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NESARA UPDATE: October 26, 2003

By Patrick H. Bellringer

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n just that, a thought, until we add desire to it. By our freewill we choose to take action to turn that thought into something that is tangible. Through this process an inventor produces a new technology, a painter creates a beautiful picture, and a musician creates a wonderful song. When a person with an idea truly desires to change that idea into something that is real, that thought energy travels into the ethers and joins the creative energy stream of the Cosmos. This action calls forth the angels and Masters of the Lighted Realms to assist.

Our act of tapping into the Cosmic creative energy stream calls for higher assistance. Our call compels their help. This is a part of the work of the angels. This is how our idea becomes a miracle. This is how our prayer becomes a reality;.

Prayer is very simple. A prayer may be only one or two words such as, “Help”, “Thank you”, “God, help”, “Sananda, help”, or “Angels, help!” Too often prayers are nearly meaningless with big words, long sentences, flowery phrases, and stained-glass platitudes of piousness. Esu Immanuel Sananda spoke of the Pharisees who would stand on the street corners and in loud voices pray their haughty righteous words for all to hear. Esu said to go into your closet and shut the door and pray in private in sincerity and humility, and through your God Spirit within communicate to your Creator God and the angels. I repeat again that prayer is very simple, and as easy as speaking out loud or thinking quietly within. Speaking out loud adds great power to our words, as the sound travels into the ethers and joins the sound waves of the heavens.

Many people are praying for NESARA to happen now. Many are praying, even this day in the worldwide peace rallies, for peace in our time---the peace which NESARA brings. Many are praying for the NESARA White Knights to accomplish the mission quickly. The prayers and positive energy of the people have created a mass consciousness that is pushing NESARA to fruition, in spite of the repeated failures of the NESARA White Knights. Many lessons have been learned and the NESARA White Knights now understand that they can not “do it my way.” They know now that they must do it Creator God’s way to win against the higher forces of darkness. They must “do it Germain’s way” and utilize 5D + technology to win against a 4D foe.

Many people are also praying for the protection of our NESARA White Knights as they go about their duties. We can request the Lighted Realms to protect them but the angels can only provide general protection, so as not to usurp the freewill of the White Knights. For total, absolute, permanent protection the NESARA White Knights must act on their own freewill and make such a request. We, also, are obligated under the Cosmic Law of Non-intervention. We can assist through our prayers, but we cannot do it all for them. I believe the White Knights now understand their need to request their own divine protection and help to complete their mission.

Many people are now demanding that Germain just move in with the Forces of Light and finish the job. As Germain has said before, he is obligated by Cosmic Law to allow certain freewill choices to be made by humans. Those humans, who have made wrong choices, have now learned their lessons and stand ready to do the mission. For all NESARA White Knights and especially those who desire assistance in how to request divine assistance, I offer the following prayers:

Short prayers: Angels, help!

Creator God, help!

Sananda, help!

Germain, help!

Immediately that you call for help, the angels, Sananda, or whomever you call will stand between you and your adversary and protect you from harm. Whenever you are acting in sincerity on the side of goodness and call for help, you will have it immediately. Your call always compels their answer.

Long prayer: (White Knights)

Through my God-Spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence, I Petition and so order the Lighted Realms and Creator God for total and permanent protection from all dark energies and entities and all their harmful technology. I ask for protection for myself in all areas of my life and that of my family.

As a NESARA White Knight, I ask protection for all that I must do and use to accomplish this mission, including equipment, facilities, supplies and technology. I request the same protection for all those White Knights who are a part of this mission. I ask that the Lighted Realms leave nothing unprotected in our mission of making the official public announcement of NESARA---now! Surround us with the White Light of Creator God, the Golden Light of Admiral Sananda, and the Violet Light of St. Germain.

I give the Lighted Realms permission to act in every way necessary to assist in accomplishing this petition immediately. So be it! It is done!

[Believe it and it is so! Doubt and it is not so!]

Again I remind you that positive energy is cancelled out by negative energy and vice versa. The darkside uses the negative energy of doubt as a major tool to cancel out the positive energy of belief. Doubt that your prayer will be answered and it most certainly will not be. Believe in your heart that your prayer will be answered and it most certainly will be. Prayer is really very simple. At any time that you feel an evil energy or presence, or discern that something is not right, simply say out loud; “Sananda help!” It is you that must make the decision to want help, and it is you that must ask for “Heaven’s” help. Then you shall have it!

To all of you who are NESARA supporters and those who are desiring a world at peace in our time, I offer the following prayer:

Through my God-Spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence I petition and so order all dark entities and energies be immediately removed forever from our planet Terra Nova and her people. I request that all war, destruction, and violence be immediately and forever stopped on our planet, and that the Light of forgiveness, Love and compassion shall now flood the hearts of every souled being of our Mother Earth. We shall now forevermore have peace on earth.

I request total and permanent protection and all the divine assistance that Heaven allows for all those who are involved in the NESARA mission, and I order NESARA to be announced now! I give the Lighted Realms permission to assist in accomplishing this petition immediately. I give thanks to Creator God, the Lighted Masters and all the Lighted Realms for their assistance to Terra Nova and all her people at this time. So be it! It is done!

The National Economic Security and Reformation Act shall be established on Terra Nova now, for We the People of Terra Nova have spoken and have created it so!

-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at --

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