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"Hello, Central!" Jeff Rense And Sherry Shriner And Her Bible Codes Have Really Burst My NESARA Bubble. Dove And Others Say Nothing Important About NESARA. Is There Still Hope For NESARA?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Sananda and Maitreya. Rense and Shriner see the beings as evil liars and NESARA as fraudulent.

It is really getting difficult to hold on. Dove has basically said very little lately and others seem to be mostly concerned lately with pushing various products. I have been a strong supporter for so long and I have gone through many ups and downs but this program has really burst my bubble. I considered Nesara as our only hope but now I really don't know. What is your take on what you can find at Please respond.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: January 15, 2005


Dear SG:

Thank you for your letter and your question concerning the validity of NESARA.

To answer your question, you must first analyze the messenger, and then the message. Who is Jeff Rense? Rense is a big online netcast host, who has done much to present Truth to the world. He maintains a huge website of information, much of it concerning the One World Order and our evil government. To his discredit Jeff Rense has never believed in nor supported NESARA, and has refused to allow any truthful discussion of NESARA on his online netcast show.

Secondly, who is Sherry Shriner? She is another online talk-show host, who mixes religion and politics to fool the people. Her Bible Cods are based upon the Christian cult philosophy, and, again, are used to "prove" whatever point of view Sherry Shriner wants to public to believe. It's all a game of mind control.

The Dove has allowed ego to direct her into the side lines and away from anything truly spiritual concerning NESARA. Many of the spiritual channelers have become nothing more than a "noisy going and a clanging cymbal". I truly understand your frustration in finding Truth.

My advice to you is to stop looking for answers from those around you. Go within, and in the quietness of your God Spirit ask Creator God yourself for your answers. Through your thoughts ask your questions, and through your thoughts listen and hear your answers. Creator God is never more than a thought away, and He hears and answers all sincere requests.

I assure you that NESARA is very spiritual, is very real and very close. NESARA is a part of Creator God's Plan for our time, and in His Divine sequence it shall happen. Expect fantastic things to happen on or before January 20, 2005. Keep hope alive by maintaining a prayerful attitude and a joyful expectancy of miracles to happen. Know in your heart that we walk The King's Highway!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
