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"Hello, Central!" The Trillion Dollar Lie: The Holocaust

Patrick H. Bellringer

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aust” to rip off over a trillion dollars in repatriations from the German people to further their cause of world domination and enslavement of the Gentiles. Anyone, who does only a brief study and research of history, can prove that this is so. For those of you, who are so ignorant, as to still argue over the Truth or lie of the “Holocaust”, it is imperative that you read the Truth as written in the Phoenix Journals numbers 39 ( ) and 40 ( ) entitled “The Trillion Dollar Lie: The Holocaust, Volumes I and II.

Learn about he Eisenhower death camps constructed after World War II to carry out Eisenhower’s orders “To kill the damn Germans”. Yes, that is General Eisenhower, the future god-man U.S. president, and yes, the real holocaust was of the German people by the U.S. and Russia that continued for ten years after the war. The true holocausts of the world are many and include the holocaust of Russia in which twenty million white Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks during the Bolshevik Revolution that began in 1917, and the present day holocaust of the Arab people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Indonesia, etc.

Wake up, people! The Zionists are laughing all the way to the bank in every corner of Earth Shan. They have totally deceived you. Their “holocaust” is a complete and deliberate fabricated lie, and Ahrmadinejad knows it. Yet, you ignorantly condemn him for saying so. The man speaks Truth, and you are the fool! The lies of the “holocaust” are being revealed to the public, finally, that is why the Zionists are working so frantically to destroy the Truthbringers, such as Ernest Zundel, whom they have now incarcerated in Germany. Hate speech laws of Canada, Germany and now coming to the U.S. are designed to destroy the Truthbringers. Wake up, people! The Zionist “holocaust” is a Lie!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer