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"Hello, Central!" Why Has The Truth Been Kept From Us, And The Illuminati Been Allowed To Control Us For So Long? Will Those Who Leave Now Be Kept Blind To The Truth?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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luminati to lie and control us for so long? I understand that suffering has great value as only through this suffering will Light be achieved. Is this the reason that Earth Shan's population has been left controlled by Dark lies, creating such immense global suffering? Has it all just been a soul lesson for Earth Shan and her people/animals?

2) Why, in the first place, were the universal truths kept from us? Was this a Divine soul experiment? And if so, was Lucifer's control over Earth Shan a planned part of this unfolding evolution of Earth Shan?

3) Those souls who will move to a new planet and start soul growth again (in cavemen type conditions) will they be kept blind to the truth of God and Creation? If so, wouldn't Lucifer gain control over that planet just as with Earth Shan? What would be the meaning of all this? Seems that so much energy is wasted in these battles when the Truth could have been shared with all Earth Shan humanity earlier?

Thank you Patrick, take care.

Much positive energy and love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 22, 2005


Dear K:

Thank you for your questions. It shall answer them in the order you asked them.

Q. 1: We have all agreed to go through this last Grand Experiment of conquering the Darkness without memory and without outside help. Because the Darkside cheated and brought in off-world 4D aliens to help them, Creator God has now allowed Divine Intervention by the Forces of Light to help us. It is no ones fault that this has gone on so long. This is an experiment, remember? In the process of winning, and we are winning, we have learned many lessons. The end of Darkness on our planet is here!

Q. 2: The Universal Truths are never kept from anyone. These Truths are always revealed throughout all of Creation, if we are willing to observe them. The Indigenous People know this very well. Lucifer was allowed to come to Earth Shan, as part of the plan. This became his jail planet, and we won against him. He has chosen to be no more (incinerated), and this has happened, much to our credit.

Q. 3: No! They return to live in nature to learn from Creation the Truth of Creation. Never is anyone placed as a rat in a maze. Freewill choices have always been the human problem, because we let ego dominate our choices, far too often. Truth has been given to everyone, but so many choose to avoid it, because in accepting Truth one is then responsible to live it and be responsible for one's actions.

Bad choices have constantly been a pattern for humanity, but we are finally learning. Know that the Light has won over the Darkness on Earth Shan! Know that the Darkness is leaving and will be gone from our planet forever! That's a long time.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
