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N E S A R A - Update: June 24, 2006 by Patrick H. Bellringer

Patrick H. Bellringer

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lane that day except for Iraq. On his return flight on that day G.W. was allowed to land no where in the U.S. except at Camp David.

This sent a signal to the Pentagon that their Commander-in-Chief was no longer Commander-in-Chief; that the countries of the world were fed up with the U.S. Government’s evil intrigue all over Earth Shan. The U.S. Navy has finally gained the courage to assume their lawful authority to intervene in civilian affairs, when the United States Government is facing an extreme emergency.

We have just such an emergency at this time. Refusing to convert to the gold standard banking system with the rest of the world last week has brought the U.S. to the brink of economic collapse. The thirst for power and wealth has caused the blood thirsty Bush/Clinton Crime Families and U.S. Congress to make plans to soon attack Iran and North Korea. Thirdly, the U.S. Military and Israeli Mossad have jointly turned Iraq into a slaughter-house of horrible proportions. Then there are the plans to destroy the American people by whatever means, as quickly as possible, be it by inflation and rioting, by illegal immigration, by aerial bird-flu inoculation or by terrorist actions.

Finally, those of good intent, who have tried for so long to bring NESARA to fruition without success and stop all these evil actions of the Darkside, have asked for Divine help. That help has been immediately granted. The prison shoot-out in Florida by the rogue portion of the FBI to try and kill Manuel Noriega, material witness against the Bush/Clinton Crime Families CIA world drug operation, who was to testify before Fitzgerald’s Grand Jury, was a last attempt to keep their drug operation secret. Divine Intervention saved Noriega, and Divine Intervention has convinced the U.S. Military to choose wisely their loyalties. Know that the rogue CIA and the rouge FBI are now in big trouble, and that G.W., the Commander-of-Nothing is now hiding in Austria.

As of this moment, the balance of power in the United States of America has changed. There is a plan that is to be absolutely carried out to complete the NESARA Mission. Starting Saturday morning, June 24, 2006 the U.S. Military will be delivering the prosperity program and Farm Claim bank packets to the recipients. They will be using military people for the deliveries, military guards and military vehicles. Their plan is to complete this process by Saturday night.

Sunday, June 25, 2006 will be used to prepare for the NESARA announcement on Monday. If things go according to plan, and the deliveries are completed on Saturday, the official public announcement of NESARA is planned for Monday, June 26, 2006.

My friends, there is no reason to believe that things will not go according to plan. The countries of the world are assisting in many ways, and the Star People are involved in every decision and in every action. The Darkside is defeated, and protection is air-tight. I ask that you put your prayer power and positive energy behind this massive effort to bring goodness to Earth Shan. It would seem wise to be accessible, if you are to be a recipient of a bank packet, as this would help to speed the delivery process. May you be in peace and joy for the victory in process!