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"Hello, Central!" How Can One Set Himself Free From Any Contracts With The Darkside? Also, How Can One Get In Touch With Your Inner Self And Heal From Within?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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wledge you have shared with people through you constant posts.

I'm sure you are aware of how it helps creat a betetr world.. so i will

not mention it :).

If a contract between an individual and the dark forces has been

created in front of the light as witnesses. How can one set him/her self free of the contract of all the negativity and darkness (wich has been afecting their entire being) and rise them selves to light?

Also i am often adviced to realise my self of attachments and negativity from with in and heal my self from with in.

Yet it sounds much easier than it really is... It seem's like everything i do to advance in to light works from out-in and not inside -out this goes for my rituals of light and spiritual sessions.

If you could advice me on how could i accomplish being intouch with my inner self and heal from with in, i would be highly greatfull..:)

How can one break completly free of all the contracts ..made with the darkness

Thank for your time and assistance :)


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 1, 2006


Dear SS:

Thank you for your letter and your kind words for our work. Thought

is the most powerful force in our world. It is the power of Creation By thought God (Creator Source) created Light and all that is. He gave

each of us a fragment of Himself, a spark of Light, our God Spirit within or our soul with the power of thought.

The Darkness holds no power over Light, over your God Spirit and your power of thought. Light never stands as witness to any contract of the Dark Forces. You have the power to break any contract with the

Darkside. It all begins with desire, the desire to do so. This is followed

by action. By thought you order the contract null and void, and it is so! Believe it and your order stands, backed by Heaven. Doubt, and it fails.

Use these words: I petition Creator God Aton of Light and so order through my God Spirit and my Mighty I Am Presence, that all contracts

I may have with the Darkside are now null and void. I order all Dark entities and energies completely and permanently out of my space. I

give permission to the Lighted Realms and request their assistance to make these petitions so. So be it! It is done!

Meditation is the key to getting in touch with your inner self or God

Spirit and Mighty I Am Presence. I suggest that you read Phoenix

Journal number 34 entitled "Phone Home, E. T. ( ) for more knowledge concerning meditation. I have also written an article in my People of the Lie series by the same title. (


My friend, it is by thought that the battle is won against the Darkness. The Truth shall set you free.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer