NESARA: The Quiet Confidence of Knowing May 13, 2003
May 13, 2003
NESARA: The Quiet Confidence of Knowing
May 13, 2003
By Patrick H. Bellringer
The natural response to the delay of NESARA is frustration and focusing on physical ways to accomplish the task. What would we do to make NESARA happen if the gag order were lifted? Would the controlled media cooperate and proclaim Truth to the world? Would we march into the local T.V. studio, grab the “mike” and tell the community about NESARA? Would we be able to verify our statements? Would the people believe us? Would they rise up and take our evil government to task?
I speak now to all Lightworkers, to those who know the Light of Truth. This is not a physical hand to hand, voice to voice, argument to argument battle to accomplish NESARA. This is a battle of Spirit! This is a battle that we fight and win from our quiet corner by using the power of our God-Spirit within. The Lightworkers must bring forth their Light, their thought-Power, their energy and focus them upon the problems, the people and the processes of NESARA; having no doubt about NESARA, having the knowing, the quiet confidence within that NESARA is here in the now. As St. Germain has said, “It is not what you do that matters. It is the energy in which you do everything” that matters. So live with the confident energy that evil has been defeated, and that NESARA has already brought freedom and justice, abundance and peace. We run the race with the confident energy that we have already won. That is the image we create in our mind, and that is the energy with which we run to the finish line.
To truly “know” something is to believe with your mind, your heart, and your very soul. To “know” NESARA is to live your life with such excitement and expectation that your positive energy will prevail over the negative energy around you, and extend far into the ethers. With such positive energy there is no room for doubt, anxiety and fear. One of the greatest compliments you can have is for someone to say to you, “After all these years of waiting, you still believe the Farm Claims will be paid,” or “After all these weary months of disappointment you still believe that NESARA is going to happen”. That is the tenacity of true faith. One who has such faith, such knowing, has a different life-style than the one who has doubt in his heart. The one who “knows” walks differently, talks differently, smiles differently. The one who “knows” creates such positive energy that others are attracted to them. The beautiful colors of the Light of their aura repels the darkness, yet mysteriously draws the soul of others to them. People have the feeling of wanting of be around them.
This is the power of thought of which I speak, the quiet confidence of knowing. When this knowing energy permeates the ethers and is joined by that same knowing energy from another Lightworker, and another, and another, the result is a dynamic force field that surrounds our planet. Then, guess what happens? The Cosmic Law of Returns “kicks in”! The energy that you send out is returned to you by the Realms of Light in kind. This means that this same kind of positive energy that you created and sent out is returned to you, but with one change. The Law of Returns states that the energy you send out is returned to you in kind, but in multiple amounts of from 10 to100 times. Can you imagine the impact upon our planet of thousands of Lightworkers focusing upon the “knowing” of NESARA, and that positive energy multiplied in the ethers 100 times and sent back to our planet? The darkside would be overwhelmed and run for cover.
Yes, to lift the gag order and to inform more people of NESARA may create more positive energy, but the bringing of NESARA is truly a battle of Spirit. It is a battle of negative and positive energy. Go to your core essence and find there the Truth of NESARA, then recognize your reality of NESARA. Then as St. Germain has said, “The Universe will rush to accommodate your picture of reality”---of NESARA. In the magic of creation let us allow our God-Spirit within to create for us that which we truly desire. We have the power of knowing, and assisted by the multiplication of that Power by the Realms of Light, we shall create NESARA now!
I remind you that we are under Galactic Solar Tribunal Law and no World Court law or U.S. Supreme Court law takes precedent over Galactic Law. Admiral Sananda and Master Lady Nada so informed the World Court Justices of that on “Mother’s Day” Sunday, May 11, 2003. St. Germain and the Forces of Light have total control over NESARA and shall bring it to pass when the battle of Spirit is completed.
In the quiet confidence of knowing in your quiet corner, join your Spirit in the battle of Spirit. So, run the race of life with the quiet confident energy of knowing, that we have already won! This is a message of hope. This is a message of victory, of the race that has already been won!
--The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at--
--The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at--