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"Hello, Central!" I Thought We Had Already Been On The Gold Backed System For A Few Weeks Now. Was That Wrong Information?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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DATE: Sept. 11, 2006


Dear C:

We have been on a gold system since March 1, 2006. Let me explain. We have two treasuries and two money systems. There is the Treasury of the Corporate U.S. and the Treasury of the Republic. The FRB replaced the Treasury Bank in 1935. The Treasury of the Republic has been dormant from 1935 to 2006. Between 1913 and 1935 we also had two money systems---the gold and the FRB, each with separate banks. The gold system has again been activated on March 1, 2006 and has 1200 gold depository banks in the U.S. We are waiting for the fiat money system of the FRB to be booted out with NESARA. Lawfully, the FRB and IRS were dismantled recently by the World Court, but are still operating under authority of our unlawful U.S. Government.

Another part of this equation is the loan in gold value that China made to the U.S. in the early 1940's. China is now demanding payment. Last week U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson made an agreement with China to clear this loan by allowing China to take one trillion dollars in banking credit out of the U.S. federal Reserve System for a total of 32 days, amounting to 32 trillion in bank credits. Top economists believe that the removal of only five trillion in bank credit would crash the U.S. economy.

The Bush Administration are gleeful over this loan agreement with China because they want the U.S. economy to crash. This would cause bank failures, a run on the banks by the people to get their money, bank closures, business failures, no payroll checks, angry people, rioting in the streets and general nationwide chaos. G.W. Bush would then be justified to declare martial law, which would put the nation under military rule and set aside the Constitution. Dissidents and all opposed to the present order would be rounded up and put into containment centers, and the U.S. would be under One World Order lock-down with King George in charge.

Secretary Paulson and the Bush Cabal think China is stupid, because China agreed to this deal. Such is not the case. China knows that being "paid" bank credit in fiat Federal Reserve notes is not anything of value. The loan was in gold, and it must be re-paid in gold. To get payment in gold there must be a gold banking system. To pull out bank credit from the FRB would finally crash the system and would give cause for a new system.

China knows about NESARA and went along with Secretary Paulson's foolish plan in order to force the implementation of NESARA, which lawfully establishes the gold banking system. Once NESARA was implemented China would then be paid in gold, as International Law demands.

Today was day five of this Chinese loan repayment agreement. If five trillion would crash the U.S. economy, why did it not happen today? Hatonn/Aton has said that he would never allow further hardship to be put upon the people of America and the world by the crashing of the economy, nor would he allow martial law to be declared in the U.S. Could it be that the U.S. economy is being sustained at this time by our Star Friends? If this is true, does that not stop NESARA from being "pushed" into announcement and implementation?

Could it be that today, 9-11-06 is also part of the "plan"? This is the fifth anniversary of the G.W. Bush terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, New York City. Memorial services were held worldwide today, and mainstream media has been more brave in giving Truth about 9/11/06. I have reports of such media coverage in Belgium, Australia, the Netherlands, and other countries, as well as the U.S. More people are waking to Truth.

The Bush Cabal think they have won. At some time soon, they think, the U.S. economy must crash. Is Hatonn giving them false hope? Tonight G.W. Bush was given one more chance to speak the Truth on national T.V. about 9/11, but he chose only to tell lies. Could it be that NESARA will suddenly be announced tomorrow or another day this week to take the Darkside by surprise? It is all about sequence and timing. This was a long answer to your brief question.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer