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N E S A R A UPDATE: July 29, 2004

By Patrick H. Bellringer

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we who fail to comprehend the meaning of the events in our lives, and by doing so, fail to learn from them.

Planet Earth has been our school-room for a very long time. We have returned this last time for our final lessons before we graduate. Soon we will pack up our books and march into the Golden Age of higher learning. As we did upon entering elementary school, or high school or college for the first time, we will again stand in awe of our surroundings and of the Masters who teach.

There will be those who will not graduate from our third dimension school room, because they have not learned their lessons in soul perfection. They may have failed their lessons in wisdom, bravery, fortitude or generosity, the four great virtues. By doing so they have chosen to return to another 3D lifestream to continue their learning. Creator God’s Angels of Light and Ascended Masters teach to perfection, and lessons are repeated until they are learned to perfection, always.

NESARA is Creator God’s perfect plan for our time. NESARA finally brings peace to our war-torn world. NESARA brings health to our disease-ridden people, and hope of a better life for everyone. NESARA brings freedom of body and soul, not just freedom from unjust bondage in prison, but freedom of the Spirit to soar to higher dimensions.

Many ask, “How long will it be before NESARA arrives?” The answer, “As long as it takes!” All is happening in Heaven’s perfect timing. It is not for us to know the day or the hour when Esu Immanuel Sananda shall return, but it is our task to be ready. Have we learned our lessons of patience, of quiet endurance, of compassion and love? Have we learned discernment to read the signs of our times? Signs are everywhere. It is for us to read them, and to interpret their meaning.

A myriad of “channeled” documents abound today, as “channelers” put their spin on the signs of the times. Many Truthseekers get caught in the confusion, and have difficulty sorting Truth from fiction. Yet, such confusion creates a great classroom for learning the art of discernment. Simply go within and ask Creator God what is Truth. Did you know that even Archangel Michael and St. Germain and Sananda must go to Creator God to know Truth? Surprise!

There are signs of the end of our Age of Darkness. There are signs of our world economies imminent collapse and the end of worthless money. There are signs of the last “fall of Rome”, as world leaders jockey for position and power. The end of evil on Planet Earth is very near. How do I know? Check out the starships in the night sky and the cloudships in the day sky. Feel the high positive energies all around you that are sweeping over our planet as never before. Hear the inner music that dances on the heart strings the song of hope. Feel the inner peace that holds you steady amid the outer storm. Hear the quiet whisper of Creator God that, “all is well!”

As Lightworkers, we have endured much, and many are tired. I remind you that we are never given greater lessons than we are able to learn. We need only ask the Teacher when we need help. That, too, is part of our learning. As Lightworkers, we must teach others what we have learned. We must hold the Light of Truth high for all to see. How else are our sisters and our brothers to find their way? That is our task! We must endure to the end. We have done it before, and we can do it again.

We are all returned Masters. We have been tested and have proven our worth. Because of our credentials we were in the group chosen to return to Planet Earth one last time to assist in ushering in the Golden Age of Peace. No force was involved. We volunteered for this task, and so we are here, and we can do the job. We will do the job! We will assist others to awaken and to take up their work as returned Masters, also. When we need help, we ask for it, and the Angels shall immediately come to our aid, with all the help that Heaven allows---and that is a lot!

How long will we continue to struggle? How long before NESARA arrives? Not long! We may not be given to know the day or the hour, but I believe we can know the year and the month! I believe this is the year (2004). Is this the month of NESARA? I do not know, but all the signs say that the next thirty days may very well bring the end of the Age of Darkness on Planet Earth and the beginning of the Golden Age of Peace. We hold that thought and that positive energy, and together with the Realms of Light we create the energy to make it so. Have we learned our lessons? Is Planet Earth and her people now ready to move on? We shall see. All is in Creator God’s Plan of Perfection and perfect timing. Our prayers have been heard, and our prayers make the difference. Aho!

-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at --

-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at --
