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"Hello, Central!" I Am FREE!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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hem be there, but they became stronger than me and I let them be in charge.) All I ever had, for 24 years were dreams or thoughts of ever being free from them. I have been part of the deliverances of many others and wished I could be free, but nothing worked for me. There were many times the black creatures, with my help, almost took my life.

I am very happy to declare that my dreams of freedom have come true! I have real peace, security, and quietness within me! They are GONE!!! Today I was excited about my deliverance and wanting to share it with the people in my life, but as I thought about how to share it with them I became sad when I realized that they could not understand to the extent that I wanted to express to them. But then I heard a voice saying, "It is not important that they understand. It is only important that YOU understand that you are free. They will see it if you live it."

I am ok! There is nothing wrong with me! I have quietness and a stillness within me! I am FREE! I have met with myself for the first time since I created the darkness within!

The peace and quietness that I have within me is undescribable. And I know that in the days to come there will be struggles with the black things, but I am keeping my peace.

I am greatful for all the help from the Spirit side and from Sunanda for deliverance. But I am most thankful for the people who went through the deliverance with me - they are precious. I don't know of anyone who would have come into my darkness and brought me out into the light. In the world today we need to hear reports of delivernace, but people have to want to be delivered from their own darkenss. I know anyone can have peace, but few know the peace that comes after being brought out of their own darkeness!

Come out of your darkenss, brethren, come out into the light! Thank you Patrick for listening. If I should come to mind in the days ahead, please feel free to send a prayer to support my way. I have a great network of people around me, but accept all the assistance I can get. Keep up the work you and your wife have been called to - it is all worth it in the end. You are blessed!!!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 28, 2007


Dear JR:

Thank you for your letter. I rejoice with you for your Divine deliverance from the evil energies and entities that have clung to you these many years. There is no greater feeling than that of having freedom and peace within.

You need have no further struggle with these Dark beings ever again. Order them removed from your space forever by the Forces of Light, and fill your space with the Heavenly Beings of Light. Never leave a vacuum to be filled with more Darkness. Ask Creator God to assist you in your order, and He will send legions of Angels of Light to assist you Also, order total and permanent protection for you and your family. Believe that you have it and you do. Doubt and you do not.

May you walk ever in peace and joy, that you are free!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer