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"Hello, Central!" On Which Day Should One Go To Church, Sunday Or Saturday?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: WC

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 9:43 AM

Subject: Seventh Day

Dear Anne,

A friend of mine believes that Saturday is the day we are suppose to go to church. I

was raised to believe it should be Sunday. Today I do not believe either. I just believe

that EVERY DAY belongs to GOD, and not just one day a week. Can you please help

us with an answer on this subject or ask someone who does know the real truth.

Thanks and have a great day.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 21, 2007


Dear WC:

Anne has asked me to answer your letter. First the Commandment to which yoiu refer is number five in Phoenix Journal #27 Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual, pp. 26-27 "Remember God's ''Day' and Keep it Holy". The early Christian Church chose the supposed day of resurrection of Esu Immanuel, which was the first day of the week or Sunday for their religious day of rest and religious observance. The Jews always used Saturday and the Muslim used Friday. The Christian denomination known as the Seventh Day Adventists, of course, claim the seventh day of the week or Saturday for their day of rest and religious observance.

Who is right has been the nonsensical question since the beginning of religion on Earth Shan!

In their statement Esu Immanuel Sananda, Archangel Michael, St. Germain and Hatonn/Creator God Aton in Phoenix Journal 27, pp. 26-27 give a clear and concise answer to this question.


5. Remember God’s “Day” and keep it Holy.

"Now within the “so-called” Christian Bible, this law has been interpreted as “A” day and the day that was chosen by HU­MANS was the one called SUN­DAY and also called “The Sab­bath”. This was the day which HU­MANS said that NO work could be done and you must go to THEIR Church and pray, re­pent and give thanks because this was God’s day. We must tell you this is not correct because ALL days in the Kingdom of God and The Cre­ation are HIS. This means you must keep ALL of your Days HOLY in rever­ence to THE DI­VINE HOLY ONE PRESENCE OF GOD WITHIN ALL OF THE CRE­ATION. EVERY day you must, as a part of your prayer, ac­knowledge and give thanks and HONOR unto God and The Creation for ALL the blessings of abun­dance, Wisdom and LIFE which THE FATHER WITHIN YOU has be­stowed upon you. Remem­ber this about the true purpose and POWER of Prayer and Meditation. PRAYER is Asking for guidance from the Father within for WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW IN OR­DER TO SUSTAIN IN HIS SERVICE, “AND IN ALL THINGS, FATHER, NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE WILL BE DONE.” MEDITATION then is RECEIVING that informa­tion from the Fa­ther within to sustain in HIS service. Eventually, YOU will ALL be in a con­stant state of meditation and commu­nion (mutual participation or sharing) with the Divine Father within.

Now, Sunday has also been called God’s day of rest. This is not logical. What about the farmer who has animals and his fields to tend? This is not to say that you cannot rest. But your rest may be on a Monday or a Wednes­day or maybe just an hour or two each day. It will be different for every hu­man de­pending on the conditions of his service to God. WHEN the cycle of time comes when all is returned to the ONE of THE CRE­ATION, there is a pe­riod of what might be termed as “rest”. This means that life as you know it in this illusion will cease to ex­ist. It is one of the Great Mysteries which mea­sures in cycles the ebb and flow of THE ONE DIVINE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS. Until that time, GOD within you will guide you as to when the necessary times of rest are for you. "(End Quoting)

So, to answer your question of when to rest and give honor to God or what day is holy---everyday is Holy, and rest when you need to!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer