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NESARA UPDATE: December 17, 2003

By Patrick H. Bellringer

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hope alive in their humble and simple ways.

We honor those today, who yet remain, with the dream in their heart of a coming age of balance and harmony. From the Aborigines of Australia to the humble Tibetans to the native peoples of North and South America, they have shown great wisdom and enlightenment in spite of their rejection by the many who refused to listen or to understand. For these humble souls we are most thankful.

These great peoples, many whose civilizations no longer survive, have brought Truth over the stepping stones of time to us today. They have taught knowledge that only now we are discovering to be of great value. For these Truths we are most grateful.

We also give thanks today for those great souls in history, who have stood strong, holding the Light of Truth in the darkness of the Lie. We think of the prophets and sages and seers of ages past, who did not doubt nor waver in their message of a new day coming of joy and peace. For many long years they gave hope to the people, as they foretold of the coming of the time of “NESARA”. For these great souls we give thanks.

We think of those statesmen and stateswomen and leaders in all walks of life, who had the wisdom and the courage to live their lives for Truth. In the face of great darkness they kept the Light of Truth burning strong in the hearts of many people. For their defense of freedom and justice and peace on earth, many of them became martyrs. We bow in sincere gratitude to these courageous souls, who have prepared the way before us.

It is with tears and with joy that we give thanks to you, Creator God, for sending these brave and kind and humble people to Light the way for our day. They have been our examples and our models that we have followed. Their Truth has become our Truth. Without their vision, NESARA would not have become possible today. So it is with ever grateful hearts that we remember all these dear ones, who have gone before us. With renewed determination we carry their vision forward. WE shall fulfill the promise. WE shall create peace on earth in our time. For this magnificent opportunity we give thanks. This is our prayer. So be it!

My friends, I write now to those of you who are honored for your knowledge and for your positions of authority in your chosen vocations. Many of you walk the academic halls, and teach young minds of your Truth. Thousands of lives are influenced by your work. Others of you direct the boards of corporations and determine the financial and legal health of companies world-wide. Your decisions impact the well-being of millions of people. Others of you serve your fellowman, in various professions. Some of you are medical doctors and dentists and other health professionals. Some of you are attorneys, or judges, or politicians, or bankers. All of you have achieved a certain level of success because of your hard work and intelligence. Your world pivots on fact, not fiction. You are surrounded by that which is provable, and that is what you accept as Truth.

I challenge you to look at a world of Truth that lies beyond that which you know. Many of you know of NESARA and write if off as wishful thinking. You are programmed by the “system” to accept as Truth only that which can be proven. Because you have no physical evidence at your finger-tips that NESARA is real, you dismiss it as fiction. Have you lost your curiosity to move beyond what is? Have not some of your peers made great discoveries of Truth in the past because of their willingness to open their minds and hearts to the impossible?

To you, NESARA is nonsense because it represents the world of myth. To you NESARA is impossible because you have no evidence of its existence. If I could prove to you that a law called NESARA was real by presenting you with all the proper legal documents, you would still doubt, because NESARA represents things that you still believe to be impossible. Given the present mess that our world is in, you think that it is not possible to change our world to total peace, freedom and abundance for every person. This is quite true if you are relying only upon your physical world’s resources to bring about such change. The source of resources to make the changes that are mandated by NESARA is the focal point of this whole discussion.

Only a power that lies beyond this physical world in which we live could ever change our present conditions. That power, my friends, lies within the human heart, your heart. Your God Spirit within knows all Truth and has Creator’s power to create. How can I prove this? I can not prove it for you, only for myself. If you truly believe what I have said, I need not tell you more. Your curiosity, your openness and your intelligence will drive you to prove to yourself that I am right. You will discover that NESARA is very real. You will discover that you have brothers and sisters of high intelligence aboard starships orbiting our earth, who have come to help implement NESARA and who are waiting for you to wake up.

Is there anyone who would not want the kind of world that NESARA offers? Your skepticism would be based solely upon the belief that such a world could not be possible. When you realize that all things are possible through your creative thought power within, your entire out-look on life changes. You are no longer a skeptic, and because of your abilities, you are now driven to help make a difference in your world. My friends, we need your help to create the impossible. We can and we shall bring peace and freedom and abundance to our world. We have the power to do it. With your help it can happen now! A new day is coming! Believe it, and know it in your heart!

To all of you who read this, feel the energies stirring in your little world, and in our greater world. Our sun is sending us such high energy at this time that the data goes off the recording charts. Feel the excitement in the air of the Christmas season. Feel the excitement of NESARA everywhere.

Many of you have long shopping lists and are buying the right present for the right person. You are thinking of only your own little group and are not concerned about the good of all. Do you care about those who have so little that they struggle from day to day just to survive? Do you at least have the time to offer a prayer to Creator God in their behalf? Is your Christmas that of receiving gifts and being entertained for a short while, and then going about your business as usual? There is so much more happening in our world that you are missing. Something fantastic is coming that will change your world forever.

Here is a message from Creator God that I have been asked to share with you at this time.

Dear Brother Bellringer:

I AM Creator God and I ask you to deliver this message at this time to my people of Planet Earth.

I see your wars and all the hurt and destruction they are causing on your planet. I hurt when one of you hurt. I feel your pain and I weep as you do. I also feel your Love and kindness when you help even the least of my little ones, and the Angels rejoice in Heaven.

Many are asking when the public announcement of the NESARA Law will be. Oh, my children, it could happen this very minute, if the hearts of the people were truly ready for it. I, Creator, could have had NESARA done eons ago, if I had been allowed. I sometimes regret giving you freewill, as I await your high energies of goodness and kindness to carry NESARA into your world. I have my own calendar and I have set my alarm clock. I note that it is now past the time appointed. As our brother Violinio Germain has said to you, it is all about energies.

Violence, hate and destruction could be stopped in a twinkling of the eye, if you, my people, would pray for your enemies and love one another. Sincerely pray for those who want to physically beat you. Then miracles can happen, and everyone can become friends.

There are those of you who have plans of greed and revenge when they receive their expected funds. Others with their imagination are building great air castles for their future pleasure. You have forgotten the poor people in other parts of your world. The unhappy people must be your concern. This is the true beginning to match the NESARA energies. You must feel Love in your heart.

My Lightworkers are blessed that they have been touched by me, Creator God, and by the Masters in so many ways. There are others who have yet to awaken, who are laughing at NESARA and saying that there will be no announcement. There are some, who are trying to take charge of NESARA and take the credit. No one is in charge of NESARA but me, Creator God. Know in your heart that all who assist with NESARA must work as a group for the betterment of mankind. All must have the same loving attitude for all people of planet Earth.

If there is any excuse for prolonging the Good News of NESARA, it is the slowness of the awakening of my people. You must pray for the betterment of my people, for the good of all. That is what will roll NESARA into action. Like a jewel being uncovered, NESARA is slowly approaching in a most delicate way. NESARA is like a tulip bulb that you plant in the ground and lies hidden and covered by the winter snows. Spring comes and unexpectantly the tulip plant bursts forth in its flowering beauty. So it shall be with NESARA. Prayer power is necessary to create the strong vibrations and a mutual wish for NESARA. Sincerely pray, my people, and NESARA could happen at any minute. Yes, miracles can happen, and you could create a NESARA Christmas gift for the people of planet Earth yet this year. I love you with a great Love. I AM Creator God.

In the spirit of the Christmas season let us have good thoughts and good wishes for everyone. Let us all pray for the betterment of mankind for the good of all. Let us love one another, and spread the good news that something magnificent is coming. Let us expect great things to happen in the most unexpected ways. By living the NESARA energies may we usher in NESARA in a most loving and happy way. May everyone have the most magnificent of Christmases and the happiest of New Years ever! May the dream and the vision of the ages become a reality now! That is our prayer! Aho!

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