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"Hello, Central!" Who Is Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Creator God?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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be the underlying mass conciousness uniting everyone and everything... to think that he/she (as im assuming is balanced in male/female energies) is in physical form. It seems to raise more questions than answers... for example if Gyorgos Ceres Hatonn is god, then why the need for the star-people guides on the ground at the moment? Wouldn't Hatonn know everything about everyone and everything anyway seeing how it's god? And wouldn't he/she have the kind of power to like snap his fingers and make things right in the blink of an eye? Or maybe theres still things im unaware off such as how free will can impact on

things, i guess Hatonn can't/or chooses not to impede against free will?? Lol sorry if my rambling sounds stupid, im still trying to wrap my head around it as i said. Is Hatonn like the be-all-end-all god incarnate or is this physical form of God like another lower aspect of God? Any light u can shed on this matter is greatly appreciated :).

I thought i would share a personal experience which happened today while at work, while contemplating the whole NESARA, first contact, second comming event, it is an incredibly exciting time and i want to participate more and im still trying to work out what part i can do to help spread the word without sounding like a lunatic. I guess ill be more readily able to help people come to terms with things once it has taken place and help people through the changes... Anyway while at work a song came on the radio which i took as a sign, and which i think would resonate with alot of light workers out there who are unsure of themselves or what they can do, it's called permission to shine - by Bachelor Girl (from Aus). I'll copy and paste the lyrics at the end of the email. I didn't send the song as i didn't know if u had an email account limit / time to download it or even / if u wanted to hear it as im sure your swamped with emails as it is. If u want it let me know and ill send it to you.

Once again thanx for everything Patrick, you do an amazing job as they said in the recent message, and you have a large impact upon many peoples lives. Its incredible the work you and the others do! Even taking the time to email people back lol.... thanx again for everything :).

In love and light


Permission to Shine - Bachelor Girl


Hey, what would you say

If I can't play the hero tonight

Cos lately I've been feelin' like

I can't get anything right

I've been fading into the woodwork again

And I'm feelin' like I just wanna hide

But guess what

I'm gonna try something just a little bit different this time

I'm gonna give myself permission to shine

I'm gonna shine so bright

Gonna make every head wanna turn

You're finally gonna see me

Give myself permission to shine

Gonna light up the night

Shine a little of my light on the world

I've been crazy

I've been holdin' myself back for so long

But I've got so much I can give

Don't wanna be afraid to be wrong

You know I'm not too good at too many things

But I've been gettin' real good at gettin' down on myself

But guess what

I'm gonna try to break free from this prison I"ve built

I'm gonna give myself permission to shine

I'm gonna shine so bright

Gonna make every head wanna turn

You're finally gonna see me

Give myself permission to shine

Gonna light up the night

Shine a little of my light on the world

Oh, that's right

I'm gonna try something just a little bit different this time

I'm gonna give myself permission to shine

I'm gonna shine so bright

Gonna make every head wanna turn

You're finally gonna see me

Give myself permission to shine

Gonna light up the night

Shine a little of my light on the world

(Give myself permission to shine)

I wanna light up the night

Shine a little of my light on the world


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 27, 2005


Dear AS:

Thank you for your letter, again for your kind words and for the poem. The words are most fitting.

I do not have all the answers but I shall try to enlarge your thinking about Creator God Hatonn. First, there is no perfection except at the Source. We have thought that the Higher Realms were in total perfection. Secondly, freewill is still a part of the higher dimensions. There is no choosing in higher dimensions between Darkness and Light because there is no Darkness, only Light. Therefore, there still are choices to be made within the Light.

Hatonn does not come to do it for us, but only to help. Lessons and contracts of those of us in 3D must still be honored, even though we have asked for and receive Divine help. Like us, the Star People are also here for their lessons in soul growth, as they offer their assistance to us. Change is not magic! Change must be done by cooperation of those of the Higher Realms with us in 3D.

The Forces of Light use no force and create no violence. They are here to help create situations where people must choose between Darkness and Light. The same holds true for Hatonn. He has all the abilities that you suggest, but he does not use them when we need to do it for ourselves.

The process of creating situations for our lessons of choosing is like a chess game. You create a situation by moving your chess pieces so that your opponent must choose the right move. The choosing and moving of the chess pieces, the sorting out, all takes time. That leads to our impatience at the delays in the desired outcome, for example, NESARA. Our frustration comes from the fact that we must live in real time, whereas there is no such thing as time in the Higher Realms.

You asked if Hatonn was a lower aspect of God. I will tell you something that very few people understand unless they are well read in The Phoenix Journals. For all these years Hatonn has used his name as a disguise. He said that when you finally understand who "Hatonn" is you will be enlightened. Hatonn said that he had "squeezed" himself down into fifth and fourth dimensions so he could communicate with us in third dimension.

There is a book entitled, "The Garden of Aton" by Nora Boyles. In her research Nora Boyles has found that in every language and culture on Earth Shan is found the word "Aton", and it always carries the same meaning of Creator God. Strictly speaking, in the English language the first and last letters of the word "Hatonn" are silent. The word "Hatonn" should be pronounced "Aton". Hatonn, then, should be understood as Aton or Creator God.

As Creator God of our Universe of Nebadon, Hatonn/Aton can take any form he chooses. He has chosen to come to us as a nine and one-half foot tall bald-headed Pleiadian Gray and commander of their Star Fleet. So be it! Who am I to question. I have worked with Hatonn for many years, and he is very real and a very personal friend. He can be the same for you. Not until we reach the level of frequencies and enlightenment of Creator God will we truly understand who is Hatonn.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

(Comments from DV)

----- Original Message -----

From: DV

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:28 PM

Subject: Religion’s Ability to Cloud the Issue….


I wanted to weigh in a bit on the thought that is quoted below from the letter from "AS" posted today on And it goes right to the core of our understanding of the word/title/concept of “god”…or “God”….

“…for example if Gyorgos Ceres Hatonn is god, then why the need for the star-people guides on the ground at the moment? Wouldn't Hatonn know everything about everyone and everything anyway seeing how it's god? And wouldn't he/she have the kind of power to like snap his fingers and make things right in the blink of an eye?”

I certainly don’t mean to be overly simplistic in my definitions, but literally EVERYONE who believes in “god”, “GOD” defines the personage differently. And all of these definitions come to us through the only context the human family has to make such distinctions: scriptures and the oral traditions of our fathers.

It is scripture that tells us the “god” is all-knowing, all-powerful, omniscient. The only way that our limited perspective can put arms around these concepts is to make them mystical….super-natural, something that “needs” to be worshipped.

Since I have begun my investigations into NESARA, the Phoenix Journals, and the many channeled messages from the many “masters” to the many messengers, it is hard not to make this all “mystical”. But, in fact, for most, it may be easier (and possibly more comfortable) to place all of this new information in the “hogwash” category when it doesn’t easily and naturally jibe with our established beliefs. To not understand something speaks more for the need to gain understanding than it does to remain confused, not knowing or in ignorance. This is where light is always better than dark.

You remember in a previous email to you that I mentioned (in philosophy) the two signs that govern intelligence? The first being the ability to critically examine the possibility that one is “wrong”, that what one believes is wrong, with the objectivity to remain open and peaceful in the process, and the second being able to examine the “diametrics” of an issue and remain calm and peaceful in the center. Both of these attributes are difficult to find in the rank and file religious or political person.

Each wants their posture to be the correct posture of belief or understanding. This necessitates that they are “right” while everyone else is wrong.

For me, as I have found in this new age… the need to critically examine the roots of my beliefs. I have found that it is necessary to drop my old definitions and understandings in favor of the possibilities of newer definitions and understandings.

And that is something that I believe is necessary at the dawning of this new “golden age”. To hold on to what one has believed for generations in the face of all of the evidence worldwide that our collective beliefs are largely responsible for the turmoil in the world is foolishness. Yes, we have been held captive to the dark forces, the dark side, yet why would we take “comfort” when we know that “good” things do not happen in the dark? Haven’t we had enough of “bad” things to want to choose the light regardless of the comfort level we need to give up to make that transition?

You would think that we have enough reasons to drop what we “know/believe” in favor of new enlightenment that will truly show us a better way.

To believe that “god/God” is all knowing, all-powerful and omniscient is too cheap in that it takes us out of the realm of our own responsibility to ourselves and each other as WE try to solve the overwhelming problems that face the human family.

I, for one, will choose to learn new things in favor of old things. I, for one, am ready to do things differently. A wise man once gave the definition of insanity as the “doing of things over and over again, in the same way, each time expecting a different result.”

So far, I have only sensed in all of my studies that the “god/God” Aton and Sananda have only called us to remember that we are one. I haven’t felt the need to “worship” them, nor have they asked for my worship. We are coming of age, being brought back to the realm from whence we came. Worship is a controlling principle. If they truly felt that the "need" for our worship, then they would be the ones clinging to old, outmoded beliefs that are part of the problem and not the solution.

It is time for us to drop the insanity in our clinging to old beliefs and understandings. We are about to move into a new age, one that heralds peace and love and joy. Let’s not take any of our centuries-old baggage into the light.

Peace, Love and Light…


