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"Hello, Central!" Prominaent Lightworkers Are Being Killed. Do They Not Ask For Divine Protection?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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like to come when I am just waking up from my sleep (the 4th dimension). The last one came into my bedroom and talked to me mind to mind. He introduced himself in a very arrogant way as "The Count" and he was very powerful, on the level of a Darth Vader. I knew he was there only to check me out as I felt the energy of evil fill my room. I told him he may call himself "The Count" but he did not count in my book. Frankly, I just wanted to get rid of him for I felt nothing but evil coming from him. Well, he got a little upset and vibed me with electrical current just like Darth Vader did to Luke in the Star Wars Trilogy, movie #2. I must admit, it really really hurt. I just cried out to all the ascended masters to surround me with protection and light and he was gone in a second, never to return.

My heart goes out to these great ones who die for the light but don't they ask for protection? So many seem to fall to the dark one's plans.

Patrick, thank you for the great service that you perform. So many times I have heard wonderful wisdom coming from you expanding my spiritual learning & understanding in many ways. I know you are a blessed/protected being and I always wish you and your wife the best. May we all go into this Golden Age with great courage, joy, love, and light. From my heart to yours, "AB."


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 5, 2006


Dear AB:

Prominent Lightworkers like "The Viper" have Divine Protection or they never would have done the great work they accomplish in their life. We do not know the soul contract these people have with Creator God and what they agreed to do prior to entering this lifestream.

This great lady attorney accomplished much goodness during this lifestream, and has now died a martyr to help push NESARA to the "finish" line. May she have great honor in "Heaven" for staying the course, and may she return to enjoy the Gold Age with us. The vibrations from your heart strings, even now, brings her joy.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer