N E S A R A - UPDATE May 7, 2006 - by PHB
Patrick H. Bellringer
In every culture and in every language on Earth Shan, Creator God is known by one name, the name Aton. Nora Boyles has made that quite clear in her years of research and in her book “The Garden of Aton” (ISBN 1-56935-011-6), 1993. Those bringing spiritual messages from Christ Michael, claiming these are from Creator God Aton, are fooling themselves and many others. Never in the Phoenix Journals, brought to us by none other than Creator God Aton, does Aton ever refer to Himself as Christ Michael.
These messages today claiming to be from Christ Michael are from various lower-level beings, and because the channeler has difficulty knowing which of many beings the message is from, simply selects a name that will be well received by the readers. The same is true for other Lighted Beings such as Violinio Germain and Esu Immanuel Sananda. These two are especially popular among the channeling crowd today.
Both Esu and Violinio have made it very clear that rarely in the past ten years and more have they given a public message to anyone on Earth Shan. They communicate privately to only selected and very sincere souls. Yet, today we are inundated with channeled blatherings supposedly from these two great Beings of Light and from many others on a daily basis to the point of nausea.
The confusion in all this internet spiritual trash is due to the lack of discernment by the people. It is no different than the lying mainstream media trash. Lessons are repeated until we learn them. We must learn to read between the lines and discern what is really being said. We must learn to tune in to the energy of the message, and the intent of the presenter. Much that is presented is nothing but meaningless words, and much is painted with a little Truth to pull the reader into the lies.
All channeled messages are filtered through the receivers personality and perceptions. Often the receiver’s ego and prejudices come through and taint the message, or if the message is coming from a lower level being, such as 4D, the information may lack clarity or be limited in its’ spiritual qualities. Always know that Truth is simple, clear and concise. Be very wary, if truth is presented to you otherwise.
I have in this past week received a stack of e-mail an inch high from readers, who are begging for more information about the delivery of the bank packets, or people who are trashing me for making updates, or from those who think funding, NESARA, First Contact and the Second Coming are all a scam. I wish to make it very clear that I do not lie in my updates. I report things as they are at that moment in time to the best of my knowledge. Things may change and the results may turn out differently than expected, based upon the freewill choices and actions of many people.
This whole process is like a tug-o-war between the Light and the Dark sides, and the process moves based upon the energy or power of either side. The Light has finally gained the positive energy in 3D to win! This week will tell the story, as we watch the last act of this great drama being played.
Let us now consider the progress of NESARA. The information that I have at this point in time is as follows:
1. The Carlyle Group stopped the deliveries of the bank packets on Tuesday afternoon, May 2, 2006, and nothing has been delivered since.
2. Negotiations have been held Wednesday through Friday, May 3-5, 2006, with many parties involved, including the World Court, the G-8 countries, representatives from many other countries, Carlyle Group, U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Justice Department.
3. The delivery system has Monday and Tuesday, May 8-9 2006 to complete their work or be out of business permanently worldwide.
4. The official public announcement of NESARA is planned to happened sometime on either Monday or Tuesday, May 8-9, 2006.
5. Should this process fail to be completed as planned by Tuesday evening, May 9, 2006, it is highly likely that First Contact would proceed in short order.
6. Following First Contact, the NESARA announcement would be made, the U.S. Government removed from power, and the delivery of the funding packets would be done without interference.
Things are shaping up for this to be a grand week! Whether it be deliveries first or First Contact first, either way we win! My friends, send the Violet Light of the Seventh Ray of Unconditional Love of the 100th dimension of Violinio Germain to the Darkside at this very moment! If they can match such frequencies, they will return to the Light. If they cannot, they will self-destruct! That is Cosmic Law!
As we claim victory this week, let us give thanks for all those faithful ones, who have fought a good fight, and who have run a good race to the “finish” line. Let us, also, thank our Star Friends for their help, the Ascended Masters, Esu Immanuel Sannada, who is in charge of Earth Shan’s transition, and Creator God Aton, who made this whole experience possible. Never before has there been such drama between Darkness and Light!
The Realms of Heaven rejoice with us over the winning!---And I ring my bell of victory!