N.E.S.A.R.A. UPDATE: October 23, 2007 by Patrick H. Bellringer
Patrick H. Bellringer
It has been a long road to accomplish the NESARA Mission, my friends, but the end is here. My sources have apprised me of the following:
1. On Wednesday, September 19, 2007 the Global Banking System was established, and the U.S. Congress agreed to place the U. S. Treasury under that system.
2. The U.S. Treasury banking system was activated at midnight EDT on Friday, October 19, 2007, allowing a three-day weekend to prepare for the change-over.
3. The U.S. Banks were to be ready with the new system at midnight, EDT, on Monday, October 22, 2007, with the banks open to the public with the new gold and silver certificates on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 (today).
4. To my knowledge, that did not happen, as a big fight among the bankers ensued today, with many bankers refusing to cooperate with the new system.
5. The deadline to end the fighting and to go on-line with the new banking system is midnight tonight, Tuesday, October 23, 2007.
6. Those banks not having a gold charter are to be closed and not open for business on Wednesday, October 24, 2007(tomorrow). Their customer accounts are to be transferred to a gold-chartered bank and the account holders notified accordingly. I anticipate many banks being closed tomorrow morning, if my sources have the correct information.
7. We believe that bank packet deliveries began in earnest this noon and must be absolutely completed tomorrow, Wednesday, October 24, 2007, with the NESARA Announcement scheduled for tomorrow night.
It is imperative that all Lightworkers hold positive energies to void any negative freewill choices that would in any way interrupt the NESARA Mission. May this new day signal the defeat of the Darkside on our beloved planet. We walk in faith, believing this is so!