, including your pets, you can talk to them just as we of the Lighted Realms talk to Anne and my children.
My daughter lost her pet dog. She was told by us that he was aboard our ship, The Star of Bethlehem. In the middle of the night she heard him whining. We talked to her and told her that her pet dog was having a little difficulty adjusting. "Do you want to talk to him?" She said yes, and had a conversation with him. After that he settled down.
Yes, this is possible! We are all one!
When I did that first walk among the flowers and trees, as I boarded The Phoenix Command Ship, I heard them talking to me and I talked back, just as I am having a conversation with Anne at this time telling her what I would like to say.
As Creation, Creator Source and Creator God Aton and you all have a soul, you can talk to anyone of the Lighted Realms. This, also, includes Creator God Haton,. Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Gabriel, Violinio Germain and all the great Cohans, to whom you can speak. You will hear through your own God Spirit within through your own God Spirit.
I will speak of two of my daughters, who work in conjunction with each other. One hears the message for both and the other is the mouth to speak to others about the Lighted Realms. The one, who that speaks to others, we arrange the meeting of the two. It is then up to that one to, whom she speaks, to take the information and learn.
You are probably thinking I am lying; however, i have told the TRUTH. We of the Lighted Realms do not lie.
Blessings to all, who know in their heart, what I have said is so. It is not long before you are, also, able to walk among the gorgeous environment on he Phoenix.
To further prove my point, here is a video of trees moving to a different location! I checked this out. Some are fake but others are absolutely true. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XNrqXVYSFs0
Greetings to all souls. I always begin with that statement to identify who I am. I do so, because you know me by that name. I have a name in the Lighted Realms, as do all of you returned Masters, however you do not remember at this time, because you are squeezed down to a small 3D human without memory.
Anne and I often said that if we knew, who we were in the Lighted Realms and had full memory, we would be distracted and not complete the lessons we set for ourselves. There were some memories of a few of the lifestreams I had, but I know there were thousands of lifestreams I had, just as all you returned Masters have had.
I do know that this last lifestream was the most difficult one because of the unbelievable evil that existed on Earth. Both Anne and I volunteered to return, just as all of you have done “this time around”.
We have four wonderful children. I think back about our life together, and know that we knew we would have 4 children. When I first read the Journals I had a great desire to publish them, but had no money to do so. Our son developed a website for us, and I knew that was how the Truth was to go to the "fourwinds" of the world.
After living with our daughter, we lived inShakopee MN, our farm, and in Anne's former home in Alexandria ,SD, We then moved to Rapid City and rented a small home there until my passing over in 2020.
I wish to say a few words about our farm on which we bought and lived for 16 years.. We all worked hard, VERY hard. The children all helped tear down buildings and build barns and sheds on our farm, helped with gardening, harvesting of the crops. and canning and freezing food. All of them knew how to run a farm, milk cows, repair and run all machinery, plant field crops and, of course, bale and stack hay. Each one of them worked helping with milking chores. Because they were all about two years between each of them they “took turns”, starting with the oldest one and on down to the youngest one.
The schedule we had? Up at 3:30 a.m. Chores, clean barn, milk cows, clean milk room and equipment. All cows were brushed, udders washed and bedding replaced. I did the feeding, while Anne and children in turn cleaned all milkers, tank, and equipment, and washed the cement floor. The push broom and shovel were used constantly to clean the walkway and under all cows. We, also had young calves to feed by hand. It took at least 3+ hours of work. This does not include all the crop planting, cutting and baling hay and picking up rocks.
I finished up in the barn while Anne got breakfast and got all children up for breakfast at at 6 a.m. At 6:45 I drove Anne to school, and myself to Edina, as both of us were school teachers. Home at 3:30 p.m., rushed to do chores again. Milk cows. Clean equipment. Get dinner, dishes, clean house, fall in bed at 8:30 p. m, and up again at 3:30 a.m.. This was in the winter, because in the summer we had two huge gardens, plus planting and baying hay, and running a truck farm, watering garden and the wind break of trees that we planted.
We were not awakened to the Light until 1994, although I had a spiritual experience of such when I was 9. Anne’s spiritual experience came at age 19. Neither of us thought anymore about the Lighted Realms until 1994 when we were introduced to the Journals in PA.
I quit teaching in 1988, and Anne 1992. In 1992 we sold the cows. The children were gone and Anne and I were involved giving meetings about our government in Minnesota, and then the East Coast.
We started our website in1996, thanks to the help of our son. As you know, running a website takes a lot of time, especially if I wrote any articles. I wrote by hand and Anne would type them on the computer. I will say that we struggled to pay all the bills, and equipment for the website. Anne and I are Twin Flames, and we worked as a team. Even at this writing she hears what I wish to say. However, all the spiritual writings she does from the Lighted Realms (Sananda, Hatonn etc.), comes directly from them. I do not interfere with any of these messages, as some ones accuse her of such!
We did live in a 4-bedroom house for 5 years, but the owner came back to live in it again. While there I used motor cycle pallets and smaller ones to build a wood shed, a larger shed, dog house, and most of the furniture for our home. All the real furniture we had was one blue office chair. Anne made a poem about the furniture I made. It is called “The Pallet House. At that time, we worked on copying all Journals for putting them on the internet. I worked at the airport leaving early at 5:30 a.m. taking Anne to our children's home to work in a tiny office on all the newspapers and Journals (Contact etc.) It took 3 years or more of work to get that done.
We had to move when the owner came back to live in that bigger home near the EAFB, so we rented a small 920 sq. ft house in Rapid City and started the website in earnest. We had a used car and a 1979 Dodge Van, and used a 10x10 ft. bedroom in that small house for an office. You could barely walk around. I passed over in 2020,
In essence, we lived in a non-de-script small house, worked in a tiny office, and no one knew, who we were or came to visit. One lived in Washington, one lived in Wyoming, one lived in Minnesota and one lived in Florida. Very few people even knew we had a website. We lived on Soc, Sec, and worked daily with no interruptions.
So, you see, the same is today for the work goes on, and for sure, no one knows my earth family--- except the family.
Hatonn said in the Journals that his work would be done by those living in a ordinary place. Hatonn. also, said in the Journals that his workers would not be well known, as they would be destroyed by the evil government. Got the picture?
Fourwinds goes on to the very end. When shall that be? I do not know the exact date, but I do know that in Earth time it is very, very soon. In the meantime, all of you tend to your physical and spiritual care. Stay focused, centered, balanced and calm, and read and meditate with the Lighted Realms. Fill your chalice with Liquid Love, Light, Wisdom and Knowledge.
PATRICK H. BELLRIHGER aka PHB aka –e---l---t-
I have asked that my scribe, my twin flame, Anne, to pen a message to all souls across this entire Cosmos. What I have to say may or may not surprise all of you, but it certainly has surprised all of the Lighted Realms.
Fourwinds is the site that both Anne and I have had since 1996 and I have not stopped working with Anne, even though I am now in the Lighted Realms. I cannot express my gratefulness that with Anne at the helm, this site is still bringing forth the Truth.
What Anne, who is the scribe of Hatonn at this time, has listened to the Lighted Realms for all those message she has posted over these last months since my passing.
Over the years that we ran Fourwinds, Anne had many, many messages from the Lighted Realms that she never posted, but kept them in several volumes on the book shelf in our 10 x10 crowded tiny office.
Many other messages were saved on the hard-drive. Often, after I read these messages, I told Anne they should be posted on our site. Her answer was most always."I am the secretary. You are the writer. I print off article, you read them and I post the articles you recommend to be posted.” Of course, we agreed on the articles and confided in Hatonn about what was to be posted for the day.
Now that I am in the Lighted Realms, Anne has taken over the “wheel”. I am most pleased for all the articles from the Lighted Realms.
I have something else to say that may surprise you, for it certainly has never in all the eons of time the great Cosmos was created has this event happened.
I thank Sananda’s Flock and those that have had great soul growth, but I. also than all those ones upon the untold number of planets, for they are, included in what I have to tell you. I am explaining to you concerning those great Petitions posted on Fourwinds, and these petitions that an unbelievable number of souls in the entire Cosmos have said, many of whom have added information to include their own situation.
What has happened? I tell you that the Aethers have been filled up!! It could be compared to a huge garbage container that was filled to capacity and stuffed as full as possible. At that point what is done? The garbage container is taken to the dump and emptied.
Sananda was asked by the Lightworkers to empty the Aethers. He did so. but it did take some time for it to be cleaned out. Then the Aethers, by the Petatons of the Lightworkers and the Lighted Realms, were cleaned and washed with Liquid Love.
Creation spoke and said that never in all of creation had the Aethers ever been filled to capacity.
You must understand that every time you say those Petitions or clear yourself, and ask St. Germain to transmute any negativity away it goes to the Aethers. Take a look again at all the Petitions on "SANANDA: ADDITIONAL PETITIONS FROM THE LIGHTED REALMS". There is a lot of negatively that goes to the Aethers!
Think about that.
It shall not be long before Earth graduates and we evacuate all of Earth. Stay strong and keep on with your Mission. Always remember that Sananda shall come like a thief in the night. That could be ANYTIME now.
Stay strong—focused, centered, balanced and calm.
I am ready to greet all of you, including my dear twin flame Anne. I have never left her side since my passing.
Much joy awaits all those coming home to the Light!
Greetings to all souls. I have been asked by Hatonn and other Lighted Ones of this Angelic and Lighted Realms to give all souls a message today, and so I have summoned Anne to be the one to hear and give my message to all souls across this vast Cosmos.
Anne apologies for the posting not done yesterday, as she had planned. She was in the emergency room yesterday, but is now back and ready to continue with today’s posting. She is getting better, and we of the Lighted Realms are keeping a close eye and giving her help, as that has been asked by her and other members of Sananda’s Flock. Your prayers and concerns for her total health are much appreciated. Thank you al
Now, on with the message for all souls. Why me? It is because Hatonn has asked that I be the one to give the message from all here in the Lighted Realms to all souls across this vast Cosmos. I include all ones on all Universes and Astral Planes as well. In great humbleness, I shall begiN
All there is in Creation is coming back to center of Creation for the great sleep or null time that has never been before. I speak not only of Mother Earth graduating but the approaching of this even for all of the great Comos. Yes, all of the entire Cosmos shall be at rest in Creation and there shal be nothing. No time, no space. All shall be sleeping within CREATION.
“……during all of the 7 periods of experience. In the twilight state of the CREATION all life and the whole universe ceases in consciousness. Just after its awakening it begins to create all things anew. During the twilight sleeping neither time nor space exist. There is only the "nothing" or voidance, as all lies sleeping inside the infinite of the CREATION and null-time. While no creating thought exists there is no force, no time, and no space. There is only duration in a nameless nothing.”
Creation wishes every single soul would come to the Light before this happens. This includes ALL of the Cosmos which Creation created …..every planet, every moon, and ALL which resides upon that planet, i.e. every blade of grass, insect, bird life, water life, and of course all human life of every for
The great wave of the Petitions that has been sent out by the thrust of thought includes all that above. By having countless other planets and peoples adding their energy in saying these great petitions has made that wave of goodness great beyond all expectations.
We of the Lighted Realms here in this Nebadon Universe are delighted and amazed at the vastness of goodness flowing out to all there is. I shall tell you again, that all is moving the center. By that I mean coming back to CREATION, who is above ALL there is. Many souls are waking up to the Light, not only on other planets, but in the Astral Planes, as well! All is coming to rest within CREATION.
This does not mean that other Universes and Star Systems are not being created! Sanat Kumara, the former Creator Source of the Nebadon Universe is creating another Universe at this time! Other universe are still being created. By thought Creation is still in process. It is difficult for the human mind of comprehend all this, but when your memory returns, which is imminent, you shall know!
We of the Lighted Realms have no time nor space either, for that only exists on a 3D planet. I do not have the answer of when this shall happen, but I do know that the preparation of such is happening. A million years in the Lighted Realms is like ah hour or a day when operating a time-space environment. Remember! Your soul is eternal!
What do you do in the meantime? Every soul is on a journey of enlightenment. You keep on with soul growth, and that is why ALL of you souled ones are on Earth….to gain soul growth by passing lesson after lesson after lesson. Upon graduation to the Higher Octave or Higher Realms, lessons continue until you are ONE with CREATION.
You are not to sit around worrying about the great sleep! Keep on learning your lessons. Say those Petatons. Clear yourself often of all negative thoughts, deeds and actions. Stay balanced centered focused and calm.
The Niburians evil technologies on Earth and other planets and moons have been addressed, and much of their technology has been beamed aboard by Sananda to be used by the good Niburians. The evil minions of these ones even on Mother Earth have been stripped of their power over the peoples living on that planet.
The Lighted Realms are working diligently with Sananda’s Flock to complete all that is necessary before Earth can graduate. She has started singing her Celestial Song that is mentioned by St. Michael. The evil technologies that have kept her from singing are no more. The great song, which is etheric, has begun and shall increase as a great crescendo.
That is the point at which Mother Earth shall turn over on her axis, and the evacuation of Earth proceeds, as planned. We have 15 minutes of your time to evacuate all that wish to be beamed to safety. Her song is sung for ALL of CREATION! All shall benefit, and those on other 3D planets shall be given that great song and the effects of same.
I do not have nor do all of us here know exactly when all shall happen, but we do know Mother Earth is very, very close to graduate. However, you are not to sit by the window and wait. Keep on with your soul growth with all the help that Heaven allows.
PHB aka PATRICK H. BELLRINGER aka –e—a---t-
I sense that many good people, readers of Fourwinds, are discouraged, worried, fearful, or even feeling hopeless about your world and your country. The problems are many, and solutions never seem to come.
The Zionists appear to be closing in more with each new day. The Dark energies are the ones controlling the U.S. Government. Their evil plan is to control the Cosmos, and they think that they have won. However, the Lightworkers have made a tremendous difference in their plans, and have thwarted so many of them that they are starving for the evil food which they cannot find. However, evil NEVER stops until they are forced froj their last home on Earth boy her graduation.
Many other of the U.S. Government clones surrounded the cloned Biden, and he is controlled and only doing what his Masters demand. Of course, there are claims that he is being misled misled by disinformation, or mind controlled, or even poisoned by the Deep State to do their bidding. This is true, for the real Biden is on the Astral Plane and sorry for what his controlled clone is doing.
I can tell you right now that most people on Earth at this time are clones. Back in 1989 and the 1990’a Hatonn said that 69% of the people were clones, and are without a soul. When a clone marries a clone they reproduce another clone. Got the picture?
The state of our nation is more critical than ever before. The Federal Reserve is fighting for survival and refuses to keep their agreement to allow a gold banking system to come on board. America is teetering on the brink of economic disaster, while the people sleep.
The Pentagon and the U.S. Military are divided in their loyalties. The Zionist/Biden Nazi. faction continue to create havoc in the Middle East under the direction of the evil controllers. They continue to threaten Russia, attempting to start World War III (nuclear) to save themselves and the Zionist Cabal and Deep State. Without a World War they are doomed along with their One World Order.
It seems that America has lost her way. She is being overrun by hoards illegal aliens and their criminal element. The Zionists/Nazis have had great influence on the people via their control of the media to hate you people, control of the schools to mind-control the students to march for gun control and protest against morals and values, and to create general chaos and immorality throughout the land.
Even the churches have been influenced by great evil. Homosexual and drunken and immoral clergy have brought Christianity to a new low. Those, who once spoke against social wrongs and backed their right living by their very life, are no more. The people are disillusioned and confused and misled with disinformation and lies.
As I pondered the state of America, a feeling of hope swept over me, and I heard the words “Never Give Up! God, too, has a plan!”
I tell you that you know the answer, as you have always known. You have the power to change things, to make your world right again.
You have the power of prayer! Living in this physical world, you are focused on the physical happenings surrounding you. You forget the spiritual side of life. You forget you are spiritual beings having this physical experience to learn your lessons in soul growth. Your God Spirit within connects you to Creator Aton God of Light and the Power of Creation. One of your lessons is to use that power to create our way in this physical world. You, also, have those great Petitions to say and help you to be the great power you can be! Reading the Holy Books of the Lighted Realms gives you Spiritual Guidance that is most needed!
Evil may run rampant, but God has a Divine Plan for His Creation, for this physical world in which you live. As souled beings your role is to use your spiritual power to make a difference. You can defeat the Dark Energies and Entities around you. You can neutralize the evil power of the minions of the Satanian and Niburian Empires and render their minions helpless. Within Creator’s will you can do this, and believing it is done, it is so.
The Power of Prayer is limitless! You have that power. Use it to help save your nation, to save your world. That is the Divine Plan. The Light of Truth always overcomes the Darkness of Lies. Creator God Aton of Light always wins, because we Lightworkers use their power to make it happen; and because you have the Spiritual Power, you never give up! You have hope, because you know victory shall come!
I make this call to prayer for all enlightened souls, everywhere. You have the Power, and together all of you souled beings can bring your world into balance again, even in these last days. Remember, Divine help is only a thought away. Bring in the troops---and never give up!
Each day is a gift given to you by Mother Earth. There are still several gifts under the tree. Take each gift and use it as I have told you above. All is NOT LOST! NEVER GIVE UP!
On 2/18/2017 6:43 AM, LB wrote:
FROM; Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 21, 2017
Dear LB;
You have asked a most important question: What is the significance of the term "Fourwinds', found in the name of our website? I have waited for twenty-one years for such a question to be asked, but no one has done so until now. Our enlightened Red Brothers and Sisters would know the answer. Let me explain.
Two thousand years ago Esu Immanuel Sananda told his disciples that he would return in two thousand years at the "end of the age", and that Truth would go out one last time to the "four corners of the earth". By this Esu meant that Truth would be given to the whole world.
Esu, also, told his disciples to go into all the world the preach the "Good News" that he had taught them. Christianity has continued to do this by sending missionaries to every nation and people on Earth Shan, believing that until everyone had heard the "Good News" Esu Immanuel would not return. Over time the "Good News" became their version of "Good News:", that of "being saved from Hell by the blood of the Lamb of God".
Truth never reached the entire earth, but became twisted and even lies. In my younger years I would wonder, how would Truth ever reach the whole planet? Then came the Internet, and the miracle of our mission opened up before us.
Our understanding was that the Phoenix Journals were given to us of planet Earth by Creator God Aton of Light, the Ascended Masters and Esu Immanuel Sananda to provide Truth one last time in these "end times" for this 3D civilization Thus, Fourwinds was born! The Winds of the Internet would carry the Truth in the four primary directions of North, South East and West to the "ends of the Earth".
As Esu said, this mission had to be accomplished "to set the record straight! So it was ordered! So it has happened! So it is! Aho! May the world see and hear and understand, and rejoice!
Thanks for asking, my friend!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
On 2/6/2019 1:55 AM, A.M. wrote:
Dear Anne and Patrick;
hope my present message finds you well.
I have a question that I'm sure you can answer.
I would like to know how we can find our life mission and our soul mission, because I know that our soul mission can be, or it is different from our life mission.
Many thanks in advance.
In Love and Light,
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: A.M.
DATE: 2-7-19
Dear A.M.:
I hope you are well and happy. To answer your question, I need to know what you mean by "life mission" and "soul mission:. To me our soul mission is to learn our lessons in soul growth, like patience, love, courage, compassion, etc. It is what we do to improve our spiritual self. Our life mission is what we do to help others, to make a difference, to improve our world, etc.
Creator God has told us that we are to be responsible for our own physical survival and well being. We have a survival mission of a job or occupation to provide for ourselves and for our family. If we choose a profession as a teacher or a healer, we may combine our survival mission with our life mission of helping others. To find our life mission we must follow our heart, our intuition and inner guidance. Such may be as simple as helping our neighbor, or someone in need from time to time.
Our soul mission of learning soul growth lessons is based upon the eighteen Laws of God and Creation. In meditation we determine which of these Laws we have kept, and on which we still need to work. Remember, no one reaches perfection in 3D, but we are to do the best we can to keep these Laws. Sananda stands ever ready to help us, if we but ask.
Please tell me, if I have understood your question accurately. May your life be greatly blessed.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H.Bellringer
NOTE: How timely is this article! The Darkside does not care about the controlled clones or the people who are on their side. They care about the mind and soul of the ones who are enlightened. This is why the new Supreme Court nominee, who is a Christian, is attacked by the Liberal Left Satanic Democrats.
When the first human being was given a freewill by Creator Source, the battle for the human mind began. Freewill allowed humans to learn to live in Creation by choosing between good and evil. To live in harmony and balance with all things they had to choose to follow the Laws of God and Creation. To choose otherwise would lead to imbalance and disharmony.
Over the past 206 million years that we humans have lived on our planet Earth Shan, we have had many lifestreams and many choices. Myriads of things and innumerable people have influenced our thinking. By freewill we have chosen to walk the dark path to explore all aspects of the Darkside. We have also chosen to walk the pathway of Light to discover the many facets and colors of the Light side. In so doing we have gained great wisdom. We have all been the victim and the victimizer, the hero and the villain. We have been and done everything to learn our lessons in soul growth in order to learn to follow correctly the Laws of God and Creation. The battle for our mind has raged on over eons of time, and has reached its greatest intensity in our present day. The Darkside is determined to win!
It is inconceivable that so many means could be deployed against us today in the battle for our mind. The age-old use of nutrition for mind control has been expanded to its maximum today. Historically the fall of the Babylonian civilization is attributed to poor nutrition. The Babylonian Royalty used slaves to provide for their domestic needs. The slaves who prepared the food for the Royal Palace used knowledge and wisdom to defeat their captors. They ground the wheat into flour separating the starch from the hull and wheat germ. The starch they made into bread, as is done today, and given to the Royalty, while the hull and wheat germ containing vitamins and minerals the slaves kept for their own food. Over time the Royal Family suffered dementia and finally insanity from lack of Vitamin B complex, and the kingdom fell. The same is being done to our food today with Alzheimer’s disease as one of the consequences.
There are more than ten thousand chemicals being used as food additives in our processed foods today. Added to that are the herbicides, insecticides and farm fertilizers used in the growing of our foods, and the hormones, anti-biotics and other chemicals that enter the food chain during the production of our dairy, egg, and meat products. Many of these chemicals have adverse effects on our brain functioning. The caffeine and sugar in our coffee, tea and carbonated drinks alter how we think. The same holds true for the chlorination and fluoridation of our drinking water. Even the air we breathe is polluted with chemicals that affect our thinking processes.
Many pharmaceutical drugs used so widely today affect the way we think. The use of stimulants, depressants and sleeping pills are at an all-time high, because people crave them to control their thinking. There seems to be no end to the new types of social drugs formulated to enhance the fun and excitement of our social life today. The age-old standby, of course, is alcohol, where 90% of the people of the good old U.S. of A. are users, even though it has been proven for decades that alcohol alters immediate brain functioning and ultimately causes permanent serious loss of mental ability. Other social drugs such as cocaine, tobacco, marijuana and methamphetamine also alter the functioning of the human brain. By freewill we choose to use them to alter our freewill!
I have indicated some of those things that basically enter the human body through the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems to distort our brain functioning. Let us now consider mind control techniques that generally use the senses of hearing, seeing and feeling or a combination of all of our five senses to control our minds.
The oldest form of mind control on our planet is religion. Religion has tricked mankind into believing many false gods, morals and values. How many of you have made the pilgrimage to Mecca on the promise of eternal life? How many of you have made animal sacrifices to the gods on the promise of sins forgiven? How many of you have worshipped idols, sung chants, fingered beads or smoked incense in the hope of finding true peace within? How many of you have knelt at an altar for someone to forgive your sins and call you “saved”? How many of you have performed baptism by proxy to “save” someone else? How many of you have poured out your soul to a priest and paid money for him to forgive your sins? How many of you know that religion is a powerful form of mind control used widely by the Darkside because it is so effective?
Most people do not know who they are or their purpose for being here, much less Creator God and the power within that He has given them---all because of the mind controlling lies of religion. Is planet Earth the center of Creation? Are we the only humans in the universe? Does Creator God judge the world and strike dead those He so chooses? I think not!
Today, mass media is being used extensively as a means of mind control of the people. A socially acceptable technique is advertising. Advertising on T.V., for example, is done to influence how you think to get you to respond in a certain way. You are mind controlled to buy a certain product, accept a certain service or react in a certain way. Advertising sells! Through the controlling of our thinking, advertising sells junk food, junk clothes, junk drugs, junk sex, junk sports and junk anything to make the rich, richer and poor, poorer. Amid the flurry of advertising is often the coded subliminal message that programs the subconscious mind. This is a common practice during T.V. and radio advertising as well as regular programming.
The controlled news media is another means to influence thinking and cause the necessary reactions acceptable to the Darkside’s plans. Disinformation and outright lies are commonly used today to hide Truth and to confuse the people. This is true in the United States more so than in any other country of the world. The people are being told only what the government wants them to know, and when people are told the same lies long enough, they believe them as Truth. There is little “live” news anymore but news “stories” or programmed news censored by the government and presented as “news programs” to program the people into the desired way of thinking and reacting.
Various types of music are being widely used today to control the thinking people. Young people are the target area for pop music. The rhythm, lyric and frequency range are combined to generate a desired effect in the brain. Thus, music can and does control the way people think and act.
The deliberate propagation of sports, and especially of professional sports, is another tool for mind controlling millions of people, who either attend the “live” events or participate by watching the events on T.V. Through sports people are programmed to be competitive and violent. The evil world controllers joke about professional sports being the “little people’s wars”, which prepare them for the “big people’s real wars”.
Movies, videos, and especially video games for children shape and program the thinking to desired values, morals, and outcomes such as acceptance of violence, killing and lurid sex as norms. The military builds on this mind programming to make great killers and sex fanatics out of their soldiers. It is well known that anything goes in war.
A subtle yet very effective means of mind control is done through education. Often students are taught to think a certain way to be accepted by their teachers and peers, and to “pass” the course. It is rare today when students are actually taught and allowed to think for themselves. We are producing many robotic students, who only answer to commands. They make good industrial slaves and good soldiers and good “Enron, yes, people” but very poor teachers, administrators, statesmen and parents.
For many years more sophisticated techniques of mind control have been developed and used deliberately by the Darkside to control the people. The GWEN and the HAARP are two such systems that have been used to mind control large sections of the population by electronic means. The low frequency (LF waves), the very low frequency (VLF) and the extremely low frequency (ELF) waves are used to match and/or distort the human brain waves. In the 1970’s the U.S. Military developed a mind control program called MK-Ultra using a combination of chemical and electrical means. One off-shoot of MK-Ultra was Project Monarch Butterfly, which produced female sex slaves, drug mules, and presidential prostitutes for the U.S. Government. The human brain can be conditioned and programmed, and then later activated by trigger words, or it can be controlled by electronic means by using the same frequencies as the human brain waves. Thoughts and images can be put into the human brain to produce pre-determined responses.
Cloning also uses mind control to produce the desired responses from the clone. The clone’s brain is down-loaded with the necessary information to provide the memory needed for the clone to act in an acceptable manner. Please understand that human cloning is very real and has been widely used since the 1970’s by the Darkside to replace thousands of government leaders and people worldwide for their purposes. The brains of these “human robots” are easily controlled by electronic means.
A mind control project developed many years ago to control the thinking of the people of our entire planet is called Project Blue Beam. Using a network of some thirty satellites around our planet, holographic images would be portrayed in the clouds. At the same time messages would be projected electronically to the brains of the people to correspond to the holograms they were seeing in the sky. This plan was developed by the U.S. Government in cooperation with Billy Graham and other world religious leaders. Project Blue Beam would “create” a fake second coming of “Jesus Christ”. Christians would see and hear “Jesus” returning in the clouds. Muslims would see and hear Allah. Buddhists would see and hear Buddha, etc.
The purpose of Project Blue Beam was to cause many people through mind control to board government space craft for “heaven”, and then be carried off and dumped into never-never land. Each time that Project Blue Beam has been attempted the satellites have been mysteriously turned off course by Hatonn, Commander of the Phoenix Star Fleet. The result has been images of Satan and other fearful beings appearing in the sky, and strange messages heard by some of the people.
The ultimate technology for mind control of the people of Earth Shan is now being tested. The extremely new system of ultimate mind control (UMC) is not yet operating in perfection. This system is invisible to the naked eye. It operates separately from chem trails technology. It is beyond GWEN and HAARP and all other mind controlling technology ever used on Earth Shan. UMC is beyond the technology of our earth’s magnetic grid system, but uses “energy” to alter human freewill. UMC has been established throughout our entire planet and is now being tested by the Darkside. Their plan is to control the whole planet. This is their last effort to install complete world take-over. My friends, I have good news for you and bad news for them. It won’t work, because we have the creative thought power to stop it! Our prayer power can vaporize all of the Darkside’s evil technology in an instant!
There are many signs today of the testing of Project UMC, if we but notice them. Families are fighting among themselves, when they have never done so before this time. Later they are ashamed and ask themselves “What were we thinking?” Other people do very strange things, and appear to be really “messed up”. There are many more accidents of all kinds. There are many more unruly children. There are many more “crazy” drivers, and much more “road rage” is occurring. As Project UMC is tested, people in various parts of our world show wild reactions and do strange and even harmful things, as their freewill is being altered. This is the ultimate attempt by the Darkside to win the battle for our minds.
Considering all the forces being used against us today in the battle for our mind, it is a marvel that any of us have any freewill left. It is true that most of us have been dumbed down to a two strand DNA system since the time of Atlantis, and with all that has been put upon us by the Darkside our two strand system is now in jeopardy. Yet, the Light prevails!
Truthbringers have kept Truth alive, and writings have been provided to us by the Realms of Light for our discernment. We now know, that through the power of our God Spirit within, we have the power to overcome all the forms of mind control being put against us. Even though peoples are experiencing mind control on a grand scale today and there is great confusion, we now know how to stop it and determine our future for ourselves. The answer lies in the power of thought, aka the power of prayer.
How many of you have not given a thought to pray for your freewill to be untouched by anyone? Many think they have freewill but do not realize they have given themselves over to mind control. The robotic, unhealthy and often immoral lives they live is evidence that this is so. Even the “religious” people are so lax in demanding peace. So many have been unable to break their religious programming. They pray only for their small group and not for the good of the whole world.
Because so many people today are discouraged and do not know that their prayers are important, I shall again speak of prayer and how to use it to make a difference in your life and in the lives of others. Prayer power releases the hold the Darkside has over our thought processes. Prayer power can correct our nutritional imbalance, our chemical imbalance, our energy imbalance and make us whole. All we need to do is ask through our thoughts for such to happen, believe that it is possible, and it will be so. Such is the power of Creation.
Everyone must be awakened to the fact that they may have wrong thinking, that their thought processes may be controlled. They must ask Creator God/Aton to clear their thoughts of any manipulation by the Darkside, and take back their power to control their lives. I offer here a simple prayer for that purpose.
Dear Creator God. I ask that all mind control and all power manipulation over my freewill by the Darkside be immediately stopped, and be removed from me totally and permanently. I ask for clear thinking, and for discernment to understand all Truth. I take back my thought power, and I ask you for guidance to use my thought power to direct my life for good. Thank you. It is done.
All sincere prayers are important to Creator God. Many people do not believe that their prayers are important or that they are even heard by the Angels or Creator God. They are so wrong! The energy of your prayer carries your thoughts immediately to Heaven’s Gate. The Angels of Light instantly present your prayer to Creator God, who is constantly and lovingly watching over all of Creation. He sees, hears and knows all. The energy of your prayer is multiplied and instantly added to the great sea of prayer energy to accomplish your request. Your prayer is answered in Creator God’s wisdom and timing for your best good and the good of all.
Please understand that Creator God is not up in the sky somewhere. He is everywhere. He is within you and only a thought away. He reminds us that there is nothing without a belief system of right and good. We must all pray for the betterment of mankind, for this stimulates the energy in others to awaken to right and goodness.
It is most important at this time that we pray for peace for our whole world, and for the betterment of all mankind. Too often we pray only for ourselves and our little circle of family and friends, and neglect to include everyone. I offer here a simple prayer for peace.
Dear Creator God, through my God Spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence I ask for peace to be brought immediately to our entire planet, Earth Shan, and to all her people. I ask that all war on our planet be now permanently stopped, that all violence and destruction cease, and that compassion and love reign supreme in the hearts of all the people on Earth Shan. I give permission for the Angels of Light to assist to make this so. So be it!
For those who truly desire to pray for themselves or for others, but do not know how to do so or what to say to Creator God, I suggest a simple solution. All living beings in all dimensions of Creation are at various levels of soul growth. All need to pray, and all need to pray for each other. We in third dimension pray for ourselves, and also ask others in 3D to pray for us. Why do we not also ask the Angels of Light and the Ascended Masters to pray to Creator God for us? Esu Immanuel told his disciples that he would pray to Creator God for them to have the Spirit of Truth. Is it not possible that Archangel Gabriel might have better understanding of my situation than I do at the moment, and know better how to pray to Creator God for me, and have greater prayer power to get the “Big Boss’s” attention? Do not many people ask Mother Mary and others of higher dimensions to pray for them? This is not to suggest that I set aside my responsibility to pray, but to ask others of other dimensions to assist. Team work always creates greater results.
Let us take this concept of prayer one step further. You may have asked the Angels of Light and the Ascended Masters to pray for you, but have you ever asked Creator God to pray for you or for your planet? You are probably thinking that Bellringer is now under mind control and needs help. I ask you, “What is prayer?? I asked Creator God, “What is prayer?” His answer was, “Prayer is a petition (request), and a thought process to make it so.”
Here is a second question. “What is the meaning of “a thought process to make it so?”
a. believing that your request is possible.
b. believing that your request will be answered.
c. using your thought power to create the answer to your request.
d. none of the above.
e. a, b, and c.
The answer, my friends, is “e”, a, b, and c. To ask Creator God to pray for you and for your request is most wise. It is all quite simple. We ask Creator God to pray for peace for our world. Creator God states our request for peace and then uses His “thought process to make it so”. That is the power of Creation. In the beginning Creator Source thought, and Creation began. Our thoughts also hqve the power of Creation. Together we can create miraculous changes for good, but Creator does not ever usurp our freewill. He does not act in our behalf on our freewill planet without our request to do so.
I remind you that the simplest prayer is only two words, “God, help!” Our call to the Lighted Realms always compels an answer. Instantly the Angels respond. Instantly our situation is known, our needs are assessed and help is given as needed. I am reminded of the lady driving along a country road in Missouri one beautiful day. As she approached the crest of a hill, a farmer with a tractor and wagon loaded with hay suddenly drove onto the road ahead of her. She could not avoid hitting the wagon. She hit the brakes and cried, “God, help!” The next thing she knew was that she was still driving along the road. When she looked into her rear view mirror, the tractor and wagonload of hay were behind her. The Angels had instantly raised her frequencies to a higher dimension, and her car had passed right through the load of hay and tractor, leaving her completely unharmed.
To recap what I have just discussed, there are three levels of prayer power. In general we operate on level one when we pray through our prayer power to Creator God for peace for our world. We move to level two when we request the Angels of Light and the Ascended Masters and other higher Light Beings to prayer to Creator God for peace for our world. The third level of prayer power is activated when we request Creator God to pray for peace for our world.
Have you ever thought of prayer for Creator God? You say that sounds silly. No, it is not. Think about this. In each higher dimension there is greater perfection until we reach the Isle of Paradise and Creator Source, where all is in perfection. Creator God Aton of Light is not perfection, but He is far more perfect than Sananda, and Sananda is far more perfect than are we. God Aton has created our Nebadon Universe and we are connected to Him through our God Spirit within. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our thoughts and feelings. He feels our joy and our pain. He laughs when we laugh, and weeps when we weep. He feels loneliness when we do not talk to Him. As a parent watches a child grow and learn, Creator God watches our progress in our development and our achievement in our lessons in soul growth. The prime goal of all Creation is for all Creation to return back to Source, to Creator Source in perfection according to the Laws of God and Creation. Then Creation will have complete harmony and balance. This is the meaning of the Law of Oneness. To pray “for” Creator God Aton is to understand that we are all connected, that we are all participating in the journey back to wholeness, that we are all One!
It is high time that we unite our power of prayer to change our world for good. Let us make a most powerful prayer for peace now on our planet, Earth Shan.
Through our God Spirit within and our Mighty I AM Presence, we petition Creator God for peace at this time on Earth Shan. We request an immediate end to all war, violence, destruction and death forever on our planet. We request that all darkness be removed now,
We request all of the “Hosts of Heaven” to pray with us to Creator God for peace now on our planet, Earth Shan. We also request of Creator God that He would pray for peace now on our planet. We ask that all our prayer power be now combined to restore balance to our planet for her transition to the fifth dimension. We give permission to the “Hosts of Heaven” and to Creator God to assist us to make this so. So be it! It is done!
What is happening on our planet is a once in a life-time; no, once in an earth-time; no, once in a universe experience to bring paradise to a planet. The One World Order is pulling out all the “stops” to win, therefore, we must counter their attack with the greatest power we have---the prayers of Creator God. Many people do not know that there are Masters who have the power to even move Creation around. Let us ask them and all the Realms of Light for their help.
Having won the “Battle for your Mind”, may you ever walk humbly, yet proudly in the power of your own God Spirit, the path of Truth, wisdom and peace. Let us have peace, now!. AHO!
-- The Bellringer Writings are at -- http://www.fourwinds10.com
-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper/Spectrum Newspaper Archive site is at -- http://www.phoenixarchives.com and http://www.fourwinds10.com
GOFUNDME: https://www.gofundme.com/f/memorial-fund-for-emil-c-muhlhausen
PHB: , I want Anne to re-post this Hello Central to help all the Lightwokrers struggling at this ending time, for lessons are most hard. May my article help them, as theiy traverse the last "mountain peak" to come home to the LIght.
TO: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
DATE: 7-20-19
Salu Patrick and Anne, hope all is well with the two of you.
I have been doing a great deal of thinking upon earth changes, as Mother Earth steps up her cleanings.
A couple of months ago, I had three consecutive dreams, all very much the same showing me a massive tsunami that buried cities and land masses. In my third dream I was the observer of the tsunami –floating above it, so as I would not be harmed.
A short while ago, Patrick made a comment that the masses are not physically or spiritually prepared for what is coming. I whole heartedly agree.
While I know that Mother Earth has cleaned many-many times and have been evacuated, I like many have no memory of such an event. I find myself at times becoming somewhat nervous wondering if I am spiritually ready. I certainly have been working hard at attending to various lessons that are presented in the Phoenix Journals, especially transmuting fear. I am well aware of the fears that I brought with me into my present life stream and I am determined to leave this one, having transmuted specific fears.
My question for you is, how does one know if you are spiritually ready for what is about to come? Many times I think I am spiritually ready, but then again I have no memory of such an experience to measure it against to know if I really am ready.
I would appreciate any feedback please. I know that you experienced the flood when you helped build Noah’s Ark, do you remember what it was like?
Love and Light-Thank you Kindly
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: J.
DATE: 7-21-19
Dear J:
Thank you for your letter. We are fine!
Please understand that we do not need to carry any past Karma in our present lifestream. Sincerely ask Creator God Aton to remove it, and it shall be blotted out forever.
How do we know if we are spiritually ready to board the ships at lift-off? We are to live the Laws of God and Creation in our present lifestream as best we can. We are not perfect until we have passed through soul growth in many dimensions and return to Creator Source.
Therefore, we still stumble and make mistakes, but we learn from them. We forgive ourselves, ask Aton to forgive us, and keep going, knowing in our heart that we are trying our best to keep on the Red Road of Truth.
You will know in your inner Spirit that you are spiritually ready. Yes, you will have peace! You will have joy. Nothing will "rock your boat" to create doubt or fear. The anticipation of what awaits the faithful traveler shall help you to create your way.
Be in peace and hope, my friend! The journey is not long!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer