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"Hello, Central!" How Much Longer Will The Horrors Of These Dark Ones Continue?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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best of our abilities. Yet, watching another local soldier come home in a body bag; seeing people go under due to lack of adequate health care, etc....this is so hard. As Hatonn has said, there is no real visible evidence of change. He also said that he will not give dates.

What does all this really mean? How much longer will the horrors of these dark ones continue?

It always sounds like a major change is upon us but then nothing is seen.

Is July finally to be our time?

Please, anything you can share would mean so much to us, as we struggle to hold the fort.

Thank you.

Many Blessings



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 15, 2007


Dear R:

Everyone has their chosen pathway and soul contract with Creator God. Those, who choose to take up the sword, the gun or the bomb, run the risk of dying by the same means. Creator God tells us to not murder our fellowman, but people choose to be soldiers and train to kill others in foolish wars.

Some do so out of false patriotism, or vengeance, or due to mind-control, and some do so to fulfill their soul contract. Throughout our various past lifestreams we have all experienced many things, as both the victim and as the victimizer. It is Cosmic Law that whatever you do to others will be done to you for your lessons.

We feel badly for the families, who experience loss due to war or health problems, etc. because we have learned compassion and have a great desire to be of help in some way. This is still 3D and freewill reigns, so we do what we can to physically help those, who need help, and the others we help by sending them the Love and Light of Creator God Aton.

As Returned Masters, who have awakened to our mission, we know that we agreed to return at this time and help with Earth Shan's transition into 5D. We knew that it would not be easy, that we would experience the "horrors of these Darkones" as never before. We, also, knew that in the end the Light would win!

That is where we stand today. The Light has won! We know this in our hearts to be true, though around us is still the smoke of the lying media and the lying government, making our 3D vision unclear. July, 2007 is now well upon us, and I truly believe that sequence and timing have finally come together in Heaven's Plan.

I believe the NESARA Mission is to be completed yet this month of July, 2007 and even possibly this very week. World events are now shaping our course toward the end of war, respect for Mother Earth and equalizing the wealth of her people. Let us hold the fort to the very end of our mission.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer