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"Hello, Central!" Are We Able To Re-Awaken Our Higher Abilities Now, Prior To 5D Ascension, And Do You Agree With My Scenario Of Coming Events?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ave given us the knowledge about who we are and where we come from, now it is our part to put on our walking shoes and go the path to Divinity.

This brings me to a certain point and I would like to hear/read your opinion about that:

As we know we people in 3D have lost most of our mental and spiritual abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, teleportation, time- and astral-travelling etc.

If those abilities partly break through, scientists call it a "paranormal sensual intelligence phenomenon".

But we - as the People of the Truth - know that it is a birth right of every single part of Creator Source to have those abilities and to use them to full perfection, provided that this happens in love and for good purpose without doing harm to anybody else or to act against free will of other parts of the Creation.

Kryon once said that we in 3D are carrying certain imprints which prevent us from regaining those abilities and that these imprints are necessary for completing our lessons in soul growth

My question is: Are we at this time already able to reawake those abilities in ourselves or will we have to wait until we finally have ascended into 5D?

Are we already allowed to claim our birth right and to ask the Lighted Realms for reanimation of this abilities? May we pray for this or would this be an unsuitable wish based on our selfish EGO?

I strongly assume that our lessons in soul growth that we have to learn here in 3D illusion are mainly over and that at least some of us are ready for the next step. Therefore I feel that there is no reason to keep our full consciousness and with this our abilities imprisoned for any longer.

What do you think? Would you agree with me? Or do you think that I am a bit "freaked out" when I think about this? Please take me back to ground if you feel that I am a bit too uplifted with those thoughts, dear brother.

In Love & Light


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----- Original Message -----

From: NG

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:08 PM

Subject: AW: The Magisterial Son

Dear Patrick,

Thanks a lot for your letter. I agree with you, I also miss clarity in most of Candace's messages, especially in those of the past two or three months. Not Being a native english speaker makes it even more difficult to get the significance from her words.

I also believe that that we are to have full knowledge restored rather soon. According to my sources this may happen any time from now on up to approximately September 2006, sooner to the ones, a bit later to the others, it will be a personal experience, just like soul growth is a very personal process as well. According to Metatron the restoration will come upon oneself like awakening from a bad dream. All of those who haven´t made their decision to accept their mighty I AM-presence or haven´t reached their discernment until the end of 2006 will remain in 3D-illusion up to 2008, when the final energy uplifting before Earth ascension will take place. This means that during this period we will experience a time of stagnation and it will seem to us that there are no further people willing or able to complete their lessons.

This is not to judge or punish them. The reason is that they will help to keep up the illusion for those who have decided to remain in 3D and not to ascend to 5D. Sometime in 2008 there will be another Convergence where the final stage will be set. Those who have decided to stay in 3D will then have to leave Earth Shan and will incarnate for their next lifestreams and lessons on the new prestine planet which is already waiting for them. For those who stay on Earth Shan to ascend with her this will be the moment to move to the chrystal cities of inner Earth or go aboard the starships while Mother Gaia will do her final preparation for ascension.

So, dear brother, after NESARA is announced, peace has been declared, first contact and the second coming have happened, our work will intensify and we will more than ever be challenged to help those not yet enlightened people to make their way. The big advantage is that we will have much more possibilities, more financial backings and less interference from the darkside which will make our work much more easier.

These are - in short terms - the events to occur within the next years, if my sources are correct and provided that I have received and interpreted properly.

Does this cover with your own expectations or do you anticipate something different to happen?

In Love & Light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 4, 2005


Dear NG:

We are all at various stages of soul growth, as well as having various contracts with Creator God to complete in this lifestream. I believe as you do that some will be allowed to reawaken their higher abilities well before reaching 5D as a planet.

With such abilities these people will be able to "pull" the rest of us along to higher levels of understanding and action. I can just see you dragging me along by my hair and shaking me to "get with it"! I believe that we can claim our birthright at any time that we have graduated personally to that level, regardless of the school grade others may be struggling to master.

We have the right to ask for these higher mental and spiritual abilities to be bestowed upon us and to move forward in our journey to perfection, when we are ready to do so. After all, we are Returned Masters. When we wake up we do not need to repeat lessons we have already learned in past lifestreams. We can move forward quickly to new levels of learning and achievement.

In an earlier letter you asked me about your understanding of the timeline of the next few years. I believe that things will move quickly in the next six months following NESARA, First Contact and The Second Coming. The Star People have said that in about six months the air, water and soil will be cleansed and brought into balance, and that starvation and poverty would be eliminated in two years or less.

I understand that the earth is presently at 12.5 Schumann resonance and the magnetic pole shift occurs when the Schumann resonance reaches 13. In percentage terms we are at 49.5% and the magnetic pole shift occurs when the balance in polarity passes mid-point and reaches 52%. In the past two weeks the change was five-tenths of 1%, which means we are fast approaching the 52% mark.

I also understand that due to the increasing speed of time and our calendar mis-calculations the year 2008 will actually be 2012 or the point of Earth Shan moving into 5D. Also, the magnetic polar shift will cause a ripple effect of the earth's surface, which will cause all low frequency buildings on the planet to crumble and collapse. This is part of the removal of 3D objects from Earth Shan, which are foreign to 5D living. It is possible that the magnetic polar shift could occur within the next few weeks following the Second Coming. This would seem reasonable due to the extremely high frequencies which will be achieved with the Second Coming of Esu Immanuel Sananda.

The Phoenix Journals say that full knowledge for the fully awakened would occur with the coming of the "Christ consciousness" at the Second Coming. Third dimension is now done, and we are seeing the sorting and the clean-up of it daily. I see those who have decided to remain in 3D leaving very soon. Many are already leaving, as indicated by the increase in funerals everywhere. Many are "dying to leave Earth Shan!" Sorry, I couldn't help that! I'm living to stay! I believe that things will be happening twice as fast as you are suggesting.

If I am right, hang on to your hat, dear brother! Isn't this exciting?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
