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"Hello, Central!" Why Are You Delaying NESARA by Giving Dates and Alerting the Dark Forces Of Our Plans? (Updated August 18, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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e Information. You are holding things up. Please stop giving dates, Concerned , Light Workers.



DATE: August 16, 2006


Dear L:

Why do you listen to the nonsense channelings from low level entities and fake messages? You should know by now that the Darkside has full knowledge of the plans and process of NESARA, whether it is made public or not. You should also know that by making public the NESARA progress and giving dates is a major way to focus our thought-power on these events and create the positive energy to make them happen. We have proven many times that "mass consciousness" can overwhelm the Darkside.

When the Lightworkers know specifically what to focus their thoughts on, their positive energy is far more effective and accumulative to the point of creating their desires. It is foolish for us as Lightworkers to be "kept in the dark" concerning the plans of our co-workers, who are carrying the NESARA ball to the finish line. How can we help them, if we do not know what help is needed?

The Light needs no secrets to win, ever, but the Darkness does.

Ponder this, my friend.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: T


Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:29 PM

Subject: Thanks!

I don't know about the other people, but I like to know what is going on!!! I'm not able to do much from where I'm at, but that doesn't matter. We do what we can from where we are. That is how it works! We all make mistakes, and ignoring the facts is not good! Too many are sticking their heads in the sand. There is an EXCELLENT country song on now, I need to wake up!! I heard it today and started crying. I've been 'awake' to what is going on for a while now, nearly 25 years so far. But I'm learning all the time. You never stop learning!

My point is this. WE NEED to know, the good, the bad, and even the ugly. And by you telling us the dates, it keeps me going, keeps me hoping. I get tired, and I need this job to end already! I don't know how much longer I can keep on keeping on!!! I'm 55 now! We were supposed to get this done, by pole shift, in 1984, according to Tuella. I incarnated to help with the Evacuation Process that was to happen before the shift.

Yes, people, this is taking longer. I know this! I've been here a long time, and one thing we learn is patience!!! Patience with the BS, patience with the well wishers, patience with people that give up when things don't happen to their ideas, patience with MYSELF (very important!), and most of all patience with the Galactics who keep on telling us "soon". I have learned to hate that four letter word!!! Soon was in 1984, already!!!

We all just do the best that we can. How can we hope to do anything else. I'm small scale compared to all you do Patrick. But we all have our place in "the Plan", and we are all important, even when we make mistakes and stumble.

But we need to remember that we cannot see the whole picture!!! They can!! So we have no concept of what needs to be done when, or where, or even how!!! How can we tell them to hurry up, when waiting might help someone else to choose the Light? How can we do a rush job and get it done right? We can't! I've made plenty of mistakes, but that is how we learn!! The hard way.

And if we don't know what is going on, we need to learn to take it in stride. We all have a lot riding on this. We need Peace now!!! But we also need to do this right!!! This is the ONLY chance we get to "Git 'er done!!!"

Bickering amongst ourselves doesn't help. Post the dates! Who cares!!!??? In the end, you have done the right thing! We all have.

Blessings to you, Bellringer. You have my admiration for your patience!!!



----- Original Message -----

From: "rus"


Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 1:47 AM

Subject: Contact Request From

From: R

Message: thank you, pat. your message about the dark already knowing what light workers are doing was great. please keep spreading the word!. most... read ...and hope. few.... respond to your messages.. ALL!! hope and pray.... I.. hope and pray. i wish you and anne the most life can offer. please dont stop. keep the beacon bright! take care teacher..........................we are learning.