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"Hello, Central!" How Do We Finally Defeat the KZB World Leaders?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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s losing their power and control as no real evidence to the contrary has ever been provided on Fourwinds (other than basic generalized hearsay comments that headway behind the scenes was happening).

Where is the real evidence of their loss of power? Could you please help me with some more information as to how they are being "boxed in" as I don't see their loss of power, especially as they prepare to conquer Iran? You recently wrote that the white knights were having some power and greed problems and that some (Knights) were still standing. This doesn't sound like our Knights are "boxing in" the KZB.

I have been firm in my belief since the late 90s that Shan and her people would not make it out alive unless there was substantial DIVINE INTERVENTION. After reading every message on fourwinds for the last eight years my belief has unfortunately only been confirmed. Hundreds of scheduled NESARA announcements and delivery dates have come and gone with no success as the Darkside successfully interferes and now, there is no assurance that NESARA will ever happen. If they can stop our deliveries every time, doesn't this mean they are still in control?

As the twin towers collapsed, I was one of the few that was jumping for joy asI knew who was behind that "hit" (KZB) and my joy came from thinking that they (KZB) will never get away with this one. My joy came from knowing that the world would find out who was behind 9/11 and that would be their demise. I can't believe that six years have passed and the 9/11 planners have not been indicted, eventhough millions of people now know that our own government was behind 9/11. How can this be? How can the Bush criminals still be walking? The 9/11 cover-up proves my point and belief that the KZB is still in control and our 3D Knights don't have the horse power to defeat the KZB.

I've asked you several times before, how do we defeat the Darkside on Shan, and have yet to receive your answer but I'll ask one more time.

How do we finally defeat the KZB world leaders? What is being done by the Star People to help us out? What's the overall plan to remove the evil leaders? Deliveries and NESARA is useless until the KZB world leaders are removed. How will that be done Patrick?

Good Day,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Feb. 24, 2007


Dear JB:

Thank you for your letter and continuing question of "how do we finally defeat the KZB (Khazarian-Zionist-Bolshevik) world leaders?" Over the years that I have had contact with you, you have incessantly demanded on the spot physical proof of everything. Your attitude has been, "prove it to me or I won't believe it." You have failed to get off "first base" in your spiritual growth because of your lack of faith. My friend, you are stuck in 3D! You may have read everything on Fourwinds these past eight years, but you have failed to read that which is of the greatest importance, the Phoenix Journals. Had you read them and understood their message of faith, and the power within, you would not be asking these questions.

The Bible does have something to say about faith. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews l:1). By faith Abraham went out to a new land, not knowing where he was to go. By faith Sarah, his wife, bore a child, when she was well beyond child-bearing years. By faith our fore-fathers declared their independence from the King of England and birthed a new nation. By faith we do the impossible. Miracles do not happen by demanding proof of their success.

Miracles happen when we believe they can happen, without any 3D proof that we can make them happen. Why? Miracles happen when we cooperate with the Angels of the Higher Realms, and use our spiritual power, which we cannot see, to create something we can see. I have said to you many times that the Higher Realms will not do it for us, but they will help us, when we ask for their assistance, but first we must in faith take action to accomplish the impossible, believing, and knowing in our heart that the Higher Realms will help us to accomplish what would seem to be in 3D, impossible.

The NESARA Mission is just such an impossible task. First, you do not believe there is a National Economic Security and Reformation Act, because you have no physical proof of such. To actually accomplish such an Act is beyond your belief, because it demands the impossible, the abolishing of the Federal Reserve System, the Internal Revenue System, and basically changing the entire U.S. Government. Therefore, you doubt that this could ever happen, and you doubt the sanity of anyone, who thinks it could.

When I say that NESARA is a Divine plan for our time, it cannot be accomplished without the cooperation of our 3D people and the Star People of 5D and higher dimensions. The problem we have is convincing the 3D people responsible for the NESARA Mission to ask for Divine assistance. They are working against 4D spiritual forces of evil, that are determined not to allow goodness to prevail on Earth Shan. To accomplish the NESARA Mission they must overcome 4D power with 5D power. As 3D people they must tap into their 5D power source within and, through faith, request the help of the Angels, the Star People of the fifth and higher dimensions.

To suggest such a thing to most macho military or patriotic civilians immersed in the NESARA cause is to be declared a lunatic. They are determined to do it their way, and their way is through 3D thinking and 3D action, the "prove it to me" level of existence. Such 3D focus does not bring the assistance of the Higher Dimensions, and without their help against a 4D foe, victory will never be won. They have proven that, over these many months and years of trying to do it "their way!"

So, you ask, "how do we finally defeat the KZB world leaders?" "Not by power and might, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord". Have you heard this quote from the Bible, before? By faith Abraham went to a foreign land. By faith Noah built an ark in the desert. By faith Daniel walked through the lion's den, unharmed. Why? Because the Angels shut their mouths!

It takes a cooperative effort to accomplish the impossible in 3D. We can defeat the KZB, but only with the help of the Higher Realms. Do we have the faith to believe that? Do we have the knowledge of our power within to ask for Divine Help? You ask, "What are the Star People doing to help us out?" They are doing all they can! How much is that? They are doing all that we by our freewill choices are requesting of them. By Cosmic Law they cannot intervene in our affairs, unless we give them permission to do so. To do more would be to usurp our freewill.

The Darkside will be defeated by us, when we as a people decide to act to bring goodness to our planet, and request the Divine help of the Higher Realms to assist us to accomplish the task. It will not happen any other way.

Thus far, we have failed to do so. The other part of the story is that our host, Mother Earth, is preparing to do what we have failed to do. She will clean up our mess and save her life with or without our help. All evil must be removed from her for her to graduate into fifth dimension. Her graduation is at hand, my friend. That is the Plan!

With little time left to defeat the Darkness, does this mean that we have failed in our mission? No! Things could have been far worse on Earth Shan had the Lightworkers not stood firm against the Darkside. Did you complete your personal mission? Did you learn your lessons in soul growth that you came here to learn? Did you make a difference.?

Is our money in the bank and the announcement of NESARA more important than the lessons we learned in the process? Is not the Peace and Joy of knowing that we have "fought a good fight" more important than the whole of this third dimensional illusion? The Truth of the matter is that we are about to move on to other new and exciting and joyous experiences, and those of Darkness shall be rewarded, as they have chosen, according to their deeds.

May you gain wisdom from these words. Be in peace!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer