N E S A R A UPDATE: JULY 20, 2008 by Patrick H. Bellringer (updated 7/21/08
I have no answer to these questions. No one does. We still live in a 3D world where freewill choices and good and evil still play in the game of life. It has been nearly eight years since Bill Clinton signed the NESARA bill into law on October 10, 2000, and less than a year later, when the first attempt was made to officially implement NESARA by public announcement on the morning of September 11, 2001.
Though George W. Bush had agreed before he took office to step down within six months of becoming U.S. president (sic) to allow for the implementation of NESARA, we know that immediately upon his inauguration on January 20, 2000 he gave the order to the Black ops community to find a way to stop NESARA. This they did and have done so ever since. 9/11 was as much about stopping NESARA and the subsequent removal of our evil U.S. Government, as it was about creating a fake war with Iraq to steal the oil of the Middle East, a move to control the world through control of energy.
For millennia power and greed have held our planet’s people back from fulfilling their destiny of creating a civilization of goodness. Today, nothing has really changed. People and nations are still being used, as pawns on the 3D chessboard of life. From their limited perspective people ask, if there is any hope for change. Will the Light win? If so, when? Be assured that the Light wins, always. When? I do to know, but all the signs point to an end to the Darkside games on our planet very soon.
I can make no promises about either the funding of the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims or about the implementation of NESARA. They may never happen. There may not be time due to the need of Mother Earth to begin self-cleansing in earnest to save her very life.
Much of the Pacific Rim, and especially the West Coast of the U.S. have become very unstable recently. San Francisco, California, the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, and the subduction fault under the Cascade Range of Oregon and Washington that connects these two areas have all become totally unstable. Any major earth movement here or in the Los Angeles, California area would probably trigger the Super Volcano lying under Yellowstone National Park.
The tilt of our planet on her axis is now nearly the same, as her absolute tipping point. Any violent shaking due to earth changes would trigger her to tip. On July 8, 2008 Creator God Aton said in a message to us: (Quoting) "Mother Earth has been very patient, but her patience is wearing very thin. She is at the point of tipping, and that could happen at anytime. I know you ones are ready. We are on Red, Red alert and ready to evacuate those, who wish to board our ships, when the time has come."
Therefore, to tie your life to the roller coaster of funding, hoping that money will improve your life, or even to NESARA, so that your nation and your world would be changed, may be most unwise. Your focus should be on your lessons in soul growth, on being responsible for yourself and your actions, and on helping those you can, who are in need of your help.
I remain hopeful that funding and NESARA will be accomplished in these last days of 3D, but if not, the Light still wins, as Earth Shan is birthed into the frequencies of the fifth dimension.
Walk ever in hope and Love and the Light of Truth.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
I couldn't help but explain my view of your Nesara update (20th july) message.
The only thing I really remembered about this message was:
Therefore, to tie your life to the roller coaster of funding, hoping that money will improve your life, or even to NESARA, so that your nation and your world would be changed, may be most unwise. Your focus should be on your lessons in soul growth, on being responsible for yourself and your actions, and on helping those you can, who are in need of your help.
--- Your focus should be on lessons in soul growth ---, I find it so selfish of people just to keep on waiting for big sums of money so that all their life problems will resolve and they will be able to enjoy vacations etc.
I, my family and anyone I know were never involved in any sort of prosperity programs or so and still I am hoping that it does happen, because it will be a proof in 3D of the Heaven transition startup! That's all for my vision of it. I remember still in june 2006 when I was really ready to announce all my friends the public annoucement would start, they all thought I was crazy because no one I know (except one close friend) believed this story and to this date no one believes it yet, but I realised this 'crazy idea' opened up their minds with time pasing and it made me make huge leaps forward in soul growth.
From my personal point of view, I understand that all this prolonged delays may not have been part of the original plan, but what I realised is that since 2001 the light on earth has been shining ever so stronger with every day passing and it is still increasing to this day. The dark is getting darker now and the Light is getting brighter, the dark is destroying itself and continues to play a game that's shrinking in size every day, will the playboard of the light is pratically taking over our entire mother earth, no one wants war anymore, no one, or maybe they believe they want because of propaganda, but if a heaven was available to them I'm 99% sure they would embrace it with joy and let go of the old ways (once they get rid of their programmed fear). So as Casper points out in the updates, the ones 'controlling' or world are merely trying to keep their own game alive and by sticking to it they'll just keep destroying themselves until they disappear in the bright light that is shining all over earth or I still hope that the ones remaining dark would still join the light if it is still possible so that the announcements can happen happen faster and I'm sending them love whenever I can.
I am not religious, I just believe in God because i cannot deny it's existence any neither can I deny the existence of higher dimensional beings, which are by the way trying to show themselves to us in many ways, I can only see them as Sylph(or cirrusclouds in the scientific terms) in the sky and that's more than I can handle anyway. If Nesara had happened two year ago I might have never discovered all of this and many other things. So that waiting for Nesara I my point of view was a blessing, I learned so much in just 2 years that I am trying to give it back as much as I can by trying to warn as many people as possible about this transition, even if they believe I'm crazy or will never talk to me again or get angry at me for believing in this, at least they heard the story, so that when spaceships land or the global annoucement is made and their way of seeing reality is shattered, I hope they will remember what I told them once ago! That's all I want to spread and try to as much as I can, love, compassion and happiness and the truth about the future of our civilisation. ---/// on being responsible for yourself and your actions, and on helping those you can, who are in need of your help. ///----
So to get back to the matter when I read the Nesara update (20th July) it resonated with my understanding of my purpose in this life and I sincerely hope that it will for you as well and for many others too :)
I cannot judge anyone, as we all have different life contracts and we all have our own purpose on this planet at this time, the only thing I hope is that everyone realises that eventhough it might not seem like it, the transition for heaven/paradise was started long ago, and it started within us, not outside us, the only thing left is to get in touch with it.
In Love and Light
Keep up your wonderful work Anne and Patrick :)