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"Hello, Central!" We Need Christ To Be Saved, That's Why He Died On The Cross

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Baptism- Only to Those Believers (Acts 8: 37- 39) Infants are not ready!

Mary- Also a Human, God has no Beginning, Mary is not forever Virgin.

Faith- not by Works, (Eph 2: 8- 9) we cannot save our self, Jesus paid it.

Sure Salvation- (John 1:12) Christ Died for Eternity Faith & Grace.

Religion- Religion cannot save us, Christ is the way (John 3: 16).

The Church- Pure Gospel & True Doctrine, "Born Again in Spirit", Observing Churches, Money cannot take u to heaven, God Loves u, Search for the truth, Pls. Pray for those who killed in POSO.Fr: Bible Baptist ("Jesus Saves")

How to be saved? "Based on the Bible" (KJV 1611)

First: We are all sinners and Going to Hell. No Exempted

Second: We Need Christ to be saved, that's why He died on the Cross.

Third: Repent and ask Forgiveness, Accepting Christ as your Personal Savior

Forth: Live right in the Sight of God, And Obey the Bible "the Will of God".

Fifth: if accept Christ you are saved with Faith and you are sure that you are going to Heaven, you do need to do any work to prove that you are good, No good but God and you can sure your Salvation by the Grace of God

Bible: Read the Bible; do not rely on traditions.

Church- Go to Church that you will grow in Spirit and fellowship with Christians.

Pure Gospel and True Doctrines that your Faith is on Christ side.

Baptize- be baptized as Confession, and as following the Lords Command.

Preach- Tell How you been saved and God Changes your Life in Happiness and Peace.

God Bless you! And take time to pray. (Time is Life, Know where your Destiny is) "Jesus Saves", Bible Baptist Church and Mission in Pampanga

Religion cannot save you, Only Christ, He is waiting for you!!! Pls. Pass this to Others

Reminder from BJ



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 10, 2007


Dear BJ:

What is the point of dumping this nonsense about your bloody Christian Cult on me? You are truly sick, if you believe that you can murder a Truthbringer, Esu Immanuel, and somehow drink his blood and eat his flesh to remove all of your evil wrongdoing your whole life. How do you reconcile such foolishness with the words of the very one you (the Pharisees) tried to murder, "you shall reap that which you sow?"

"You shall suffer the consequences of your actions which are contrary to God's Laws and you shall reap the Divine benefits of understanding and obeying God's Laws" (Phoenix Journal 27, p. 45). Your Christina Cult is a scam to fool you into thinking that you have no responsibility for your own actions, that you are not held accountable for your wrong doing, that you are mysteriously "saved" from your sins! This is a great hoax to march you right into Hell itself, for not living the Laws of God and Creation.

Creator God created in order and perfection, and His Laws for the operation of Creation are absolute. The basic Law is the Law of Cause and Effect. There is a cause for every effect, and there is an effect for every cause. Therefore, you shall reap what you sow, my friend. All the lies of your "Holy Bible" cannot hide that Truth.

Like the ostrich when danger is approaching, you have your head stuck in the sand to feel safe. Because you cannot see the danger,you think there is no danger, therefore, you are safe. You think the Bible to be absolute Truth, for if you were to question any of the Bible, your whole basis for belief would crumble. Wake up, pull your head out of the lies, and see the light of Truth, Mr. Butt-in-Skies, before it is too late, and you are swept away with the whole Christian cult into the void.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer